Epilogue: Things That Change, Change Nothing

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 Things had changed, and yet barely anything had changed at all.

"Katsuki, stop leaving your coffee cans on the floor! We have a trash can for a reason and I'm not your damn maid!"

"Dammit, woman, I just got home, fuck!"

(F/n) poked her head out from the hallway and stuck her tongue out at him. "Then you can start with the living room!"

Katsuki grumbled various swears under his breath as he begrudgingly picked up the empty cans around the floor. There weren't even that many, dammit...

"How was work?" (F/n) asked as she stepped into the living room. "I heard you did some pretty dramatic things."


"I can't believe you're still fighting with Deku at your age!"

"He nearly got in my way! It was his fault!"

After graduating from U.A., most of class 1-A went on to become heroes like they dreamed. Only a few, like (F/n), decided to change their course.

"You know, I never thought being a translator could be this entertaining," (F/n) mused, holding a trash bag in front of Katsuki. "They're saying I might be able to take a trip to America on company expense."


"Yeah, yeah, 'it's not safe there', I know. I lived there. I told them to just give me a raise instead."

Katsuki rolled his eyes but couldn't help grinning anyway. He tossed the cans into the bag before pulling (F/n) in for a kiss, laughing when she squeaked.

"Okay, fine," she said, planting her hands on his chest, "you're not always predictable. Forgive me for not letting you say your lectures."


"Are you making dinner, or should we order-in?"

"...I was thinkin' of going out, actually."

"Oh? That's unusual. Where do you want to go?"

"It's a surprise. I made reservations."

(F/n) frowned up at him, and then began pinching and pulling his cheeks. "Who are you and what have you done to my boyfriend?!"

"Oi, cut that shit out, woman!"

Katsuki was thankful that (F/n) didn't seem to notice how red his face was getting, or the mini-explosions coming out of his palms.

This would be their final date as boyfriend and girlfriend.

"So? What time is our date?"


"Yay! We haven't gone on a proper date in so long... Oh, I should go pick out a dress, huh?"

Katsuki shook his head as she began to ramble on.

Nothing had changed, and yet everything was about to.

He spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get the nerves out of his system- using the training room, playing video games, poking at (F/n) for whatever weird thing she was talking to herself about- but what he was about to do lingered in his mind. Would he regret it? Would she accept it?

"Haha! I won!"

Katsuki had been so distracted by his pity party that he ended up losing the race to (F/n).

"Lucky win..."

"Oh, at least give credit where credit's due!"

He glanced over at the clock.

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