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U.A Entrance Exam.

(F/n) sighed as she tapped away on her phone, waiting for the exam to start. She wouldn't be taking the exam, however, she would be witnessing. Why, she had no idea. The principal had called for her and here she was, sitting in a chair next to the powered up Toshinori. Although (F/n) acted bored, she was merely containing the excitement shooting through her veins. If he was making good on his promise, he'd be taking the exam, and then she'd know for sure that he remembered her if she saw the pin. Just thinking about it made (F/n) squirm in excitement.

Toshinori chuckled at her movements. "Excited?" He asked, already knowing the answer. (F/n) shrugged, holding her phone up to her face to hide the smile crossing her face. "Can you blame me? Besides," She sat up, putting her phone in her pocket, "I do love seeing combat in action. That's exciting too." Toshinori went to respond but was interrupted by the call of the entrance exam starting. Acting as calm as possible, (F/n) looked up to the screens and squinted.

"Young lady, do you know what the young man's name is?" (F/n) put her hands on her hips confidently. "Of course I do! It's... It's..." Her arms faltered like her memory. "I... Don't remember...?" The question was directed at herself but she looked up to Toshinori. "I don't remember, Toshi! I don't remember! " The look on her face was indescribable, a mix of emotions that ran through her head. Toshinori immediately felt bad, but there wasn't much he could do. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Do not worry. I'm sure it'll come to you when you see it," He attempted to encourage her, but she was clearly distraught as her eyes went up to the screen. The exam was starting in just a couple minutes.


Katsuki made sure his pin was fastened onto his clothes securely before crossing his arms, looking up at the gate in front of him. I'll be the best, just like I always have, He smirked to himself, stretching his arms out as Present Mic began to speak. "Okay, start!" Everyone looked at the hero quizzically. Present Mic stood on top of a building, his loud voice carrying throughout the area. "What's wrong? There are no countdowns in real battles! Go, run, run!" Immediately Katsuki took off, already launching ahead of the group he was in. Ha! This'll be a piece of cake! Immediately, villains were beginning to appear. The boy couldn't help but grin as he pulled his arms back, causing explosions in his palms.

It wasn't long before Katsuki had racked up almost sixty points. "Two minutes!" Present Mic yelled. Katsuki huffed, attempting to catch his breath as he launched upward and into another villain. As he touched the ground he felt a chill go down his back like someone was watching him. What the hell was that? Someone send some ice my way or something?


(F/n)'s eyes skimmed the screens in front of her, watching the combat take place. Pfft. There's the kid Toshi's been training. Speaking of... She glanced over at the now powered down hero. He's been holding that form for less and less time now, A comment from the principal made her look back up to the screens. He spoke about the different types of points with an example to each. "And, of course, pure combat strength," The principal finished, motioning towards to a blonde boy in a black tank top. (F/n) studied the boy for a bit, tilting her head. He's pretty hot. Uh, wait, what? I don't even know the dude! Calm down, (F/n). Although he looks kinda familiar... With a shrug, (F/n) continued to watch the screens and felt anxiety as Izuku did not gain a single point.

She leaned over to Toshinori. "Toshi, this kid hasn't gotten a single point in any category!" She whisper-yelled, her eyes glued to the screen. She could hear Toshinori chuckle. "Don't worry, my girl. He'll get points..." With a sigh, (F/n) tugged her gloves a bit as she watched Izuku run towards the big, 0 point villain. "What is he doing?" Her eyes flickered to another screen. Oh, that girl is stuck under the rocks. He's saving her, and it'll get him points! Go, Midoriya! (F/n) smiled as Izuku punched away the robot, saving the girl trapped underneath the rocks.

However, it wasn't over yet.

"Oh, shi- shoot, he's falling!" (F/n) gasped, quickly realizing that his legs and right arm were broken. Toshinori, however, looked proud. "Good job, young man," He muttered, still watching the screen. (F/n) watched as the girl Izuku saved went on to save him before puking rainbows. Well then... Seems like she can't hold her quirk for long. The results would pop up soon, but suddenly, (F/n)'s phone buzzed in her pocket. She excused herself and stepped outside, answering the call.

" Moshi moshi ?" The voice that responded was definitely not Japanese, and neither was the language. "Uh... Hi? (F/n), this is Emily!" (F/n) blinked before switching languages. "Oh, sorry! I didn't realize..." (F/n) sighed at the intrusion of her accent. "Anyway, I do not mean to be rude, but is it important, Emily? I'm kind of busy," She heard Emily giggle, making her raise an eyebrow. "Oh, it's not important! I'll call you back later, okay?" Before (F/n) could respond she hung up. With a sigh, (F/n) crinkled her nose and pocketed the phone. That was odd...

Turning around, she went to walk back in before she nearly got trampled by the pro heroes walking out of the room. (F/n)'s rear hit the floor as she scooted back, preferring not to to get run over. Toshinori was the last person to walk out of the room, and he spotted (F/n) on the floor. She huffed and stood up, brushing off her clothes and standing up straight. "So? How did he do?" Toshinori was smiling so wide it practically went past his ears. "He got 7th place. He passed!" With a sigh of relief, (F/n) leaned against the wall. "Thank goodness!"

Toshinori nodded. "Indeed. Now, I need to power up and record some videos for the new kids. Would you like to come along?" (F/n) smiled. "Sure! Hey, you think they can record me, too? I'm a motivational speaker!" As they began to walk, the hero ruffled her hair. "I'm sure they'll let you record a couple..." The two laughed as they made their way to record for some very happy children.

A few days later....

Katsuki grumbled as his mom called for him to grab the mail. He grabbed it and tossed everything onto the table except for the one letter addressed to him. With a smirk he walked into his room, slammed the door, and opened up the letter. After a couple minutes a video popped up with All Might and a girl. "Hello there, Bakugou! We are glad to say that you have been accepted into U.A!" Katsuki knew that already. He was more focused on the girl when she spoke.

"U.A is lucky to have you, young man! You have a bright and heroic future ahead of you!" All Might and the girl reached their hands forward. "Welcome to U.A!" And with that, the video ended. Katsuki frowned. That voice sounds familiar... Katsuki furrowed his brows and attempted to think back between the end of school and now. ...She was the girl who saved my ass! Katsuki sighed as he flopped onto bed.

So does that make her a teen pro hero? Because she looked too young to be an adult... Katsuki attempted to muffle his thoughts in a pillow, but after a few seconds he was having trouble breathing and flipped back over. Why do I care?! With a groan, Katsuki sat up and picked up the picture from the table next to him. I wonder if I'll see her again? He wiped away the dust on the picture and sighed. Yeah, right. As if.

Suddenly, he shivered again as another chill ran through his body. Is someone watching me?! He whipped his head around, but saw no one. Dammit, I'm going nuts. I'd better sleep. With that, Katsuki carefully set the picture frame down and laid back down, closing his eyes and eventually falling victim to sleep.

Pin of Heroes, Pin of Love (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now