Ch. 52 Some Tips

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 Liza Koshy A.K.A Natalie Jude is going to remake her appearance in the book, guys. I put a clip of her up there because she is iconic. I was gonna put on the pole dancing one but I didn't know if it was allowed so imma do it at the end.

(Breanna's POV)

I rub my head as I get up from the bed, I smile remembering spending time with my brother yesterday, and him asking out that girl. Looks like he officially has a better love life than me, I sigh rubbing my head and looking at the time, 6:30 thirty minutes to get ready. I would skip but if you haven't noticed I have been skipping school and work a lot more. In fact, I haven't been to work since two weeks ago, the calls from Nadine are getting more overwhelming but I am still not going today.

I get up and go through my morning routine almost forgetting that I was supposed to dress like a nerd. Knowing how Jake, Megan, and Becca are going to question me about everything I think I am going to lay low today, maybe eat lunch in the car, but Jake is in my A.P. History class so there is no avoiding him there. Also, they are all in my gym class.

I get out of the garage and as the guards open the gates and make my way to school. As soon as I get there I park my car and quietly exit it tiptoeing into the school and hiding behind crowds of people. 

I have five classes, art, A.P. History, gym, Sign Language, and Anatomy. I enter art quietly and sit down, then someone else walks in and heads to the teacher. 

"Hi, my name is Natalie Jude and I  just transferred here from...a different school," she says to the teacher and smiling. The teacher smiles and tells her to take a seat. she looks around and spots me, her face lights up with delight. She sits down next to me.

"Breanna that's you right?" she whispers in my ear.

"How did you know?" I frown.

"I can spot any face from miles away," she smiles.

I nod and start listening to the teacher about drawing foundations, and soon enough the class ends.

I walk out totally forgetting about Natalie until she yells at me, "Hey wait up!"

I look back scolding her with my eyes to tell her not to yell, but she did not get the gesture. She keeps yelling and draws attention to herself, and worst of all me. When she reaches me I quickly pull her into the bathroom silently cursing.

"Please don't yell like that,' I scold, " I am trying to keep it low-key today."

She nods understandingly, "So what class do you have next."

"A.P. history," I tell her as we walk out the bathroom.

"Oh great I have that class too, maybe all our classes are the same," she says calmly.

I smile knowingly and we walk into A.P. History together, I sit in my seat and she sits next to me.

As we wait for the class to start Natalie compares her schedule to mine saying we have all our classes together except Sign Language.

The teacher walked in and the lesson started, I listened and took notes until the class ended. Then after we ate lunch and I went to gym class with Natalie. Thankfully Megan was sick so I didn't have to worry about her, but Becca is a whole other story. I am changing as Becca slides under my stall to talk to me, talk about desperate.

"Becca! You almost scared the shit out of me," I say putting my shirt on.

"Ya, good good, so who did you pick?" she asks bluntly.

"I don't want to talk about it," I say opening the stall door and getting out.

"Common Breanna I am your best friend, NOW TELL ME!" she yells.

"Becca just because your my best friend doesn't mean I wanna tell you," I answer.

She scoffs and walks away mumbling.

"What was that about?" Natalie asks appearing from a stall.

"That is my best friend," I sigh shaking my head.

"Let's go," she says dragging me out of the locker room. Most of the girls were already in the gym and the gym coach was already yelling. 

"Today we will be playing soccer (football if in other countries)." the coach yells.

We get separated into teams which seem to be pretty fair and head outside. Natalie is walking next to me smiling, "I love soccer!"

"Hey, haven't seen you around how's it going baby?" I hear someone ask probably to Natalie.

She turns around and so do I and we see Jason Posten the man-whore himself trying to hit on Natalie.

"First of all don't call me baby, cause I'm sure you have real ones crawling around, and second of all I don't talk to whores so BE GONE THOT!" she yells.

I laugh and follow her as she walks onto the soccer field, not gonna lie that was a good comeback.

Soon enough we start soccer, Becca and I were on opposite teams and you could see the glint in her eyes as she looked at me. the game was intense but overall the other team won 6-4.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" Jake appears in front of me as I am about to enter the locker room.

I nod impatiently.

"So I was just wondering wh-" I cut him off.

"If this is about you and Ashton please don't," before he can say anything I walk away.

I enter the locker room ignoring all the weird stares I get and change. The bell rings and I head out to Sign Language and after that Anatomy.

When the day ends I speed walk to my car before anyone could stop me. "Hey Breanna, can you give me a ride home!" Natalie yells.

I smile, "Sure!"

She enters the car and we drive off.

As she gives me directions we talk, "So whats bothering you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I try and play dumb.

"Don't play dumb with me, if you want when we get to my house you can come in and we can talk," she says.

I nodded not wanting to speak but this really is what I need, and I also want to get these dumb braces out of my mouth.

"But just to warn you I think my boyfriend is home too," she smiles.

"Is that a bad thing?" I ask.

"No it's just that David can be a little...too much," she says.

I pull up into her driveway and we exit the car, the house looks quite modern and comforting. When we enter I finally understood what she meant by too much.


Thanks for reading and for the support here is a video of Liza A.K.A Natalie Jude trying to pole dance.

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