Destruction of Hell

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"Oi. Wake up."

(F/n) groaned and turned on her side, opening her eyes groggily. "What is it... It's early..."

The sound of something clicking around her wrist snapped her awake. "Hey, what the hell?!"

Chisaki took a step back, crossing his arms. "You delivered intel to the heroes, didn't you?" he said, watching as (F/n) yanked on the handcuff around her wrist. "That's why they're coming here today."

"I don't know what you're talking about," she hissed. "Even if I did, what's the point of restraining me now? And to a bedpost?"

"It's only temporary. I can't have you running off to your wonderful heroes, after all," he said. "But when they do show up, you're coming along with me and taking Eri."


"We have transfer temps when we lose the first batch of pawns. Your sister is one of them, so don't cause me or them any trouble. See you in a few hours."

"You're just gonna leave me locked up here-?!" (F/n) yelled, but she was cut off by the door closing. Dammit. I need to get out of here! But I have to find some way to get out of these handcuffs first... She frowned, still trying to tug herself free, but her efforts were clearly fruitless. I'm not strong enough to physically break them, so how...?

Suddenly, an idea occurred to her. (F/n) used her free hand to tap at her neck, calling her ribbons to attention. "I know it's been awhile," she said, gently petting one of the floating strands. "But can you help me out of this?"

With her request, eight ribbons moved down to her captive arm, four on each side of the cuff before they pulled. They pulled and tugged and yanked, but the cuff wasn't breaking. (F/n) sighed and slumped down, her arm hanging above her head.

Guess I have no choice but to wait... I feel so hopeless... She sniffled and wiped her eyes. Why am I crying now...? Eri's gonna be okay, I'll be fine... We're gonna be saved...



Well, I was being a little over-dramatic.

(F/n) grinned as she gently rubbed her now free wrist. All I had to do was change my angle of thinking, literally. Now... She walked between various parts of the room, grabbing her possessions. Into the hero costume I go, phone in pocket, and... She placed her mask on her face and reached behind her head, tying the ribbon in place. There we go.

I have the way out memorized, but... I should head for Eri first. No, wait... (F/n) crossed her arms in thought, frowning. Eri is really the only reason he wants to not be caught, so taking her away might cause some outside damage... But it would level the playing field. Shit! Maybe I should just go up on my own and help the others. I can't rely on myself alone to rescue Eri...

With her resolve firmed, (F/n) made her escape through the long-winded maze of the yakuza hideout. Take a left to go right, go straight, right, left... Too many fuckin' directions, I feel like I'm in America again!

When she heard noise coming from around her, she stopped dead in her tracks. Are they here...?

And then her phone, which she'd been without for days, began to ring.


"Oh good, you're awake."

(F/n) couldn't stop the grin that crossed her face. "Yeah, yeah, Aizawa. Sorry."

Pin of Heroes, Pin of Love (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن