How She Met His Mother (And a Date)

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"Did you ever think that maybe I fucking like you?!"

(F/n) felt her heart stop. Up close, looking into Katsuki's red eyes, with the confession he just made... Oh my god. Oh. My. God. This... Oh god. (F/n) opened her mouth in an attempt so say something, but the words wouldn't come out. Katsuki only stared her down, his cheeks slightly red out of both agitation and embarrassment. (F/n) swallowed hard, placing her hands on the ones that held her collar.

"I-I... Um... Sheesh, you pick the worst time for these things!" (F/n) chided despite her current state. "I-I mean... Okay, wow, things make sense now, why you grabbed my hand and all that..." She was looking around frantically, her face an unhealthy shade of red. Katsuki narrowed his eyes. "So?" He asked, the question coming out as a mumble. (F/n) closed her eyes and let out a shaky sigh.

"I mean, I, um, I've actually been meaning to tell you, that, y'know, I like you, and there, I said it!" (F/n) stammered out, looking back towards her now-more-than childhood friend. Katsuki's jaw slacked and his eyes went wide, obviously getting an answer he wasn't expecting. "S-So... Can you please let go of my collar?" (F/n) requested, loosening her grip on his hands. Katsuki let go, stepping away. (F/n) gave him a lopsided smile, blush still evident on her face.

"You really do have horrible timing for these kinds of things, Katsuki," She teased, turning around before standing up from the bed. "Honestly! The day you go and beat me up..." Katsuki scowled, but it was small, smaller than it usually would have been. "I was tryna get the fight done, but no, you were too busy on your anger rampage!" He grumbled. (F/n) shook her head with a smile.

"Point taken. Now, I need to get my bag and get changed, so would you meet me outside the school?"


Once (F/n) had exited the school building, the pair began to make their way home, like they usually did. "So, Katsuki, I have to ask, and don't get angry, but why'd you confess then?" She asked, giving him a sideways glance. "You weren't getting the picture. It was annoying, so I said something." Katsuki explained, rolling his eyes. (F/n) puffed her cheeks out. "You weren't very obvious about it, then! Well, minus the whole grabbing-my-hand thing..."

After saying that, (F/n) looked down at their hands before deciding to take his. Payback! Instead of looking startled, however, Katsuki simply intertwined their fingers. "If you were trying to get me back, that was a pretty shitty attempt," He said, smirking. (F/n) pouted but didn't move away, suddenly glad that she had washed her gloves before putting them back on.

"Have you... Have you always worn the gloves?" Katsuki asked, looking over as he did. (F/n) smiled and nodded. "Of course. As corny as it sounds, they gave me hope I'd find you again. I mean, you've always worn the pin, right?" She tilted her head as she spoke. The boy reached up and grasped the pin. "Yeah," He responded, and the two fell into a comfortable silence as they continued their walk home.

"Ah, shit. You weren't in class because you were too busy fuckin' sleeping..." Katsuki said suddenly, making (F/n) frown before looking over. "We don't have school for the next two days, and you said you wanted to meet my mom..." He trailed off, hoping (F/n) would get the picture. "You could've just asked if we could hang out tomorrow, y'know, but my answer is yes regardless!" She replied with a smile.

"It better be," Katsuki grumbled, making (F/n) laugh. "It's not like I'll have anything better to do, anyway..." They finally arrived at (F/n)'s apartment. She let go of his hand before taking out her key. "Are you gonna stay or go?" She asked. Katsuki thought for a second before responding, "I'll stay." His answer made (F/n) smile as she opened the door, taking her shoes off after.

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