Ch. 21 I Like You? (Edited)

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(Breanna's POV)
I also step closer so that our face are 5 inches apart. I look into his eyes and he leans in, I also lean in, I can feel his breath. We get interrupted by a car passing by that honks at us and quickly speeds by. I quickly pull back smiling as we make eye contact, talk about awkward, he scratches the back of his head and I wave him goodbye as he enters his car and leaves.

I enter the house and quickly run up to the room and open my laptop. I click on Becca and Megan numbers and quickly FaceTime them, they answer immediately.

"Hi," I squeal.

They look at me with weird faces and I tell them all about my date with Ashton.

By the end, they were the ones squealing.

"Girl, soon you gonna have a man," Megan says in a sassy tone.

"I know right!" I say sighing thinking about Ashton.

"I wanna see this man, to tell if he is good enough for you," Becca says looking skeptical.

I take out a picture we took with each other in the car and show it to them.

"I don't know, doesn't he look like the player type," Becca says looking at the picture.

"That's what I thought at first, but he is a total softy," I say to them.

"He told me he loves sports and that he is also a part-time actor for a few shows on Nickelodeon," I sigh, "Then he told me I would find out more when we go on more dates."

"That's cute, and I ship it, more than I shipped you and Jake," Megan says smiling.

"Wait, Me and Jake! who thought of that disastrous ship," I laugh.

"I did," Becca said in amusement, "I still like Jeanna more than Bashton."

I scowl and tell them I have to go to bed tomorrow is Monday and it was back to my dreadful nerd life at school.

"Before you go do you mind sending me the picture of Ashton?" Megan and Becca say at the same time.

I look at them skeptically, "First of all no Becca I will not send you the picture so that you can look him up and stalk him."

"I was just trying to make sure he matches the description he gave himself," she pouts, "Well, I still know his full name so I can still check."

I laugh, "Ok, and Megan if you want to drool over this guy I might send you the picture."

"Yaaaay," she exclaimed.

"But if I send it to you, you have to promise me you won't send it to Becca," I say looking at her in through the screen.

She hesitates for a second she says, "Fine."

"Good," I say, "See you guys tomorrow."

I click the end bottom and throw my laptop on my beanbag chair, almost missing. I quickly take a shower then brush my teeth and jump into my bed. I set my alarm and set a reminder for myself to go to the gym to work off the food I ate today. Then I closed my eyes and drifted into a deep sleep.


(Jake's POV)




I quickly reach my hands to my alarm clock and turn it off.

Uggggghhhh, Monday whyyyy. I hear my mom walking to the door, she opens it, "Jake, time for school get your arse up so you won't be late."

"Mom, can I skip today," I scowl.

"Nope, today isn't a skipping day," she says.

I get up and shoo my mom away, I take a shower and put on some clothes from my closet.

Hmmm...speaking of which I think I should call that Breanna girl to clean my room maybe, I feel it would be kind of awkward but as long as my room is cleaned.

I head downstairs and I am greeted by the smell of waffles, strawberries and a hug from my little bro.

"Hey, Danny," I said patting his head.

"Goob Mormim," he says with a bunch of waffles in his mouth.

I let go of Danny and set my stuff down at the table I grab two waffles holding them with my mouth and leaving kissing my mom goodbye and rubbing Danny's head.

I hop into my Mustang and drive to school picking up Jason on the way since he was grounded for changing his pool water to beer. Man, he is hilarious, but sometimes he can get a little too out of hand.

We drive to school and I park the car walking out with Jason, first thing I think about is a certain girl that has been through my mind for a while. That girl that I kissed at a party, I don't want to be all mushy or anything but that kiss felt like it was meant to be. Also that she reminds me of Nerd Breanna they seemed pretty similar, but maybe I am just imagining it.

When I saw her at the movies I was pretty amazed that she would be there the day I actually went to work with Jason. When I tried to talk to her she said it was just a game, maybe she didn't feel the sparks I did but I will get her. Even though she was on a date with Ashton, one of the purest people according to Jason.

"Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake!" Jason brings me out of my daze, "Hey Jake that's Breanna nerd girl over there do you have any business to do with her today?"

"Ya, I actually do," I say walking towards her.

She see's me before I get to her and goes wide-eyed. Then she sprints inside the school, Jason volunteered to go get her but I wasn't in the mood.

"I'll talk to her later," I say to Jason who just wanted to have some fun.

We walk inside, the whole hallway parted for us and a few of me and Jason's friends walk to us. As we walk Jason gets distracted by a cheerleader who was admiring him from her locker. He leaves the group to go talk to her.

I and the rest of the gang start walking to class, I would ditch but mom would know. Thankfully it was Biology, which I kind of like since the teacher is lazy AF and doesn't bother me.

It was pretty boring and everything so we're the rest of the classes until gym came this was one of the best classes. Also, Jason and Breanna were in this class so I can kill two birds with one stone.

Sorry haven't posted in more than a week, I am super lazy 😂😅😅😆

As Always:

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