Chapter Twenty Two | Cake!

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       "Bias... Bias ... BIAS!" Hiroko caressed the computer screen displaying the face of from . She looked away. "No! I am sorry, but I must stay loyal to " The teenager cried and whispered. " . ." She clapped her hands together and faced her window with the curtains open, which is unusual since she always keeps it closed, and the sunlight burning her skin like she's a vampire. "Please, I hope he recovers. He should not worry about NCT right now, but only his recovery. Jaemin fighting!" After that, she immediately closed the curtains and ran back to her computer. "But ." She closed all of her tabs and shut off the computer. She laid back and sighed. "This is extremely difficult. I hope they come to Japan one day . . " She shot up with tears at the edge of her eyes. "But they don't know Japanese! Well . . does!" She pulled her hair. "Gahh! Okay, think of something else . . . CAKE" She sulked. "I don't have cake . . " She looked at the time. 7:15 She sighed. "Okay. I better head to school. She changed out of her pajamas and into her school uniform. She did her daily going to school routine and headed off. Kiyomi didn't go to with her to school today because she is in a two day school trip with her class.

Hiroko successfully made it to school, and earlier than usual. That's because she would always have to rely on her little sister to wake her up and that leads to chaos, so Hiroko had to be a big girl (for once in a lifetime) and wake up herself, 5:18 a.m. to be exact. Her older brother saw that and wiped away a tear saying, "My little sister has grown up."

Kenta walked beside Hiroko. "Hey~" Hiroko waved at him. "Hello." Kenta asked. "Did you hear?" Hiroko raised an eyebrow. "Hear about what?" Kenta walked in front of her then walked backwards. "Something about KPOP fan wars~" Hiroko rolled her eyes. "I don't understand . . . why fight over bands? They are both talented and fabulous!" She sighed. "People need to know what an opinion is." Kenta asked. "Talk more about this. I am interested." "Why?" "I looked through the internet and read about these fan wars. I'm interested about your opinion about this." "Well," Hiroko made it to her shoe locker and changed to her inside shoes. "I understand if a person is saying "this group is better than this one! PERIOD!" Of coarse I would understand if the fan of that group would be mad. I don't think there is a group better than another. I believe that they are all awesome in their own amazing way!"

Kenta laughed. "Do you know that you're a hypocrite?" Hiroko crossed her arms. "Why is that?" Kenta leaned against the lockers. "You fight over shipping fictional characters." Hiroko rolled her eyes. "Sadly, they're fake. These KPOP bands are real people. Seeing fans fight probably upset them." Kenta nodded. "You're right." Hiroko shut her shoe locker close. Her and Kenta headed off to class.

She sniffed the air. "I smell something weird." The blonde laughed. "HA! It's probably you!" Hiroko slapped Kenta's arm. "Not nice!"

Little did she know . . . she was correct . . .

"Boss! Do you really think this is okay?" They get closer. "Are you doubting your king?!" They hide behind a bush. One pushes up his sun glasses. "We're not doubting you, but do you really think it's alright for us to take her our of class?" The blonde smiled and waved. "Hiroko won't mind missing a day of school!" The three heard an unfamiliar voice. "What are you gonna do with Hiroko?" They looked up at a male with black hair and green eyes. He has piercings and has a cool vibe around him and is handsome. The twins say. "Mind your own business. It's not like your friends with her!" Haru laughed and leaned down going face to face with them. "Actually, I am. I've been friends with her for years!" The three start to sweat. Tamaki stood up. "I am her father! There is no way she would be friends with a handsome guy like you!" Haru tilted his head to the side and smiled awkwardly. "Uumm, thanks for the compliment? And there is no way that you are her father." The blonde pulled the two red heads up by the collar. "We must be going now." They walked past him and straight ahead and walked faster and faster then they went into the full sprint. Haru rubbed his cheek. "Why were they talking about Hiroko? And why were they running towards my school?" Realization slapped him with a frying pan. He jumped 5 feet and ran to his school. "Hiroko is in danger!" He pulled out his cell phone and text Hiroko.

Hiroko got a text from Haru. "Hiroko! 3 guys want to hurt you! One has blonde hair and there were two twins with red hair! Be careful!" She rolled her eyes and text back. "LOLOLOL very funny. Milk came out my noes. P.S. You're going to be late for class~" The teacher walked in. Kenta asked. "Who was that?" Hiroko laughed. "Haru. I think he's pulling some prank on me." Kenta laughed. "Haru?! Pull a prank!" The teacher yelled at Kenta for yelling and told him to go back to his seat.


"Boss! Are we lost?!" The red head cried. The older twin pulled his hair. "Boss?!" Tamaki said, panicked. "Men! No need to worry!" They felt foot steps, it was like a earthquake. They looked around. "Where is it coming from?!" They heard a shout and looked in that direction. The same guy they meet before pointed at them. He was sweating and looked angry. "YOU!" He ran to them. Tamaki shouted. "Men! We must RUN!"

10 minutes later

The door to Hiroko's classroom opened. She (and her whole class) looked in that direction. The girls had hearts in their eyes. Hiroko's eyes widened and hid her face with her hands. The three scanned the room. Before the teacher could tell them to leave, they spotted the person they were looking for. "HIROKO!" They tackled her with a hug. She let out a shout when she was hugged. The girls in her class glared at her with jealousy. Tamaki carried her over his shoulder. "We have to leave. Now!" Hiroko yelled. "Let me down!" She hit the blonde's back. Karou tried calming Hiroko down. "Calm down Hiroko!" Hikaru said. "We have to leave! There is a crazy scary dude chasing us!" Kenta is debating on what to do. Should he stand up and save Hiroko or just wave good bye? Tamaki took a step out the door. Hiroko asked. "Who?" They all stopped at their tracks. Hiroko noticed the silence and looked behind her. It was a sweaty Haru. She waved. "Oh, Hi Haru." She said. "Please, step to the side. I feel uncomfortable with you standing in front of my butt." Haru blushed. Tamaki gasped and pushed Haru away. "If you were really her friend then why are you making her feel uncomfortable?!" They walked away. Hiroko waved bye to Haru and yelled. "Copy down the notes for me!"

They walked out of the school building. Hiroko asked, "Tamaki Senapi, where are we going?" He answered. "Ouran Academy." "Why?" Hikaru said. "We have an event and we want to get your measurements!" "Don't you already have my measurements?" Karou giggled. "To tell you the truth, we just want to dress you up for the event." Hiroko's eyes widened. She tried wiggling her way out of Tamaki's grasp, but did not succeed. She sighed. "Okay. I get it. You can put me down now. I won't run away." Tamaki said. "Fine, but you have to hold daddy's hand~" She rolled her eyes and agreed. "I better get cake for doing this." Tamaki put her down and she and Tamaki held hands. Karou held her other hand and Hiraku held Tamaki's other hand. The king smiled. "I love our family!"



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