A Double Devil

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Katsuki let out a huff as he tossed his phone down onto the bed, sitting down and covering his face with his hands. What did All Might mean when he said (F/n) was missing? The call had come so random, so shocking that Katsuki couldn't really think of any possibilities. Besides, even if he knew any, what could he do? He wasn't allowed out of the dorms and the topic on (F/n) seemed to be on lockdown.

I'm tired of not hearing the truth. Why is she hiding? Why can't we know what's going on? Damn, this sucks. He anxiously ran a hand through his hair. No answer from her phone, either-

There was a knock on the door, and Katsuki stood, walking to the door and opening it before suddenly getting shoved back inside. "Hey, what the fu-"

The person shushed them, covering his mouth as they closed the door behind them. "I'm trying not to get caught here?"

Katsuki blinked, tearing the person's hand away from his mouth. "...(F/n)?"

Now identified, (F/n) untied her hero mask and pulled off the sickness mask, putting them to the side. "Before you ask why I'm here and what I've been doing, don't worry. I'm alright," She said, smiling. "But I don't want you to not know what's going on."

Katsuki frowned but sat down anyway, with (F/n) following suit. She inhaled and folded her hands in her lap. "First, let me explain why I haven't been at U.A..." She explained her situation, telling him about how Aizawa and Nezu seemed to suspect her of being the traitor.

"...Which is partly my fault, I guess," She admitted, letting out a sigh, "I never thought about some of my actions."

"The gave you the boot for that?" Katsuki said. "Seriously?"

"This 'traitor' is throwing a huge dent in U.A," (F/n) answered. "We've all got some sort of suspicion of each other. Mine was just... A little higher."

"That's stupid."

"We call that 'adult logic', Katsuki."

There was a brief silence. "So why haven't you answered my texts?"

(F/n) rose an eyebrow. "Texts...?" She patted herself for her phone before smacking her forehead. "I don't have it! I must have left it at home."

"The calls wouldn't go through."

"Oh, it's probably dead. That happens all the time."

Narrowing his eyes, Katsuki didn't seem convinced. (F/n) sighed. "Yeah, I figure that was the reaction I was gonna get," She said, letting out a harsh laugh. "No surprises there."

"What else did you expect?" He retorted.

(F/n) was visibly gritting her teeth. "The situation's complicated, you know."

"What, you think I'm too stupid to understand?"

"That's not what I said, Katsuki!" She shot back, annoyed."This isn't all about you, you know! I'm trying to figure shit out and it's not working too well!"

"You don't have to keep me in the dark all the time!"

(F/n) looked ready to punch something. "If you can't handle the way I do things then we can break up!"


The two fell into a glaring contest; (F/n) having no intention of apologizing and Katsuki unsure on his answer.

"No," He eventually answered, looking down at the ground. "I don't want that."

Letting out a sigh, (F/n) trudged forward and softly ran into his chest with her head. "I don't want it either," She replied. "But I am serious." Katsuki huffed, wrapping his arms around her.

"I didn't think you coming back after all these years would lead to this."

(F/n) huffed out a laugh. "I didn't think I was coming back at all," She answered. "But it's how things work now. It's how my job is and I'm sorry, and I'll be able to explain soon. I promise."

Katsuki snorted. "Really, now."

"Hey, I always keep my promises! Right?" (F/n) pouted before taking a glance at her watch. "Oh, yikes, I've gotta go. Make sure you don't tell anyone I was here, got it?" She put a finger up to her lips, stepping back towards the door. "I can't risk getting caught."


"You'll know when I'll be back. See you, Katsuki."

Just like that, she had disappeared like a dream. Katsuki let out a sigh before falling back onto his bed, staring up at the ceiling. All he could do was have faith that she would keep her promise.

That is what he would do.


"You're late," Tomura grumbled as (F/n) closed the door behind her. "What took you so long?"

"Hey there, boss man, relax," She answered, pulling off her disguise. "Seriously. I just got a little held up." She could practically hear Kurogiri sigh internally.

"You should know we do not have much of a reason to trust you," He explained, drying a glass. "Your presence here is very sudden."

(F/n) shrugged. "I don't blame you, but can you give me a little credit?" She teased, a sly smile on her face. "Why do you think I'm here in the first place?" The villains in the room watched her intently as she sat down on a bar stool. "We live in a world where heroes are the most sacred things on this planet, and the people have undeniable trust in them. But the fact that they can have such a lack of trust for one another- wouldn't that be an interesting thing for people to hear?"

As her eyes scanned the room, she could see her listeners perking up to her words. "We live in a world where, as people, if your opinions are different you are put down and shoved to the side. You are called villains. But what is this world without differing opinions? Why should we," She said, gesturing to the room, "be put down because we are a minority?"

If (F/n) didn't have everyone's attention before, she had it now. With a grin she stood up, stepping forward so she was in the center of the room. "Having to cower behind a derogatory title- whether it be 'villain', 'traitor', 'freak'- who cares?! It shouldn't matter! Our beliefs are something to be acted upon! And if to do that, we have to take down these "heroes", then so be it!"

The villains roared their approval and (F/n) crossed her arms triumphantly, taking a couple steps back as the room was filled with chatter. She could see Tomura watching her out of the corner of her eye and turned. "Well? Maybe they just needed a little inspiration, Shiragaki."

He scoffed but said nothing. It wasn't like she was wrong.

Good. Whether you like it or not, this is my side, Shiragaki. (F/n) smirked to herself.

It's only a matter of time.


Me: I'm not gonna update for a couple more days

Also me: YEET

Well, here you go guys. Aren't we like, 25 chapters in by now? Jeez. 

I know the chapters may seem a little short but I haven't exactly had time... I have just started school again so that's a little time-consuming.

Also, you guys should ask me some questions. Totally. Add your comments to this line so I can answer them next chapter. I want to be able to do something if we reach some milestones, so stay tuned for that!

Alright, I think that's it for now... See you next month! 

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