A Favor To Ask

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Sitting on (F/n)'s bed, the two sat in complete silence, awkwardly looking away and refusing to meet each other's eyes.

"You said you wanted to talk, but that's not really what you're doing-"

"Shut up! I'm thinking!"

The room fell quiet again.

Katsuki let out a sigh, closing his eyes as he ran a hand through his hair. "I still can't... I still can't believe you're still here, alive," He said, his words shaking a bit. "You were proclaimed dead and that was it. But you're here, and I have to..."

He trailed off. (F/n) raised an eyebrow as she turned full towards him, moving her legs behind her and placing a hand on top of his. "You have to what?" She asked, attempting to urge him on.

"I don't want to put it into words but I don't wanna... Freak you out," He mumbled, turning his body to her. "...I'd really prefer to just do it and not have to say it."

Oh god. My mind needs to get out of the gutter here! W-What could he possibly be talking about? Go away, impure thoughts!

"Then...," (F/n) took in a breath. "You do what you need to do, and... If I freak out, I'll stop you. How about that?" She asked.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to think-"

"Katsuki," She huffed, attempting to firm her voice. "Would I say yes if I didn't trust you?"

Seeming to be satisfied with that answer, Katsuki brought his hand up and placed it softly on her cheek, meeting her eyes for a final check. When she nodded and leaned into his touch, he leaned forward and pressed their lips together.

Immediately (F/n)'s arms wrapped around his neck as his went around her waist, pulling their bodies as close as possible. This wasn't like the first time they kissed. This was desperation, the two clinging on to each other so they wouldn't disappear in the moment.

Katsuki's tongue swiped at (F/n)'s lips, and she opened her mouth with a quiet moan. Her hands moved from his neck to his hair, tangling her fingers into the blonde mess. Parting for air for only a second, (F/n) fell back onto the bed as Katsuki caged her with his arms on both sides of her head.

"Katsuki..." She called quietly, reaching for him. He leaned down and captured her lips in another kiss, settling his knee between her legs. Parting from her lips, Katsuki moved downward to her neck, kissing her collarbone for biting the skin above it. (F/n) gasped and grasped the sheets under her.

Wait, wait, wait, this is bad! This is-!

A sudden knock on the door made the two freeze. Thinking quickly, (F/n) shoved Katsuki off of her and onto the floor before throwing her blanket over him. He began to complain, but she hissed, "Shut up!"


"Yeah, come in," (F/n) answered, and the door opened. Aizawa stepped inside, closing it behind him. "Aizawa? What is it?"

"Sorry if I woke you up," He said. "But a piece of mail arrived today- I don't think I need to add that it was suspicious. What's more, it's addressed to you."

Really now? That's strange...

"Okay, I'll come see it now."

Aizawa nodded before walking out of her room. When the door shut, (F/n) turned around and leaned over the side of her bed, pulling the blanket off of Katsuki.

"Did you have to shove me off, woman?!"

"Sorry, but I was in a rush! I didn't exactly want to hear a lecture from Aizawa!"

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