Struggle of Belief

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This child has been abused for the sake of this guy's power. Disgusting.

If Eri wasn't sitting in her lap, (F/n) would've snarled. Two days with Overhaul and (F/n) quickly learned his ways: take, never give; never care who gets hurt in the process.

Even as a villain, that's disgusting. At least the League of Villains had some sort of moral code; considering they were all sons of bitches.

"(F/n)-san?" Eri called, looking up. (F/n) snapped out of her thoughts and looked down, gently threading her fingers through the young girl's hair.

"Yes, Eri-chan?"

"What's it like, being free?"

(F/n) opened her mouth and promptly closed it, caught entirely off guard by the question. "...I wish I could tell you, Eri-chan, but I don't even have an answer to that."

"Of course you don't."

With an annoyed sigh, (F/n) glanced up at Overhaul. "Oh? So what do you magically know about my life, huh?"

Overhaul narrowed his eyes. "Enough. Enough to know that you carry a significant amount of baggage on you," he said, "Some that your old classmates don't even know."

(F/n) hesitated before asking: "And what would that 'some' be, huh?"

Pacing the room briefly, Overhaul motioned for Eri to leave the room. She looked up at (F/n) with worry before getting off (F/n)'s lap and running to the next room. (F/n) turned her focus back to the villain in front of her. "Well? Spit it out."

"How about the fact that your so-called father- Rib-Man- wasn't really your father?"

After a brief moment of processing, (F/n) snorted condescendingly. "I thought I put on a convincing enough act, too. What gave it away?"

Overhaul rolled his eyes. "It wasn't you or your 'acting'. It was more of the fact that the real Rib-Man turned villain years ago."

"Ding ding ding!" (F/n) laughed, putting one leg on top of the other. "Duh. I knew that. But I had to seem like he was my father. After all, no one knew he had turned villain. It'd be wrong for his daughter to not react to his 'death', no?"

"If that's the case, why bother moving to Japan?"

"Better question: Why do you seem so interested in me?" (F/n) asked. "It's kinda creepy."

(F/n) wasn't sure, but she thought she saw amusement cross his face. "You really want an answer to that?" he asked. She swallowed hard before nodding.

"Because you're... different," he said, the word sounding menacing from his lips, "And I like that. Your Quirk isn't a plague. It isn't your godsend, it isn't your disease... It's just a tool for you to use." His gloved hand roughly grabbed her chin, and he tilted her face up. "It's perfect. Fitting."

Even in the situation she was in, (F/n) felt a grin come across her face. "I do believe this is harassment in some way, Overhaul."

"Call me Chisaki. And I haven't done a thing, unless you're asking for it."

I am in a bad situation! I have a boyfriend! That's my age! I don't even know how old he is!

"I'm not asking for a thing, Chisaki," she sneered, pulling his hand off her chin. "But I thought you hated humanity."

"Guess I've made an exception today, then."


"...Izuku? Izuku, can you hear me?"

Izuku jolted upright in his bed, looking around for the voice before realizing it was directly in his ear.

Pin of Heroes, Pin of Love (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora