Bonus Chapter: Jake Ending Part 3

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It's now Friday 5:30 AM, 4 days ago I broke up with Jake Moore. After that day he hadn't even attempted to talk to or call me. He was cold, just like when we first met. But should I expect anything less? He told me not to break his heart and I did...I was so scared of Nadine and what she would do that I didn't think for two seconds about how the breakup would make both of us feel. In retrospect I definitely regret the decision, but if it came to it I would have said it again.

I love my job, I've been doing it for so long...I don't know what I'd do without it. Jake just had to become a replacement model, he had to work at the same place I do. I don't know why Nadine doesn't support it. When I asked her why she said, "It's unprofessional and doesn't make a good work environment."

I sigh, currently I am sitting down in my room on the floor. My phone lays in front of me, and the luminescent screen reads 'Jake' on the top. It's not like I'm waiting for him to text me...maybe I am? I know he won't text me tho. 

The phone grows dim, I bring my hands to my face and close my eyes. Reminiscing of the short time we had together, I really can't stop thinking about him. As the phone screen shuts off my eyes begin to close, before I knew it I had dozed off on my bedroom floor.

"Hey Breanna?" Logan taps me cautiously, "What are you doing on the floor?"

I let out a grunt, signaling for him to go away.

"Come on it's 7:00 in the morning and mom told me to call you," Logan sighs.

I grunt again as Logan begins to pull me off the floor. I get up and face him a scowl on my face.

"Wow, you look like offense," he snorts.

I push him out of my room in reply, time for school I guess. I trudge over to my bathroom, brushing my teeth and splash cold water on my face. I don't even bother to put the wig on correctly, I grab my glasses, throw on sweatpants, an oversized t-shirt, a pair of moccasins, and my phone. 

I head out of my room and don't even bother grabbing any thing to eat, I just head to the car and drive to school. The sooner I can get this day over with the better.

As I sit in my car I slowly hear more people arriving. My phone vibrates and I quickly grab it, but my small spark of hope dimmed immediately when I saw that it was just Nadine.

Nadine: Shoot next week has been rescheduled to today. 5:30 I'll text you the address later. Don't be late, this one will definitely be on the front of Teen Vogue. Jake will be there too, just letting you know.

I don't even bother to reply, great now I have to see him. Getting out of the car I rush into the school heading to my first class. 

"Good morning everyone," the teacher says in a monotone voice.

I turn to the window and stare outside, spacing out.


"Breanna? My class is over." the teacher says, "I have another class and your sitting in this girls seat."

I look up at the teacher and nod, grabbing my backpack I tread out into the hall. 

I see Becca and Megan heading my way, "Hey Breanna? We've been calling you, why haven't you been talking to us."

"Sorry guys, there is just a lot of stuff happening," I fake a smile.

Megan stares at me, I could tell she didn't believe me, "Ok, but we are definitely talking when it's such time."

I nod but instead of heading to my next class I leave the school through a side door. I decided to get some fresh air, I feel like I'm suffocating in there...I'm so on edge. So this is it, this is how it will be without him. I don't think I'll be able to stand this for much longer.

I walk around the school building to the football field, head to the bleachers and sit down. This is it, this is where I'm gonna let it all out. 

I burst out into tears, I don't want this to be it, I don't want it to be over. 

"Please," I sob, "I love you Jake Moore, I haven't been happy without you."

I hear the bell ring and sniffle, rubbing my eyes I get up. I felt a little better after that small crying fest. 

Time for lunch, I have to explain what's happening to my best friends, I've been able to keep it from them for 4 days. I can't drag it on anymore, it will probably feel good to let it all out.

I slowly walked to the lunchroom door entering the school building slowly. Good thing they let people sit outside during lunch, looking around I spot Megan and Becca sitting at our usual table. I trot over to them quickly and sit down.

"You look like shit," Becca smiles.

I scowl.

Megan nudges Becca with her elbow, "What she meant was, you don't look your usual."

I nod, "I broke up with Jake."

They sit there in silence, astonished enough to say nothing.

"Wow, didn't see that one coming," Becca shrugs, "How did this happen?"

I start off my story from the TMZ report on TV and continue to now. They both listen intently nodding in between the small pauses I make to assure they are listening. After I finish I take a deep breath, it feels like a boulder has been lifted off my shoulder.

Megan shakes her head, "You've been going through all this by yourself, why didn't you tell us?"

I shrug, it's not like I didn't want to. I just wasn't ready, me in this horrible  physical and mental state is not what I want people seeing.

"Well, to be honest, I think you have to realize what you want more..." Megan continues, "As long as you're working under Nadine, there's no way you two are getting back together."

Becca nods in agreement, "Sorry Breanna we can't help you as much right now, this is kind of a solo battle. But we will support whatever decision you make with all our heart."

I smile, this isn't really what I expected but I'm glad they understand.

My phone vibrates on the lunch table. 

Nadine: Mount Louisa, don't be late.

Breanna: Thats like an hour away.

Nadine: Ok and? Any problems?

Breanna: No ma'am

As I shut off my phone the bell rings signaling the end of lunch, 3 more classes then I'm out of here. The only bad part is that my next class is with Jake.


Love y'all

As Always:
('• ω •') ♡

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