Alone Without Her

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"Come on, Katsuki! I wanna play on the swings!"

Katsuki grinned. "Race ya!" He immediately took off, with (F/n) right next to him. She leaped onto one of the swings, her leather-covered hands grabbing onto the chains.

"I win!" The girl yelled, turning around to see Katsuki jump on the other swing. They both sat down, rocking back and forth.

"Hey, Katsuki..."

The blonde looked at (F/n), watching her smile turn into a frown. "I need to tell you... I... I'm moving away. To another country." She said.

That simple statement turned Katsuki's world upside down.

"Wait, you're leaving? Where?!"

(F/n) frowned more at his question. "A place called A-mur-i-ca. Mommy said we're going to stay with daddy."

The boy watched as (F/n) fiddled with her fingerless gloves, the ones that Katsuki and his parents got her for her third birthday. It was originally a joke, and the gloves were meant for a young adult, but (F/n) loved them so much her mother had pinned them so they fit.

"When are you leaving?" Katsuki asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

"Next week," She mumbled. The look on her face held more disappointment than a four-year-old should hold. "You're the only one who knows, but don't say anything to anyone, okay?" (F/n) held out her hand and lifted a tiny finger. "Pinky promise?" Katsuki frowned but wrapped his finger around hers with a nod.

The next week arrived too fast. Now, (F/n) and her mother stood in front of the Bakugou family, a bittersweet atmosphere in the air.

"Well, this is it," (F/n)'s mother said, holding her daughter's shoulders affectionately. "We're going to miss you all." Katsuki looked at (F/n), but her head was turned away. After a couple moments she looked up and walked over to him. Tears threatened to fall out of her eyes, but they didn't.

"When you become a hero, and I see you again," She smiled as she placed a pin in his palm, "I want you to wear this pin so I know for sure it's you!" Although she smiled, Katsuki heard her voice tremble, and then the dam broke. (F/n) hugged her friend close as she bawled and he hugged her back, swiping away at any tears that went to fall. When she pulled away, she sniffled and held her pinky out. "Become a hero, okay?! Pinky promise!"

With no hesitation he wrapped his finger around hers. "I will!"

After a couple minutes, (F/n) and her mother were walking towards the airplane. (F/n) and Katsuki waved to each other until they were out of sight.


He had been alone ever since she left.

Katsuki didn't have friends; he had followers, kids that were so amazed with him that they idolized him.

Originally, he thought it was cool. He was cool; that's what he practically thrived on. But at the end of each day, he would take the pin off and stare. He wanted his friend back. He wanted to not be alone.

But with his attitude and personality, he knew that there was a low chance of that.

(F/n) never contacted him, but then again, they never really had a way to talk to each other. He didn't know (F/n)'s address and she (from his knowledge) had no social media. It was upsetting. Was he not important enough? Did she find new friends? Did she find a boyfriend?

The thought had hit him in the middle of class one day, just one week before everyone graduated to high school. After all these years, Katsuki still wore the damn pin. It felt like an obligation; a weight he had to bear. And anyone, anyone who made fun of it regretted being born. He hoped that she still had the gloves. They would fit her correctly now...

When the bell rang for the weekend, Katsuki slung his bag over his shoulder and headed home. Alone. Just like he'd been doing for what, almost eleven years now? Katsuki grumbled at the realization and kept strolling home. When he arrived, he ignored his mother (as usual), threw his bag onto the floor of his room (as usual), and glanced out the window.

The same pathetic routine every damn day. He just wanted someone to spice up his life, maybe help him control his temper.

And that's never gonna happen, Katsuki grumbled again at his thoughts as he flopped onto his bed, not giving two shits about changing or eating.


"What do you want? I do not let people in for minuscule reasons, and I do not like people wasting my time. Speak."

The woman sitting at the front of the room frowned as she listened to the man in front of her. The matter he spoke about was certainly of great proportions. When the man finished speaking, he looked up to meet the woman's gaze. She had a smirk on her face as she inhaled from her pipe.

"My, my. It seems this was not a waste of my time. My question is, what's the catch?"

The man told her, and she frowned again. "I do not like that. Will there be protection?" He nodded. She exhaled, smoke blowing into the air.

"We have a deal then."

Pin of Heroes, Pin of Love (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now