Chapter Seven | My Dark Side?

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        Ever since I joined the host club, things seemed to be more fun around here. I put tooth paste on my tooth brushed and brushed my teeth. Iknow understand why Asagao keeps the famous Ouran High School Host Club a secret now, she was just keeping them for herself!

I spit into the sink and washed my face and combed my hair. I think I'm understanding Asagao's way of thinking . . I think. I changed my clothes. It just seems so unlike her to do something like that . . .

I changed into my uniform and grabbed some milk. She would usually talk about all the guys that she finds attractive, even Mai would know and keep an eye on all of the guys that she has mentioned. I put my shoes on and said, "I'll go to school early!" to everyone and walked to school.

I looked down at the ground and drank my milk, and then like a flash a lighting, it struck me. "Gah!" I stopped at my tracks. Asagao keeps it a secret because she wants to keep them for herself A.K.A Tamaki-Senpai! She sees everyone as a threat! She noticed that there are other pretty girls at Ouran and has been extremely clingy to Tamaki-Senpai! I guess she didn't tell us because she didn't want anymore competition! I laughed to myself. "I figured it out!"

I got to school and talked to people I don't normally talk too, like the popular girls, the girly girls, and the fashionistas! I need to get more info on my older sister, Asagao, I'm gonna do my own investigation on her.


Currently, Renge is deciding our roles for each other for some reason, I don't know why we need to change, but hey, she's being creative, and it's just for the club, no biggy. Renge ginned and pointed at me, "Hiroko Maka: Sporty, Confident, Outgoing, Happy, but her dark side is that she's very judgmental and she talks about everyone behind their backs! She's seems sweet on the outside, but is cruel on the inside!" I blinked. "You are a very creative person, Renge." Renge smiled. "Thank you, Hiroko" I fell to the floor and sulked.

"Am I really a bad person? Am I mean, but just don't know it? Who am I really?" I mumbled more questions about my self. Haruhi patted my back. "Hey, all that stuff is not true, you know. Renge is just making it up. You're a really kind person inside and out."

I wiped a tear away. "You really think so?" Haruhi nodded. "Yeah!" Renge sniffed with a smiled and put her hands together. "This. Is. PERFECT!"

I giggled. "Wow, you're a really great person, Tamaki!" I smiled from ear to ear. Tamaki smiled a soft smile. "Thank you, Hiroko." I giggled and as he left I waved good bye. I giggled. "That brat. Doesn't even complement me, all that hard work, get nothing!" I walked away, I felt something wet fall on to my forehead, "Huh?" I looked up at the gray sky, the rain poured, causing to get my school uniform to get soaked. I scoffed. "Just great. What else can possible happen now?" Someone crashed into me causing me to fall. I yelled. "Hey! Watch it!" "I'm sorry!" My eyes widened. "Haruhi?"

I looked at the person on my back. I gasped. "Haruhi!" I coughed. "H-Hi!" Haruhi stood back up and helped me back up to my feet. "I-I'm sorry, but I must really have to go!" He sprinted away, I'm surprised that he didn't slip on water or mud. I held my heart with a blush on my face. "Haruhi. . "

"Will he ever know her true feelings for him or will she stay in the sidelines?"

Then Haruhi did her scene with Honey, but cause Honey's an innocent, can't hurt anyone's feelings type of guy, he messed up his part.


Renge shouted out of her mega phone. I looked around me. "When did we decide that we should make a movie with our new personalities?" Haruhi said. "It's an over blown film crew, huh?" Kyoya said. "Apparently, she rushed then here from Hollywood." I looked at the set. Kyoya continued. "Haven't you seen then? The director of "Millennial Snow," the vampire movie was the number-one box-office hit across America last year." I looked at the director, then Hikaru started complaining about the script. "And another thing, how come this script has Kaoru being the pitcher?"

I tilted my head. "Like a baseball pitcher?" The twins sighed. "If you don't know what it means, never mind." I walked around the set, looking at everything. I grabbed the towel from my shoulder and dried my hair. Once I was done with that I put it back on my shoulder. Then, I heard a scream and a loud crash! "Hmm?" I ran to the direction I heard the sound. Almost there, "Cameraman, did you catch that?!" I stopped at my tracks. "What?" I walked around the corner.

"Yes boss!" Renge gripped on the script. "Except for the contact falling out, that was the ideal last scene?" I sighed and scratched the back of my head. I guess I was wrong about this girl. . "All it needs now is for Kyoya-sama to provide some moving narration." I heard the sound of shattering glass. I looked to the direction of the sound. Kyoya broke the camera. The cameraman screamed. "No! My camera!" Renge seemed a little frightened. "K-Kyoya-sama?" "I'm sorry, but I can not allow there to be any record of a club member engaging in violence. I am extremely displeased at the way you're acting like such a pest." Ouch, that really got to Renge.

She started crying. I felt bad for the poor girl. She didn't know, she was just so caught up in changing everyone to resemble her own characters, she just didn't know much. "Kyoya-sama, you're suppose to tell me not to worry about it, and gently pat me on the head! Why would someone as kind and affectionate as you..." Tamaki said. "That's not who Kyoya is." Renge gasped. She turned around to face Tamaki and Haruhi. She fell to her knees and sobbed. I feel really sorry for the girl. I kinda wanna cry too.

"It doesn't matter, does it?" Haruhi asked, she walked up to the crying girl and keeled down in front of her. "Even if Kyoya-snepai is a little diffren from what you expected, Renge-chan. I think that watching people, and slowly, little by little, getting to know them, can be fun, too." Haruhi smiled. I smiled. So heartwarming.

Several Day Later

As I pour the tea into the cup, a bunch of girls ran up to me. I tilted my head. "Hi ladies! Um, if you girls don't know, I'm not really a host so-" "I bought that video!" "Me too! "I also did!" They all talked about a video. "What video?" I asked. I looked at the guys who were also looking dumb founded. "That scene in the rain was the greatest!" "The lonesome prince!" "The relationship between Hikaru-sama and Karou-sama was too much!" "I want to see Honey-kun acting like a thug again!" "And Haruhi-kun's poignant expressions!" "Mori-kun was definitely more kind or masochist, huh?" "Oh! And Hiroko-chan's face just looked so great in the scene! Come to think of it it's always looks great, I wonder what kind of products she uses on her skin!" My eye twitched, all they said about me was about my face?

Tamaki snapped his fingers, "Kyoya! " "I may have broken the lens, but naturally, the footage that was already shot still remains. Of course, that one scene of violence is cut out. Sales have been pretty fair." Kyoya looked back at us and smiled. "That first-rate Hollywood staff did as good a job as you'd expect." The twins asked. "Is this what you mean by "interesting"?" "It's the best to have as much as we can in the club budget, right?" My eye twitched.

"Take care." I heard a familiar voice say. We all looked at the direction of the voice. Oh, it's Renge. I said.. "I though you went home to France, Renge." Renge said. "I realized something. Your kindness earlier," she blushed, "when you risked you life to protect me, and your deep love, for giving those, at times, stern admonitions." Renge took Haruhi's hands into her own. "This is what you meant by watching people, and falling in love with them, right, Haruhi-kun?" My eyes widened. "What?!" Haruhi seemed unsure about her answer. "Yes?" "What!?" I yelled again. Renge dragged her away. "Come, let's go to my house to play some games together! You have to find out more about me, too!" Haruhi seems confused as me or even more confused. "Huh?"

The twins asked Kyoya if he though this was okay. Kyoya seemed amused. "Why wouldn't it be? She's not wrong in what she's saying." Tamaki yelled. "No, it's not okay!" Kyoya grinned. "They're both becoming friends with each other as girls, just like you wanted." I laughed. Tamaki pointed at them. "But I don't want Haruhi to have a girlfriend!" I giggled. Renge smiled. "Come on, Haruhi-kun! Let's go!" Tamaki ran after them. "Wait! Don't take Haruhi away!"


A/N~ Ehhhh! What a chapter! Thank you for reading my story and sorry for the late chapter! ;-; Comment and favorite my story, thank you guys for the support!

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