A Miracle Unexplained

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"You... You idiot!"

The woman angrily threw her pipe at the man in front of her, hearing the impact.

"How dare you let this slip by! You had better fix this, or I will kill you!"


It's dark...

And cold...

Where am I?

I can't breathe, or see, or feel, or...

I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared.

Is this... Death? Am I dying?


A clip began to play.

Is that... Me? A baby...

I'm dying. This is it. My final act.


Katsuki... Why didn't I run away with you?

Why didn't I... Stay with you?

None of this would've happened.

I wouldn't have hid anything.

I wouldn't have... Died.




...I can't do this. I can't die here! I have to get back...

But... I can't. How will I?

...Huh? I feel something. Something's... Twitching?



(F/n) lay in a hospital bed, her eyes glazed over and her body in multiple casts.

What? No fucking way. No fucking way!

"Hm? ...Oh my gracious. Oh my gracious!"

The nurse that had been in the room scurried out quickly, yelling "She's alive! She's alive!"

Confused, (F/n) turned her head to each side before attempting to sit up.

Guess I am alive... But how?

Suddenly, she felt that same twitch on her neck.

"A ribbon made it out alive... It... Saved me?" She asked no one, feeling the ribbon wriggle about. Soon, the other seven began to move again, one by one, until all eight were standing proudly.

The nurse came clamoring back into the room with two doctors in tow.

"I can't believe it..."

"It's a miracle!"

(F/n) felt a smile cross her face. "Uh, yeah... So... Are my limbs healed?" She asked with a nervous laugh.

"We'll get Recovery Girl right away!"

The nurse left the room leaving the two doctors and (F/n).

"So... Is there anyone we should be calling?" One doctor asked, looking up from his clipboard.

Furrowing her brow in thought, (F/n) let out a sigh.

Isn't that the million dollar question? Well...

"Just my guardian. Here's his number..."


Pin of Heroes, Pin of Love (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant