Chapter Fifteen | By day cinnamon roll! By night, sinnamon roll!

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The curtains closed shut to hid the sunlight from entering the room, the lights are off, the room's a mess with bags of chips and different bottles of soda and pudding cups scattered all over the floor. The only light is from a computer screen and the only sounds are from someone typing away on the key board or the sound of scratching from a pen hitting a drawing tablet. A blanket wrapped around the strange creature that has been named, Maka Hiroko.

The door to the creature's room slowly opened, making the sound of creaking. A shadow of a tall man was revealed from the door way. "She's been like that for almost a week now." "Hhmm, yes I see." A familiar voice said, the shadow looked like he pushed up his glasses. "Has she not moved out of the room?" The 22 year old leaned on the door frame. "She only would come out to use the restroom or to get something to eat." The other shadow nodded. "I see . . " The teenager faced the adult. "You need not to worry. We will get her out of there as soon as we can." The adult nodded. "Okay, but it will be difficult. I tried almost everything." The teenager nodded. "We know." He pulled out his phone. "This will be a very difficult task."

The 14 year old's cell phone rang. "Huh?" She dropped her pen and picked up the phone. "Hey, Hiroko? It's Renge!" She pushed some of her hair behind her ear. "Hey, how did you get my number?" Renge replied. "Oh, you don't need to know about that . . . Anyways! I was thinking if you would like to meet me at Ouran Academy to talk about anime?" There was a glint in her eyes. She looked back at her drawing on the computer. "I'm not sure, I'm pretty busy . . . " Renge said, "It won't take long! Pleeeaassseee! I haven't seen you for so long, Hiroko!" I rubbed the back of my neck. "Uumm if I won't take long-" Renge cheered. "Yay! Come soon!" beep beep beep She hung up.

Hiroko blinked. "I guess I'll be going then." She stood up and saved her drawing and story on her computer, then shut it down. She walked out the door and walked to Ouran Academy still in her pajamas and bunny slippers.

The other three Maka siblings peeked their heads from the door way of Hiroko's room when she left. "I wonder what she was working on." "Does anyone know her password?" "I don't think so, but I know it's like a paragraph of words!" Kiyomi said as she remembered when she peeked at her sister typing her password and saw many words being typed away. The 3 family members walked into the room and surrounded the laptop. "I don't want to sleep in Asagao's room any more . . " Asagao asked. "Hey! What's wrong with my room?!" Kiyomi said, "There's nothing wrong with your room, you just talk too much." Kiyomi shrugged. Asagao said, "Do something Mai!" Mai looked at the both of them and shrugged, nodding his head. Asagao's mouth hit the floor. "Hey!"

Hiroko rubbed her eye and flipped her phone open and called Renge when she was at the entrance of the school. "I'm here." Renge rushed over to Hiroko, dust following behind her as she ran. She stopped to a halt when she was in front of the girl a year younger than her. "Hi Hiroko!" Hiroko yawned. "Hi Renge." She rubbed her eye. "So you wanted to talk . . . about what anime?" Renge circled around the sleepy girl. "Did you watch any new anime?" Hiroko nodded. "Yeah . . " "What anime?" Hiroko replied. "[Fav. Anime]." Renge smiled. "Do you like this anime very much?" Hiroko nodded. "Yeah I do." Renge giggled, "I can tell!" She looked at Hiroko's T-shirt that had that name and a chibi of the anime characters on her shirt and the title of the anime all over her sweat pants. "So . . . did you just recently . . . join this fandom?" Hiroko nodded.

She's really tired. "I've been making some fan art for my," She yawned and patted her mouth," fan fiction that I'm going to post for my blog . . " Renge's eyes widened. "Wow! Hiroko! You have a blog?!" Hiroko nodded, "Yeah, it's called-" She snapped out of her daze and slapped both of her cheeks, leaving red hand prints on her cheeks. "WHAT HAVE I JUST DONE!?!" Renge squealed. "Oh please do tell me! What is your blog called!?" Hiroko shook her head. "NO! I- I HAVE TO GO!" She turned around and was about to go for a sprint, but a strong firm arm caught her. Hiroko looked up. I was Mori-Senpai. Hiroko laughed nervously. "H-Hi!" Mori carried Hiroko over his shoulder with Renge following behind, they both ignored Hiroko's protests.

Once they got inside the Music Room, Mori set Hiroko down on the pink floor. Hiroko crossed her arms. "Well that wasn't so hard was it?" Hiroko said to Mori when he put her down. Like a flash of lighting, Tamaki ran up to Hiroko and hugged her. Hiroko yelped at the surprise attack caused by the blonde. Tamaki cried, "Hiroko! Daddy missed you so much!" Tamaki rubbed his cheek against hers. Tamaki laughed a bit. "Haha . . why do you smell like pudding?" Hiroko rolled her eyes. "I'm fine Tamaki-Senpai- !" Hiroko noticed that Tamaki was holding tightly on to her shoulders. 'Was he that worried?' Hiroko thought. Tamaki finally let go of her. Kyoya said, "It was difficult coming up with a plan to get you out of the house, but surprisingly, Renge helped a lot." Renge held up a peace sign. "Otakus know other otakus!" The French girl winked.

Haruhi said, "You were gone for so long, even Asagao didn't know why you were in your room for so long. She told us that you even shooed your little sister out of your guys' room." Hiroko nodded, signaling that it was true.

*~Meanwhile with the Maka family~*

Kiyomi Maka cracked her knuckles. "Okay, I'll try." She said as she opened the laptop, showing the lock screen. "Let's see if I can recall what I saw . ." Asagao said, "You can do this, Kiyomi!" Mai said, "I need to look through her history." Kiyomi nodded. "I'm sorry sis, but I have to do this."

Kiyomi typed swiftly and beautifully, her fingers typing away, the tapping of the keys sounded like a symphony. The other two Maka family members looked at her amazed. When she finally finished and pressed enter, I didn't accept. "Awww." Kiyomi said, "Oops, caps lock." And did it all again, without the caps lock, and pressed the enter key once again and got through. "Yay!" "Nice job, Kiyomi!" Kiyomi smiled at her accomplishment. Mai took the laptop and scrolled through Hiroko's history, stuff about baseball, anime merch, school, and-" Mai froze. "Wh-what is this sin!?!" He quickly closed out of the history tab and had a deep red blush on his face. "What did you see?" Kiyomi asked. Mai shook his head and wiped off the nose blood. "Y-yuri." Asagao's eyes widened. Kiyomi shook her head, "That crazy otaku." Asagao took the laptop and scrolled down Hiroko's downloads. "Hey! Look at this!" The siblings looked at it, it was a fan art about, [Fav. Anime]. "So that's what she's been working one!" Mai said, "She missed school for this?! I thought she was depressed or something!" Kiyomi sighed. "She has a completely different life on the internet."

*~ Back to Ouran~*

Renge explained. "She has a new obsession." The Ouran members nodded, "Ohhh." Hiroko blushed from embarrassment. Renge continued, "This is when a person makes or looks at fan art, reads or makes fan fiction, and buys merchandise and talks about it all the time!" Hiroko nodded. "I talk about it online." "They also know many things about the show!" Hiroko nodded once again. Tamaki nodded, "Well, because you disobeyed the rules by not coming to the host club with out an excuse!" Tamaki pointed dramatically at Hiroko, making her go cross eyed when she looked at his finger. "You will have to pay off more from your dept!" Hiroko looked up at the ceiling. "NNNOOOOOOOO!"

Hiroko walked back home, sleepily and more tired as ever. They made Hiroko work twice has hard then before, the twins kept on bothering her, which made it even worse. Hiroko walked in her house and rubbed her eyes. "I really need to watch more [Fav. Anime], a new episode comes out!"

"I don't think you will be doing that for a while, Hiroko." Hiroko looked at Mai, who's holding her laptop with her other two sisters behind her. "I saw your history." Hiroko yelped and went on her knees and crawled to Mai, begged for mercy. "I need my laptop back! PLEASE!" Mai shook his head. "From all the things that I've seen on here," Mai looked down. "You seem like such an innocent child, but you have a secret life that no one knew about." Mai sighed. "You can't use your laptop for a month." Hiroko screamed. "MY FOLLOWERS! THEY'LL THINK THAT I'M DEAD!" Mai said, "I'll post that I grounded you on your blog." Hiroko cried. "NO! DON'T GET ON MY ACCOUNT!" And after that yell, she instantly feel asleep on the wooden floor. Snoring as loud as she can. Mai smiled and got a blanket from her bed and dropped it on her. "I'm too lazy to carry you, good night."  

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