Chapter Thirty Two | Newspaper Club? / JEALOUSY ' Part Two '

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        Hiroko's currently in the lead in this game of red light, green light. She breaths heavily and Tamaki looks at her with fear. Fear that he'll get caught with her strong bear, bat swinging hands. Hiroko's never lost a game of red light, green light before. Tamaki watches her closely as he shakes in fear of this intense commoner's game.

Once she sees the back of his blonde head, she charges at him, but the power of animation/fan fiction teleportation allows him to get away just in time and explain how watching the host club play kid games will help the newspaper club gain trust to their readers.

Hiroko ends up slapping the poor, innocent tree. She lets out a cry in anger. "Hey!" And turns her head to the 'King's' and points. "Come back here so I can WIN!"

Tamaki laughs and announces that they'll be playing a different game. Kick the can.

Kyoya's it and everyone else has to hide. She cracks her knuckles and laughs maniacally as he counts. She's never lost a game of hide and seek either, so this will be easy. She's a very excellent climber, so she hides high up in the tree branches. She chuckles to herself. "I've already won." She says.

From the tree the to right of her, she hears a rustling sound and sees a silhouette of a female in a big dress.

Spoilers for the incoming event: They say curiosity killed that cat, but curiosity actually broke her wrist.

Hiroko moves closer to the other tree, balancing and holding onto the long branch. She lets out a gasp, surprised to see that pretty, crazy, jealous, foreign student Maria. That girl is looking off into the distance with a blush on her cheeks. Hiroko follows her stare and sees Aiko in the distance sitting on a bench sourounded by flowers as he smiles up to the sky and watches the clouds. "Wow that's pretty boring." Hiroko thinks to herself.

"What did you just say about Maria's honey-bun?" A chilling, menacing voice says.

Beads of sweats form on Hiroko's forehead as she's struck by the lightening bolt labeled "fear". She slowly turns her head to the female. The shadows from the trees loom over Maria, making her appear scarier than she is, and her long hair rises up like Medusa's snakes.

"Can you hear my thoughts?!" Hiroko shouts and starts crawling away.

"No. You said it aloud, i-di-ot."

Her blood boils and she crawls forward instead. She grits her teeth and raises a shaking fist at the stalker. "I may be an idiot, but you're a creep! Instead of threatening me and watching Akio from afar, just walk up to him and talk! You're the true idiot here! If you keep doing what you're doing, he'll never notice you and he won't like you!"

Even in anger, the hostess gives love advice.

The sun shines through the trees and exposes the girl's true form. Hearing Hiroko's advice has moved her and she now has a change of heart. The sunlight makes it look like Maria is sparkling and even though she's crying, she still looks pretty. While Hiroko makes an ugly face at the light being hit on her face.

"Th-Thank you!" She shouts with a smile.

Hiroko scratches the side of her head, confused. She didn't notice that she gave Maria love advice. She was honestly trying to be mean to her.

The beautiful student lets out a cry for help and tries to reach out for Hiroko. "Be careful!"

The fourteen year old looks down, the branch under her is breaking off. She screams as she falls and hits the ground hard on her back.

"Are you okay?!" Maria asks and gracefully jumps down from the tree, using her big banana yellow dress as a parachute.

Hiroko's whole body twitches and her spirit is flying out of her body from her mouth. It hurt. She has a few bruises and scratches, but she'll live. She doesn't notice until she Maria helps her sit up, but her wrist is broken and she feels a sharp pain on her back.

The Baseball PlayerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora