Gone and Done It

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(F/n) couldn't remember ever being this nervous.

The clock ticked mockingly next to her, making her eyes dart to and from it. Curfew had almost arrived, and with that, was hopefully Katsuki. She didn't think he'd turn her down, not now , but he was unpredictable.

The hour struck and she sucked in a breath.

Knock, knock.

"...Come in."

The door opened slowly, and Katsuki shuffled in, his feet dragging against the floor. (F/n) could hear a plastic bag rustling in his hand as he shut the door behind him, the click resounding throughout the room.

"I'm guessing you-?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I did."

(F/n) smiled awkwardly as she gestured to the bag. "What's that for?"

"Uh. I thought we'd need it."

"Like. Now?"


It's so awkward. I don't know what else I expected, but it's awkward to exponential bounds!

Katsuki sat down next to her, setting the bag down before looking down at his lap. (F/n) crossed her ankles as she looked to the side; and her ribbons waved in the air behind her.

After a few minutes, (F/n) broke the silence. "We need to do something, preferably today."

Katsuki grunted in response, but didn't move.

(F/n) stood up, walking near the door and flicking off the light. The moon illuminated the room ever-so-slightly, giving enough light so the darkness wasn't blinding.

It took Katsuki a moment for his eyes to adjust, but he decided to be a little shit anyway.



"I can't see shit."

He heard her sigh exasperatedly. "No fucking duh, just give me a moment."

(F/n) moved around to her desk and dug something out of her drawer before a small light flicked on. "There. Is that better?"

"Yeah, better than nothin'."

Katsuki watched as (F/n) moved to straddle his legs, staring down at him expectantly.

"But why?" Katsuki asked, his hands settling on her hips.

"...Because you're my boyfriend?" she joked, a smile spreading across her face. "Because I've known you for my whole life, practically? Kinda silly of you to ask."

Katsuki huffed, making her laugh. "Shuddup."

"Make me."

The surprise on Katsuki's face made her laugh again, but then he kissed her and she wasn't laughing anymore.

"I'm gonna make you regret saying that," he whispered into her ear, feeling the tremor that ran through her body.

"I'll hold you to it."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(F/n) let out a shaky exhale as Katsuki moved to lie down next to her, his hands wrapping around her waist.

"I'm surprised you didn't, like, set off an explosion or something."

She could feel him smirking behind her as he said, "Depends on what kinda explosion we're talkin' about-"

"Oh my god , Katsuki."

He chuckled and held her tighter as she buried her face into his chest.

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