Ch. 54 Our End

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Hi, I know it's been so long and honestly I have no excuse, I didn't procrastinate I just couldn't soccer, track, school, it's all jumbled into a ball of taking up all my time. But I know some people like this book so I'll try my best.

(Ashton's POV)

I am driving home thinking about what just happened, honestly it was all just a blur. All I know is that Breanna said she would be my girlfriend.

I hum a tune while switching lanes, the traffic on the highway is busier than usual, the traffic is clearing up and it is getting easier to drive. I can see in the distance that there was an accident, a blue BMW was flipped over to its side. As I gaze at the car I can see an ambulance and a woman stuck inside the car. The police were trying to pry the door open since it looked to be jammed in the car.

I look closer into the car to see the familiar face of the woman. At the moment I couldn't move I just stood there staring at the bloodied figure unconscious laying in the driver's seat.

My vision started to blur as I swerved off the road tears threatening to fall out of my eyes. I know men shouldn't cry but I just had too. 

"Mom!" I scream when I get to the car.

"Please sir step away from the vehicle!" the officer says shaking his head.

"I can't this is my mother!" I touch her head which seemed to be very cold, her face was slowly turning pale. "We need to get her out NOW!" I yell.

"Mr. step away!" the officer pushes me and I fall to the ground.

I watch as they pry the door open and carefully lift her out of the car.

They load her in the ambulance and I hop into my car and follow it.


"Where is the room of  Kathy Drey?" I quickly ask the receptionist tapping my foot.

The bored look on her face told me that she did not want to be there. "Sorry sir bu-" I stop her before she could continue.

"Mom!" I see the nurses wheeling her into a room, I quickly sprint and follow.

I enter the room where she was taken but the doctor quickly pushes me out, saying that I could come in after the inspections.

I take this time to sit down in one of the waiting rooms. I try to ease into the chair but the cushions weren't soft and my anticipation was killing me.

"You ok man?" a guy in a blue sweater asks looking me in the eye.

"Ya!" I say sarcastically, "Just peachy."

He tries to ask me more questions and I just ignore him and focus on my mother.

The memory of her pale, cold, and bloodied face flashes through my mind. My breath gets heavier as I think of these things, soon enough my breathing is unstationary and my breaths become louder. 

"Ashton Drey?" a doctor comes in.

I jump out of my seat eager to check on my mom and how she is doing. "You may come into your mom's room now."

I rush over and practically broke the door open. The sight I saw was not a pleasant one, my mother's face wasn't bloody but it was still pale. The heart rate monitors beeped quietly as the factor stood there behind me observing my every movement.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask.

"Thankfully, no injuries and she doesn't have a coma," the doctor explains, "Actually she will be back to normal in about 2 days."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. A small smile appearing on my face.

"There is only one problem," the doctor frowns.

"What's that?" I turn to him.

"This accident was on purpose," the doctor shakes his head like he was contemplating whether to tell me or not.

"Someone did it on purpose?" I was curious, my mom is nice no one would ever want to harm her.

"This accident was a suicide attempt," the doctor sighs.

At that word my heart shattered.

(Jake's POV)

What did I just do?

I walk into my house throwing my keys on the table and faceplant into the couch cushions. 


"Jake!" my mother yells back.

I didn't even want to say sorry. 

I turn onto my back and pick up my phone. 2 missed messages....from Jason. I open my phone and text him. Then I scroll down to a familiar name and click it, her profile pic as silly as ever. I click on message and type: Breanna really I am so sorry, this doesn't mean you should break up with Ashton but please can you reconsider your friendship with me, I love you.

I hesitate on the last part but instead of hitting send I delete the text and shut off my phone, lying face down on my face.

"Jake?" someone taps on my shoulder.

I look up to see my little brother smiling down at me.

"Hey what's up Danny?" I ask picking him up after moving from the chair.

"Where's Ranna?" he asks kicking his feet.

It took me a moment to notice what he was talking about. "Oh, Breanna won't be visiting anymore," I explain to the little guy.

"She was the only girl you brought home that we liked and you didn't sleep with," my mother walks putting up her hair.

"Where are you two going?" I follow my mother as she sprints to put her shoes on, also grabbing Danny's while she was at it.

"One of my old friends just got in a car accident and I am gonna go and check on them with Danny. Wanna come?" asks my mom.

I shrug I don't have anything else to do unless I want to mope around and stuff my face in our couch cushions.

"Sure, I'll go," I answer.

"Hurry up and put on your shoes, we will meet you in the car," my mom yells.

I put on my shoes and jog into the passenger's seat of the car, and my mom starts up the car and we start heading out.



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