Never Be Sure

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"H-Hold on a second, (F/n). Think about this."

(F/n) turned towards Toshinori. "Well, I mean, of course I'm gonna think about it. But still..."

Toshinori shook his head. "Wouldn't this be a little counter-intuitive for your whole reason of going to U.A in the first place?" He asked. "I mean, I can see where you're coming from, but..."

"Dad," (F/n) sighed, sounding exasperated. "The whole point of going to U.A was to cover up my identity as a hero and get away from America's torture on heroes. An even bigger reason? Trying to find my mother." She ran a hand through her hair before scratching at the base of her ribbons. "Since my identity's been exposed, and my father is dead, I really don't have a reason to show up again."

"How about young Bakugou?" He tried. "Surely you wouldn't leave him after all this time."

(F/n) fell quiet. "Katsuki...," His name came out in a whisper, like she was trying to call to him. "That's a good point, but.. It's not like I wouldn't be able to see him," She reasoned.

"(F/n), they think you may be a traitor. Do you think they'd let you in that easy- especially if you choose not to go back?"

There was silence as she contemplated his question.

"...I'll think about it some more," She said, rising from her seat. "I'm gonna get some rest before I go into my graveyard shift. Wake me in, hm, an hour? Thanks!" (F/n) quickly vanished into her room, shutting the door behind her. Toshinori let out a sigh.

I certainly hope you think about it. This is not as easy as you make it out to be.


With a heavy sigh, (F/n) flopped onto her bed, her face going into the pillow. She picked her head up and glanced around at the cardboard boxes around her room before shrugging.

I'm too lazy.

After turning so she was on her back, (F/n) pulled her gloves off and stared at the back of her hand, studying the eight-pointed star.

I still can't remember where this is from.

She narrowed her eyes, tracing the design with her other hand.

Eight points... Like a spider? ...Like... My mom's Quirk?

(F/n) suddenly sat up, getting off the bed and stepping out into the hallway. "Dad!" She called, moving into the living room. Toshinori looked over from the television, a question mark crossing his expression.


She held her hand up, showing him the tattoo. "Do you happen to know what this is? Like, I dunno, maybe it's related to someone we know?"

Toshinori gestured for her to move closer as he studied her hand.

"...That's a little worrying, (F/n)," He said, his face shadowing with concern. "How long have you had it?"

(F/n) closed her eyes briefly, thinking back. "I don't know. I noticed it at the sports festival, but I'm sure it's been there before that," She explained. "Is it bad? What does it mean, Dad?"

With a sign, Toshinori closed her hand into a fist before looking up to her.

"That tattoo is the mark of a villain cult."


Slumped in a park bench, (F/n) looked like a hobo.

A villain cult. Not just a villain, a cult! Why?! How?! Who?!

(F/n) groaned, digging her fingers into her scalp. None of this makes sense. Who would've done this? Why me? How did it get on me? When did it get on me?

She threw her hands up in agitation, letting out a groan.

Too many questions!


The girl immediately jumped at the sound of her name. She turned to see who it was and grimaced.


The older woman sat down on the bench next to her, studying her curiously. "I saw you on the news today... Are you not a student anymore?" She asked, concern lacing her voice.

(F/n) nervously glanced to the side, feeling cornered. "That's...," She let out a sigh, running her hand through her hair. "...Not quite how it is. Let me explain," She said.

And so she did.

When (F/n) was finished speaking, she turned towards Mitsuki, letting out a loud exhale. "...And that's the gist of it."

Mitsuki crossed her arms, sighing. "It certainly sounds like you're in quite a mess," She said, shaking her head. "And I'm guessing Katsuki doesn't know any about this, from how you're sounding."

(F/n) shook her head. "I'm technically not allowed to talk to any of the students, so..."

The older woman put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry; I'm sure everything will work out. It always has with you, right? You've been a resourceful kid for as long as I've known you," She said.

(F/n) smiled at her. "Thank you, Mitsuki-san."

Mitsuki smiled back for rising from the bench. "Well, I'm going to head home. I've still got a husband to feed, after all," She laughed. "Come over whenever you feel like, okay?"

With a nod, (F/n) waved to Mitsuki as she walked away.

If people knew the whole truth...

She narrowed her eyes once more at her marked hand.

...Would they still be supportive?


It's almost the end of the year. Testing is over.

>relieved sigh


Also, here's the hero outfit that I designed when writing this!

(Edit: picture above.)

Thank you for reading, and see you next month!

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