Reunion and Battle!

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(Author-in-editing: I know Iida's name is spelled wrong. Please stop commenting about it.)

(F/n) was up the second her alarm went off, just out of pure excitement. So many things are happening today! We're having battle training, according to Toshinori... Even though I have to be a 'hostage' because there's an odd number of kids in the class, but still! And, of course, I finally found Katsuki, so I can talk to him about it today...! I'm so excited! In said excitement, (F/n) did a front handspring out her room and stuck a landing before skipping off to the kitchen. She went through her routine before skipping out the door, remembering to lock it this time. Actually, he comes down this way on his way to school, so...!

She walked out into the street, and speak of the devil, here came an exploding blond boy. (F/n) smiled as she walked up to him and matched his stride. "Good morning, Bakugou!" She exclaimed cheerily. He grumbled in response. "Turn it the fuck down." (F/n) did not listen and began to rummage through her backpack. "Sooo, Bakugou, I think I figured out why you were staring at my hands yesterday!" That seemed to catch Katsuki's interest as he raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. After a couple moments (F/n) found what she was looking for. "I've had this picture with me for, like, ever! Look!" She practically shoved it in his face.

He pushed it away, annoyed. "I told you it was because I didn't want to stare at your ugly ass face!" (F/n) recoiled a bit. "Hey, you didn't even look at it!" Katsuki glared at her before walking ahead. "I don't give a damn about some shitty picture!" He yelled, walking away. (F/n) stood, looking down at the picture with disappointment before putting it away and putting her chin up. Nope, I won't be disheartened yet! If I can just get him to look, he'll recognize it!


The morning passed by too slowly for (F/n). She squirmed in her seat, answered questions 'too loudly' (the comment came from Katsuki, which was ironic) and bumped into people (including Katsuki). Finally, at lunch, she seemed to tone it down a bit. I have to get him to look at the picture, and I'll do it calmly! (F/n) looked around, lunch in hand, and eventually spotted Katsuki, sitting alone. He looks calm... Taking a deep breath, the girl walked over to his table and sat across from him. He looked up and eyed her suspiciously before going back to eating. "Do you always eat alone?" She asked, even though she knew the answer. She received a grumble that she took as a 'yes'.

Sighing, (F/n) took the picture out again. "Ka- Bakugou, just do me a favor and look at this for eight seconds. Please?" She slid it across the table, keeping a finger on it in case he tried to explode it or something. Katsuki rolled his eyes and stared at the picture. One, two, three, four- "Hold a fucking second. That's me. And..." He looked up at the very passive (F/n), who seemed to be fighting a smile. "And?" She asked, urging him to continue. The blond looked back at the picture. "That's... You, ain't it? (F/n)?" He asked, staring at (F/n). She giggled and took the picture back, putting it into her bag before placing her chin in her palm and elbow on the table. "Yes, it's me," She repeated his statement, and his eyes went wide.

For once, the boy was rendered speechless. He continued to stare at (F/n). After a couple awkward minutes, he muttered, "I dunno what I'm supposed to say. Welcome back, I guess? I don't..." (F/n) grinned, now putting both elbows on the table. "I get it, I get it. I mean, it's only been, what, eleven or twelve years?" Katsuki seemed to get over his shock and continued to eat his lunch, making (F/n) sigh. "Do you care?" She asked with a slight tone of agitation. He looked back up to her and shrugged. "I guess. I mean... What am I supposed to fuckin' say, (F/n)? It's not my fault I don't know how this shit works," He grumbled.

"Being that your social life clearly equals zero?" Katsuki rolled his eyes. "If you're gonna keep harassing me leave me the fuck alone," He hissed, obviously not appreciating the insults to his life for the past eleven years. "Sensitive, much?" (F/n) mumbled under her breath before taking a bite of food.

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