Wild, Wild, Pussycats! (And Kota)

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Why did it summer break have to be so soon?!

(F/n) let out a disapproving sigh as she adjusted the cherry-blossom bag slung over her shoulder. I wanted to actually relax and think my situation through, not babysit!

"Yo, (L/n)!" Denki called, waving her over. (F/n) smiled a bit as she walked over, shaking off her thoughts.

"You excited for this?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

The two laughed, even though (F/n) could feel herself forcing it. I'm too conflicted about this to actually feel excited, but I'd rather not let that show. I don't need the others worrying about me... As Denki continued to talk, (F/n) tuned him out and scanned the rest of her classmates. Is it really better for them not to know? I mean... We're all a class, and we've been through some pretty serious shit together. Still...

"Class A's bus is this way! Please line up in order!"


(F/n) quickly sat down in her seat as the bus began to move. Everyone is here and accounted for. Let's hope it stays that way! She let out an exhausted sigh and leaned back in her seat, glancing over at her seat partner.

"We've got a long way 'till camp," (F/n) stated, taking her phone out of her pocket. "Want to listen to some- Hm?" When she felt a weight on her shoulder, she shook her head and smiled. You could have answered my question first, Katsuki.

Meanwhile, in the front of the bus...

"Yes, it's true! They are dating!"

"I can't believe it!"

"But how?!"

"...You guys know I can hear you, right?"

The shipping group turned around to the back, facing (F/n). She gave them a dissapointed look. "Honestly. The bus isn't that large, y'know," She said, glancing over at her sleeping boyfriend before focusing on the group in front of her. "And seriously, grow up. We're dating, but that's not a huge deal." (F/n) finished her sentence with a huff.

"But you even call each other by first name! That's serious!" Mina exclaimed.

"We've always called each other by first name, Mina," (F/n) retorted. "We were friends when we were kids. Did I not explain that?"

"No, you didn't," Denki said.

(F/n) sighed. "Fine, then I guess I could tell you a few things..."


"Oh, these gloves are cool!"

(F/n) beamed as she looked down in the box she was given. "What are they called? Lea-ther?"

Katsuki grinned. "Yeah! Here, look!"

He took a glove out of the box before slipping it onto (F/n)'s small hand.

"It's a little big..." She observed, seeing how loose it was.

"You look cool anyway!" Katsuki responded.


"...And after I turned four, I moved away. End of story," (F/n) finished, looking up. She sweatdropped at the looks she was given.

"That is... So... Cute!" Mina exclaimed, attracting attention from the rest of the bus.

"So Bakugou was actually nice at some point?! I can't believe it!" Eijiro exclaimed. (F/n) chuckled.

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