What We Know

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"Until everyone is safe and sound at U.A, don't show up quite yet. We don't want to overwhelm everyone."

"At least let me see Katsuki, Aizawa. You're the one who told me to come back."

"...Fine. Make it discreet. And don't get up to anything inappropriate."

"...Oh, god, Aizawa!"

(F/n) sighed as she stuck her hands into the pockets of her hoodie. It was dark, the day seemingly changing to night in the blink of an eye. It was the only way for her to get into U.A, and the only way to avoid reporters and fans. I guess I'll go through the window again... Hopefully Katsuki doesn't get startled. Although... I don't want to strain my ribbons more than they already have. Guess I'm climbing the fence like a normal person...

Arriving at U.A, (F/n) began to pull herself up on the fence, her arms trembling as she climbed upward. My strength is about gone... Fortunately, she pulled herself high enough before jumping down, rolling on the ground for the sake of her ankles. She took a cautionary glance around her before continuing her walk, approaching the dormitories.

To an outsider, every room may have looked the same, making it nearly impossible to find a person of interest's dorm. However, if someone were to look carefully, they could see inside, and see who was in each room: an electric guitar in one, All Might merchandise in another. It didn't take long for (F/n) to find the dorm she knew best, but that wasn't what she was looking for.


(F/n) stood under a window and rocked back and forth on her feet before jumping, grabbing the window ledge and shakily pulling herself up. I need to get back in shape! With her target finally in front of her, she gently knocked on the window.

...No answer. I should've known. (F/n) sighed before digging a couple of small tools out of her pocket. She jammed one underneath the window and used the other one to pry the window up. She heard a click and used her hands to pull the window the rest of the way up before slipping inside, landing on quiet feet. Fast asleep, like I thought. Now I feel creepy...

However... He deserves to know everything now. I can't keep hiding from him if I want our relationship to work. (F/n) took a couple steps towards her sleeping boyfriend and sat on the edge of the bed. "Katsuki..." she whispered, gently touching his arm. "Katsuki, wake up."

He groaned, turning away from her. (F/n) smiled slightly before nudging him a little harder. "Katsuki, come on. I know it's late."

Katsuki grumbled something in his sleep before he turned back around and open his eyes. (F/n) watched him blink in confusion a couple times before he shot backwards, hitting his head on the headboard hard enough to hurt. "Ow, fuck..."

"Are you alright?" (F/n) asked, not seeming too worried.

"You- I- I'm not dreamin' n shit, am I?" he asked, pointing a finger at (F/n). When she shook her head, his arm fell to his side as he stared at his girlfriend. "It's really you, huh..."

"You always have the most monotone reaction to important things," she said, laughing softly. "At least act a little more surprised."

"Where the hell have you been?"

(F/n) sighed. "Yes, right, the reason I'm here in the first place..." she waited until Katsuki moved next to her before she continued. "I'm really sorry. And I mean it. The last few weeks have been... A mess."

So (F/n) explained her story, telling Katsuki how she was sent to infiltrate the villains, only to change plans when information about her mother came up. "You know how dead set I've been about that," she said, rubbing her arm. "If I could get info, I would, no matter what the cost..."

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