Dancing With the Devil

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Waking up the next morning was one of the most unpleasant experiences (F/n) had ever had.

The smell of blood hit her nostrils before she was entirely conscious. She opened her eyes and glanced over to her side before gagging, covering her mouth.

Next to her laid what used to be a human body.

"Nothing can ever be easy, can it...?" Chisaki mumbled from in front of her. "Disgusting."

(F/n) looked up at him, fear covering her features. "What the hell happened? Why is he-"

"Might as well thank me," he answered coolly. "Or you may not have kept your innocence."

"Innoc-" Chisaki's meaning dawned on her quickly, and she fell quiet. Oh, god. "Even though he's one of your own henchmen?"

Chisaki snorted. "Think I care? If someone gets in my way, they die. Simple," he said. "Whatever. You should be getting ready. We're going out today."


"And wake up Eri. She's coming with us."


Clad in her own official-looking outfit, (F/n) walked along the alleyways next to Chisaki, her hands in her pockets and her eyes observant. Quite the maze we went through to get out, but it looks like there's a secret backway to get inside quickly. I should have everything memorized.

I'll need to get myself and Eri out of here, somehow. The only way to do that is to get rid of Overhaul first.

"You've got someone watching Eri?" she asked, not wanting to seem unfocused.

"Yes. I couldn't have you staying back on your own," he answered, looking straight ahead.

Seems like he isn't underestimating me in the slightest.

(F/n) went to speak again when tiny footsteps resounded throughout the alley. By the time she had turned around, Eri had rushed past them and out into the bright light of the alleyway. "Eri!"

"Go after her. She won't get far."

With a nod, (F/n) broke out into a jog, not wanting Eri to end up in the street. "Eri, are you- oh."

Eri was clutching on to someone. Someone she recognized.

Izuku looked up and his jaw promptly dropped. "(F-)"

(F/n) held a finger up to her lips, her eyes wide with shock. Chisaki walked up behind her, looking down at Izuku and Eri.

"Shame on you, causing trouble for this nice hero. Let's go home, Eri."

Izuku looked between (F/n) and Chisaki, confusion and fear written across his face.

"If you wouldn't mind, hero," (F/n) said, her expression saying different. "We really need to be on our way."

This is bad! His face is gonna give him and me away!

"Did you forget to wear your hood and mask again?" a boy suddenly asked, flipping Izuku's mask onto his face. "They must not have made the right size!"

That's... One of the third years, isn't it? What's his name again? Hell, it doesn't matter- I think he just covered for all of us.

When Chisaki began asking questions, (F/n) attempted to find some way to signal to Izuku without being caught. However, with her captor standing right behind her, she would've been caught in no time.

"It's truly admirable, what this generation does," (F/n) said, trying to end the conversation. "However, that won't happen if you don't let them go back to work!"

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