Tough and Burnt

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My head... My neck... Dark... What happened...?

(F/n) groaned, struggling to open her eyes. She could hear snippets of a conversation as she lie there, half conscious.

"Neck... Condition... Bandage..."

"Heal... Recover... Damage..."

It was after a couple moments that (F/n) opened her eyes, flinching at the sudden light. "Where... Am I?" She asked, attempting to look to the side. "Young lady!" (F/n) blinked and tried moving her head. "To...Shi...?" The powered down man appeared next to her bed, looking down at her. "Are you alright?! Do you remember everything?" (F/n) squinted. Too loud... "I... Was in combat... And... I was running... And then... My neck... Got hit..." She explained, still not fully awake. "Now, now, she hit her head, burned her wound, and twisted her ankle. Give her a break," A female voice chided from across the room. (F/n) finally managed to turn her head. "Recovery... Girl?"

"Yes, child. Here, here, try sitting up." With Toshinori's help, (F/n) sat up, leaning back onto the raised bed. "How... Did the fights... Go?" She asked, struggling to form coherent speech. Toshinori gave her the results, speaking slowly so she'd be able to understand everything. When he finished, she smiled. "That's... Good. I'm glad... Izuku... Won." She panted in between her words, which was likely a side effect of her neck injury. Toshinori placed a hand on her shoulder. "You don't need to say anything else. Just rest. Would you like anything?" (F/n) thought for a second, then nodded. "Phone... And headphones..." She replied, coughing a bit.

"Alright. I'll be right back; I have to get your bag from the classroom." Toshinori said before racing off. (F/n) smiled and coughed again as Recovery Girl came over to her.

"So, All Might told me you have a condition with your neck. Is that correct? Just nod or shake your head, dear," The girl nodded, not a hundred percent sure if her statement was true. The older lady smiled at her. "Okay, good. Just checking. You have a bandage around your neck, but everything else is healed, alright?" (F/n) nodded again, letting out a sigh. Recovery Girl patted her hand. "I have to leave now, but All Might will be back here soon, okay?"

The woman left before (F/n) could respond, and she sighed. I still have a headache... But hopefully the music will help- Right after she thought that, Toshinori was back with her schoolbag. "Here you go, young lady." He took out her headphones and phone before handing it to her. (F/n) smiled at him. "T...Thanks." She replied, plugging her headphones in and unlocking her phone. "I have things to do. Are you okay by yourself?" Toshinori asked. (F/n) nodded in reply, putting the headphones over her ears. "Then I'll be off. If you go home by yourself, text me, okay? Afternoon classes are still going on, but I'll pardon you if you miss." (F/n) nodded again before he walked out of the room. With a sigh, (F/n) turned on her music.

So sleepy... Finally able to move a bit more, the girl curled up and wrapped an arm around her midsection, sighing again. My neck... Her free hand moved up to the now covered wound, feeling something sticking out of her neck like a splinter. Only a little more, (F/n) smiled and closed her eyes, fully intent on sleeping until she heard the door open and slam shut. She decided that whoever it was couldn't be more important than sleep, so she kept her eyes closed. Whoever it is can go away. (F/n) shifted slightly as footsteps approached her bed.

Katsuki scowled down at the injured, sleeping girl, his hands stuffed into his pockets. "You know, you could have dodged," He mumbled, thinking that she wouldn't hear him. "But that was a pretty shitty thing for me to do, even in training. It was Deku I was mad at, not you. Then again, you were in my way..." Katsuki trailed off, looking to the side. "So is... That some sort of... Half-assed apology?" The boy jumped and looked back to (F/n), who had her eyes open. He quickly went from startled to annoyed. "You heard me?!" He half yelled as (F/n) took her headphones off.

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