Chapter Ten | How the Twins Learned How to Photoshop.

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  I stared blankly at the twins as they bowed down to me, begging me. I clicked my tongue, "Just why are you asking me to teach you two wonders of photoshop?" The twins grinned, standing up with that smirk they always have plastered on their faces. I swear, one day when they have that smirk on their face for a long time and will stay that way. The twins replied, "It's so we can have some photo's of Haruhi for the magazine." I raised an eyebrow, "Why can't you just take a picture of her?" I asked. Hikaru said, "We're gonna photoshop her with a male's body." My eyes widened.

Karou said, "It would be fun! It would also keep the secret of Haruhi being a girl~" Hikaru said, "We can also pay you~" I felt my eyeballs change into dollar signs, but I rejected the offer. I rubbed my eyes, 'What the heck?' I tapped my cheek and asked, "How do you guys even know that I know how to edit photos?" Hikaru pulled out a computer from out of no where and typed something, Karou turned it around, the screen facing me. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped to the floor. I dropped to my knees, holding myself up on the floor with my hands, sobbing. "Th-they . . " The twins sang, "We found your blog~"

I sat criss-cross on the pink floor and pointed at the mischievous twins and yelled, "This is blackmail!" The twins wagged their finger at me, "If you want to keep your anime-gay-theory-blog a secret, then you have to teach us how to photoshop!" I looked back at my blog, my edit of Ceil and Alois winking at each other and the next photo was Alois liking Ceil's lips instead on his ear. I looked down. "Oh don't you judge me! It's not like I ship them together! I was just simply bored and had nothing to do!" I said, trying to defend myself. The twins shrugged, "Whatever you say!"

I was silent for a few seconds, but then nodded. "Okay, I'll teach you guys how to photoshop . . " The twins smiled and yelled, "Yay! Victory!" Hikaru carried me off of the floor and sat me on a chair, Karou put the laptop on the table in front of me. The twins pulled up a two chairs for them to sit on, Hikaru on my left and Karou on my right, the were uncomfortable close to me. I cracked my knuckles and opened Photoshop. "Okay guys, now watch and learn." I grinned.

Sorry for the short chapter! I just thought that I could do this, *points upward to words above* telling you all how Hikaru and Karou learned how to photoshop and that Hiroko has a blog! I hope you guys liked the chapter and thank you for the comments that I have received, (only two) EVEN THOUGH it was only two comments it really motivated me to write and continue this story, so thank you all so much! ^-^

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