Chapter Eighteen | Jungle Pool SOS! Part Two!

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"Honey-Senpai!" I yelled after him, reaching my hand out, trying to grab on to the teen, but it took to no avail. Honey-Senpai was too far away, the current was too strong and pushed him away. I balled my fists and hair covering my eyes. If I could of just stayed there longer . . . If I could of just controlled and blocked my emotions . . . If I could of- "We'll send a search party." I hear Kyoya say, taking out his phone and dialing a phone number. I snapped out of my trance, shaking my head like it could help get these thoughts of guilt out of my head, but it failed. I still had that thought in my head, "You could of done something." or "This would have never happened if . . ." "I contacted the police force to help." Kyoya said and flipped his phone shut. The host club members and I nodded. "We should look as well." They nodded, Mori-Senpai taking the lead. He looks the most worried out of all of us. Well of course, they are family. We ran to different places around the pool, trying to grab Honey-Senpai out of there . . .

A growl was heard, the green scales glistened when the light hit it's skin. Alligators . . . THERE WERE ALLIGATORS IN HERE! We all ran for our life. I yelled. "Why are there alligators here!?" Kyoya explained. "Those pool are the tropical animal area. I guess it is dangerous to let the alligators run loose." The cool type leaned the end of his pen (he was writing on a notepad something while talking) on his chin. "Although, it's the current pool's switch that's the problem here. I'll have to speck to the designers." Kyoya closed his notepad shut and put on a smile. "I have to thank you. I've gotten some good data here." We all stared angrily at the cold hearted teen. "So we were just 'guinea pigs'!?"

Kyoya then showed us a map. "This is a Tropical Aqua Garden's area map. This is out present location." He pointed somewhere. "To get to this point, where I predict Honey-Senpai got carried away to, we will need to go through the jungle area in the southern block." Kyoyo pointed to the jungle area in the southern block with his pen. "That's a range of about 800 meters." Haruhi said. "There seems to be a lot of indeterminate areas in this jungle along our way." I nodded. Kyoya replied. "Those are zoned that are still under development." Hikaru said. "Then what ever is out there . . . " Karou finished his twin's sentence. "Could be more dangerous than alligators . . . " Tamaki said, determined. "All right, this is a survival mission! I know we can make it through this jungle in one piece! It is our sworn duty to save Honey-Senpai!" "Yeah!"

~Time Skip~

I fanned myself with my hand. "This is really like a real jungle." I stuck my tongue out like a dog. It's so hot! Haruhi agreed. "Yeah, and I keep on hearing these really strange animal calls." Hikaru said. "You don't think those animal sounds . . ." Karou continued. "Could belong to the real thing?" A bird next to me screamed into my ear. I was too hot and sweaty to do anything so I just sobbed silently cause of my now damaged ear. Kyoya shrugged. "To be honest, I'm not sure. But I do know that my family always strives for authenticity what ever the cost." I looked over to Mori-Senpai. He looks so straight faced, I could never tell what this dude is thinking about. I sighed. Well, I do know one thing is that he is very worried for Honey-Senapi.

Seconds later, I see Mori-Senapi on the floor with a banana peel on his face. Did he slip on the banana peel? Hikaru said. "Mori-Senpai is-" "Acting as clumsy as you do boss!" Karou finished. Tamaki yelled at the twins. "Shut up!" I looked back at my senpai. Mori is really REALLY worried. I don't think he can think straight.

The clouds turned gray and it started to rain. We all ran under a hut to get out of the rain. I watched the rain hit the ground and bushes. Rain. It doesn't bother me that much, good. I told myself. Just don't look at any puddles. I turned around and faced the floor of the hut. Haruhi said to Mori. "Hey Mori-Senpai. You seem to be really close to Honey-Senpai. Are the two of you like childhood friends?" Haruhi asked. "You mean you don't know?" "That they're cousins?" The twins told Haruhi. Haruhi said in shock. "You're kidding me! They're related?!" Kyoya explained. "The Morinozuka's have been serving the Haninozuka family for generations." Hikaru added. "However two generations ago, the family became relatives by marriage in the master-servant relationship soon became the thing of the past." Karou added on. "But even so, Mori-Senapi always made a point to accompany Honey-Senpai." Tamaki said. "Must really get his blood going. The blood of a loyal servant flows like a mighty river through Mori-Senapi's veins. The twins cried. "Such a beautiful story! I'm touched!" Haruhi sighed. "I don't know if I would call it a beautiful story . . . "

I looked over at Mori once more. I'm not sure if I understand this blood and loyalty stuff, but it's obvious that Mori-Senpai thinks an awful lot about Honey-Senpai. I didn't notice, but I was walking towards Mori-Senpai. I place my hand on the high school student's arm. "Mori-senpai. It's going to be alright. I'm sure that Honey-Senapi is safe. He is a lot tougher that you might think he is and if he get hungry the trees are full of bananas!" I tried my best to comfort Mori-Senapi. He place a hand on my head and smile. "You're right."

Soon, the rain stopped. Kyoya said. "I think it's best that we go back. My family's police force is on there way here to help find Honey-Senpai." He looked around. "Where is Mori and Haruhi?!" I whipped my head around in all different directions. "AH! Did they get eaten by alligators?!" I screamed. Kyoya calmed me down.

We started heading back, but then we heard a scream, so we ran after it thinking that one of our friends were in danger, but we were wrong. It wasn't out friends who were hurt . . . IT WAS THE POLICE FORCE! I spotted Honey, Mori, and Haruhi. I smiled. I'm glad that they're all safe. I asked. "Umm, who did all of this . . ?" Honey said with a smile. "I did!" My jaw fell to the floor. "YOU DID THIS?!"

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