Bonus Chapter: Jake Ending Part 2

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(Breanna POV)

"This just in, model Anna Hall is now getting all snuggly with Jake Moore!" the TMZ reporter says, "Who knew their job would lead Anna wanting Moore, photographs were recently seen with the two together, a little close."

I groan, of course the paparazzi would find out sooner or later. I wasn't ready to tell anyone...not even Nadine, who I knew specifically would not support out relationship. It has been 2 weeks since Jake and I started dating, only a few people actually knew about it. We decided to keep quiet about it, since it is a big thing for the press.

"Hey hun, you gotta go to school," my mom whispers.

I groan, the thing is Jake and I weren't technically a couple at school. Since nobody knew I was actually a model and Jake didn't want to pull attention towards me we decided to keep our distance at school. Sometimes we'd sneak around into empty classrooms or the janitors closet but that's it.

"Common Breanna, you gotta go," my mom pats my head.

I stand up, "Yah mom I know, see ya." I continue to school in Mr. Ugly just waiting for the day to end so that I could be with my boyfriend.

As I exit the car Megan and Becca arrive storming me with questions.

"Breanna it's on the news!!!" Megan yells.

"OMG Nadine is gonna freak!" Becca screams.

I shake my head, "Please don't make this a bigger deal than it has to be, they were going to find out eventually."

They nod in unison as my phone rings. I look down to see Jake's caller ID.

"I need to take this, see you after class?" I mumble while answering the call.

"Hey babe," Jake says I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Hey, you at school yet?" I ask.

"Yah, wanna meet me at my car?" he questions.

I don't know what he is thinking, shouldn't we not be around each other at school. But I want to see him, "Be there in a minute."

I walk at a fast pace with my head down hoping nobody notices me.

"Woah, slow your role there before you hit someone Bri," Jake laughs holding me by the shoulders.

"Sorry," I mumble my head still looking down.

"You ok?" he asked in a worried tone.

I reply, "Did you watch TMZ this morning?"

Jake smiles, "That's what you're worried about, don't worry Bri it will pass."

I frown, "Nadine will kill me, she might even split us up."

"We'll cross over that bridge when it comes," he pulls me in for a hug.

"Hey Moore why you hugging that nerd?" Jason asks pulling Jake into a headlock.

I back away, I could feel me face turning red. This is not good, looking around I could see people begin to stare.

"Common man, not a good time," Jake face palms.

I quickly make a b-line for the school doors, to distance myself from the unwanted attention. When I reach my locker my phone vibrates.

Jake: See you at the shoot ok Bri :)

I turn off my phone and head to class, I wasn't really anticipating the photo shoot now.


I hear the final bell ring, this is it, Nadine is going to freak. I enter my car and head home to quickly change my appearance and car.

The Undercover Model (Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant