Piecing the World Together

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Everyone's back from the hospital... But while they may be physically okay, I can see their mental states aren't.

(F/n) leaned back in her chair with a sigh, tapping her pen against her forehead before writing in her book once more. I heard about Nighteye from Dad. He seems pretty upset about it, which, I don't blame him, but he seems like he's overcome with guilt lately. She sighed again, heavier. Guess that's partially my fault. Aizawa and the principal didn't tell anyone what I was doing, and Izuku knew very little.

Regardless, I got what I needed. She pulled one glove off and studied the back of her hand before drawing the design into the paper. I know for sure my mom's alive, and I know there are deeper organizations in the underworld. She picked up the pen, nodded at her artwork, and continued writing. Further research has shown that this cult is highly prominent on the dark web, going by the name BSKK, which stands for the words 'Buy Sell Kidnap Kill'. At least, that's what I could read off of it- my English is a little worn out.

There are a bunch of things this could mean. My best bet would be something to do with human trafficking, but I feel like it's not a one-stop shop, either. A lot of Japanese sites are for drugs, after all- I read that selling people is more of an American thing, if not an urban myth. My other idea was information, especially if it was a group cooperating with Overhaul; he needed the drugs and info somehow. But then again, this group is labelled a 'cult'. Not an organization, like the League of Villains, a 'cult'.

(F/n) set her pen down and rolled her wrist, cracking it a couple of times. She glanced at her computer, which was currently downloading an application. I did some research on various cults, both Japanese and American, and I've found a few that may be somewhat related. Firstly... She stopped writing, her pen hovering over the paper. With a hum of thought, (F/n) pushed away from her desk and stood, walking over to her dresser and picking up a small pile of papers before sitting back at her desk. Aum Shinrikyo, otherwise known as... Alpeh? Yeah, that's how you write it. Religious doomsday nutjobs... Ah, Heaven's Gate in America is similar.

She frowned, her brows furrowed as she skimmed over the information in her hand. Wait, but all these cults have some sort of religious attachment. Alpeh is Dharmic, and Heaven's Gate was Christian. So if this 'BSKK' group is a cult as they say, that means that they have a religion in there somewhere. (F/n) stared at her notes for a few more minutes before setting her head down on the desk, groaning in defeat. I can't do this. I'll have to wait a bit for my computer to have all the right tools. She pushed her notebook and pen away before pulling her computer towards her. I earned a break. Let's watch some videos~

As she pulled up the familiar video-streaming page, one particular video in her recommendations caught her attention. A... Crime video? I thought those were outdated. Despite her confusion, or maybe because of it, she clicked on the video and plugged her headphones in.

"Hello viewers! I am Gentle!"

She cringed and hit the spacebar.

The hell was THAT? I wanted something funny, not... Cringe-inducing. Still, I think I've heard of this guy- he's some sort of vigilante. She chuckled. Maybe if he went after stores that actually appeared on the media, he wouldn't be having such a hard time.

...Well, that was distracting enough. I guess I'll get back to work.

~ ~ ~ ~

Katsuki had claimed he was going to bed early.

When he was sure there was no one to catch him in his lie, he walked away from his room and to the next one over before opening the door.

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