{ CHAPTER 35 }

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Pro tip when arguing with a brat over a candy:


Unless you have legs like Usain Bolt, then maybe you have a chance of outrunning the said brat's dad.

Sora panted and huffed, leaning against the brick wall of an alleyway. The buff dude chased her around the town for a reaaaaally long time, and Sora was sure that she'd already toured around the whole island by now thanks to him.

Despite the fact that she was out of breath, Sora felt a tick mark pop out of her head.

She wasn't able to get a candy. Damn it.

The girl clicked her tongue and closed her eyes, trying to even her breath. She lost the guy while veering through food stands along the streets. Since he was pretty big, he had a hard time squeezing through. The thought made Sora feel smart and she let out a short laugh.

Later on, she pushed herself off the wall and adjusted the cloak again, making sure that her head and face were covered.

Turning to her right, Sora headed towards the other end of the alleyway, determined to not run into the big buff dude again.

The brunette thought of her crew and frowned. Now that she was here, she really needed to find them ASAP. As if that wasn't obvious enough.

The question was, how?

Cairon said the raft will lead her to where she wanted to be, all she had to do was think. Sora thought about her crew, and that's it. And where did it lead her? To this no-name island.

Now, she had absolutely no idea what to do. Sora never thought she'd reach this far, actually. She was never the planning type to begin with. Well, sometimes, she would plan out, but mostly her plans were the type that sent people not wanting for her to do the planning anymore.

The brunette reached the end of the alleyway and looked around. The villagers were still bustling around here and there.

If fate permits it, we'll meet again. She thought. If not, then... well, shit. Too bad.

Sora turned left and started walking. Did I mention she was hungry? No? Well, fun fact: She was.

Sora groaned out loud and held her stomach, as if that alone would be sufficient to stop the rumbling.

Where is money when you need it?

Law walked out of the bookstore with a grim aura.

The books were too expensive.

He thought, shoving his hands into his pockets while continuing down the street. Yes, expensive books. The biggest fear of poor book nerds. Tsk tsk.

Law looked around him, taking the​ time to observe the village. While wandering around the bookstore, he asked one of the clerks when the log sets. Looks like they'll be leaving around before sunset.

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