Chapter One | Meeting everyone!

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  I walk to the pink school. I kick a rock and murmur. "I can't believe I have to work there, especially with that idiot, Souh around! My sister talks about him a lot, never gets her chores done because of him." I sigh. "Stupid anger getting me into trouble! This is worse then detention!"

My eyes wandered down to my muddy shoes. "I have to many guy friends getting me in trouble any way..." A limo drove right next to me. I saw the twins inside. "Hey, the boss doesn't want you to be late!" I tilt my head to the side. "Boss?," I thought for a bit, then knew that they were talking about Souh,"Oh, the idiot..."

The twins laugh. "Oh, you're funny!" They said in unison. The one on the left said. "My name is Hitachiin Hikaru." "My name is Hitachiin Karou." The twin on the right said. I said. "My name is Maka Hiroko." "We know your name, silly." I anime sweatdrop. "Okay.."

"What are you waiting for, get in!" I think, Hikaru said, his voice is deeper so I guess that's how I'll know. The higher voice twin, Karou said. "Yeah, the boss doesn't want you to be late!"

"I'll just walk, thanks for the offer though." The twins froze. "She's not cooperating!" "What do we do!?" "You know you guys suck at whispering, I can here you..." I giggled.

"Oh no!" "What do we do, Hikaru?!" I knew I had to run, for some reason I had a bad feeling in my stomach and I trust my stomach. The limo chased after me. I ran even faster. It was like the limo and I were racing each other to the school.

I haven't ran this fast since when I was 5 years old and my mom told me that she'll give me all the ice cream I want if I beat my little sister in a race and we were running for a mile!

I can see the limo driver. He was so determined to beat me. Then, came a stop light. I laughed and pointed. "Sucker!" I ran into a pole. I could hear the laughter from the twins and the limo driver from the limo.

I quickly got up and ran to the gate of the academy and beat the limo driver. I cheered. "Yaahoo!" I walked to the music room, happiest as can be, until I heard a, "What are you wearing?! That is hideous!" I blinked, I looked down at my baseball jersey. "My uniform."

My sister sighed, she put her hand on her forehead and said. "What will I ever do with you? You will never get a guy like that." I slouched and stared at her. "I'm not interesting in dating, I'm only in middle school."

My sister looked away, dramatically. "Oh dear younger sibling! I dated many guys when I was in middle school! I was the prettiest girl in school!" I replied. "I know, I was there, I'm only one year younger then you." It giggled. "And you were the prettiest."

It was like lighting bolt struck my sister's heart. She hissed at me and yelled, looking like Medusa. "Don't you dare say that about me! I am still the prettiest! I am not a were or a old thing! I am a now!"

I blinked. "You know Asagao. There are other really pretty girls at this school. Don't think you're the prettiest out of them all, everyone is beautiful in their own unique way." My sister sighed and nodded. "Yeah, you're right." I smiled and she smiled back. I heard a cheer.

"Bravo! Bravo!" It was Suoh. I slouched. He yelled. "Why are you so sad when you see me?!? Don't be!" He demanded. "We're gonna meet each other here for a long time so lighten up a bit!" I sighed, looking down at my shoes. "Okay ... boss." I cringed saying that.

Suoh cheered. "Yay!" He hugged me. I struggled to get out of his grasp. "Aw! You're so cute!" I looked at my sister, jealously was in her eyes, she was ready to fight for Suoh. I shoved him off of me. "Stop being stupid, you're being such a child!"

Suoh froze and went in a corner that had a dark, sad aura to it. Haruhi nudged me to him. I sighed and walked over to him. "I'm sorry, I just don't like hugs. You're not stupid or a child. Will you ever forgive me?" Suoh jumped up with a smiled. "Of course!" "Okay." And I walked away.

Honey tugged on my jersey. "Do you want to eat cake with me?" Honey asked me, pouting his lips and his cute brown eyes just look so .. cute! I blushed and nodded. 'So cute!' Honey smiled and cheered. "Yay!" He held my hand and dragged me to a table.

Varieties of slices of cake were in a circle. My eyes shined. 'So many cake!' I though delighted. Honey gave me a fork. "Eat one!" I took a bit out of all of them. It tasted amazing! My eyes sparkled. "This is delicious!" I smiled ear to ear. Honey smiled. "Yeah! I love sweeties! Do you want any more?"

I nodded. "Yes please!" Honey and I ate different sweeties and he even gave me a bag full of them and a bow full of cake! I smiled. "Thank you Honey!" Honey smiled back. "It was my pleasure!"

I waved at everyone. "Hi!" They all jumped a bit and waved back. "Hi Hiroko!" Kyoya cleared his throat. "May I speak to you for a little while, Hiroko?" I looked at Asagao with a 'What did you do?' Look. She looked back at me with a 'I didn't do anything!' Look. I fake smiled. "Okay, sure!" We sat down at a table with the rest of the host club watching us and my sister. Kyoya took out his mysterious black book, opened it and took out a pen. "So, you're Asagao's younger sister, Hiroko." I nodded. "Yes, we have established that already before."

I scratched the back of my neck. 'I have a bad feeling about this.' The black haired male asked. "You're an athlete. You like sports such as basketball, soccer, football, you do a little bit of dance, hockey, ice skating, roller derby, and your main sport is baseball."

I nodded. 'What a creep! How dose he know all this stuff about me?' I looked at his book. 'My information must be in there!' I nodded with a small fake smiled. "Yes, I only did some roller derby with my little sister and I would ice skate with my family when I was younger."

Kyoya pushed his glasses up a bit. "What got you into baseball?" I shifted in my seat, Kyoya noticed and took note of that. "M-My father." Kyoya raised his eyebrow. "Oh really?" Asagao put her hand to her chest and said. "Kyoya, are you done yet?" I looked at my sister in the eyes saying, 'I'm alright.' She nodded and said, 'You better be.' I folded my hands together and put my elbows on the table. "Now, any more questions?" Kyoya smirked with his eyes closed and wrote something down in his book. "If you can keep up with the big words I will be using, you jock."

I raised an eyebrow and scoffed. "I'm an athlete, not dumb, imbecile." Everyone that is in the club circled around us. Kyoya smirked. "Interesting." "I'm glad that you have taken an interest in me, you nerd." "I should have you know that my family has employed a private police force."

I scoffed. "You think that scares me? I haven't committed any crimes!" He opened his mouth, but quickly closed it again. I tilted my head. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" He got up and replied. "No, I just got all the information I needed about you. Thank you for having this conversation with me, Ms. Maka." I coughed a bit as he walked away. I got up and stretched. "That was interesting." Tamaki patted my back with a sincere look in his eyes. I raised an eyebrow. "What's with that look, Suoh?" He froze and it looked like he was melting away.

I sighed and shook my head. "Whatever." I looked at Haruhi. "Hey, Haruhi. Wanna hang out?" He pointed at himself. "Me?" I nodded with a smile and took his hands. "Yeah! You're the only one that seems normal around here!" Haruhi nodded. "Okay."

I lead her outside. Suoh yelled. "Don't take my Haruhi away from me!" Kyoya replied. "I think it's fine for them to go out for a little while." Tamaki screeched. "Go out?!?"

I giggled a bit. Haruhi and I walked in an empty hallway. "Why did you bring me out here, Hiroko?" I turned to her and smiled. "I wanted to hang out with you!" Haruhi sighed and patted my head. "Okay." We walked in the hallway in silence. It was comforting. Haruhi put his hand in his pockets while I looked at him here and there. His face is so beautiful. I blushed. Haruhi looked my way. "Are you okay, Hiroko? You look a bit red." I nodded with a smile. "I'm a-okay!" Haruhi nodded. "Okay."

It was silent... again. I sweatdropped. I looked back at Haruhi's face and thought. 'Where not doing anything. Well, it is my fault for dragging him out like that.' I slouched. 'I should think before I do things!'

I didn't notice that Haruhi was looking at me. After 5 minutes, I noticed and jumped back. "Wh-Why are you looking at my eyeballs!?!" Haruhi walked closer to me. We were inches away from each other. His face was so close to mine, I was blushing, and I don't do that very much. "Your eyes."

"Wh-What about th-them?" Haruhi replied. "There dull..." "Huh?" Haruhi grabbed my face. My face was even red-er then before. "Get your hands off of me!" I shouted. Haruhi shook her head. "I'm sorry, it's just. Your eyes look so dull and sad." I turned around and crossed my arms.

"Don't tell me what my eyes look like!" Haruhi sighed and said. "Come on, we better get headed back." He sighed again. "I need to prepare my self for how annoying Tamaki-Senpai will be." As he turned his back at me and walk ahead of me. I wondered. 'How was he able to see the sadness in me?'

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