Chapter Sixteen | The Naughty Type

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          I wiped my dusty hands on my uniform. "I'm so tired." I sighed. My team and I have been practicing our hardest. Two days from now, we will be going up against our rival school. I shook my head. "We will beat them." They always beat us, but this time, we will win. My gut told me. I heard a noise. Looking around, I saw no one in sight. I heard the noise again, but noticed that it was my stomach making it. "Oh, I'm just hungry." I sighed again and looked up at the sky. "I'm sooo late!" I yelled at the sky. I grabbed my water bottle from my bag and drank some water, after that I turned my hat backwards and got in a runner's starting position. "1. 2. 3." I sprinted to the school. I ignored my aching legs and kept on running.

I burst into the music room, panting. "H-hey guys!" I looked up, seeing everyone staring at me. "S-Sorry th-" I paused so I can catch my breath. "Sorry that I'm late. I had baseball practice." I grabbed my water bottle and drank all of the water inside of it. "Ah." I wiped off the water that may have feel off of me and onto my cheek when I was gulping down the water. "You look tired, Hiro-Chan." Honey held Bun Bun up close to his chest and stared at me with worried eyes. I smiled. "Don't worry about it Honey-Senpai." Tamaki said. "Did you run all the way from your school to here?" Everyone stared at me with wide eyes, amazed. I nodded. "I- I didn't want to be late than I already I am." I said. Haruhi said. "I think you should sit down-" I shook my head. "It's alright."

I said. "I'm fine." I sighed. "I know I'm late, but I wanted you guys to know that I'm alright and that I don't plan on skipping out on any club activities." "Hiroko . . " I heard Tamaki say. I clapped my hands together. "Okay, so what are we going to work on for tomorrow?" I asked.

Hikaru told me, "Tamaki has an apprentice." Karou added, "He's in elementary school." I tilted my head to the side. "Why?" Tamaki held his chest. "Do you not think me worthy of having an apprentice." I looked at my long nails and put a hand on my hip and nodded. "Yeah." It looked like a lighting bolt hit Tamaki's heart and send him flying to his corner and send him planting mushrooms. How is that possible? There isn't even any soil for the fungus to be on, only pink tiles.

Haruhi shook her head. She probably thought the same thing as I did. "He said he wanted to make someone happy and we're going to help him with that." I smiled. "He has a crush~" I asked. "Since he's an apprentice's host, doesn't he get a type?" The twins said in unison. "Naughty Type." I giggled. "Is he dirty minded or is just rude?" Haruhi sighed, "Rude." I giggled. "You must of known from experience, huh?" I put an arm around Haruhi's shoulder. She sighed again. "Tell me about it."

"These guys are really mean . . ." I said as Haruhi, Honey, and I turned a corner. "I don't want to wear this." Haruhi said. "This is for a good cause." I put my hands on the back of my head. "A little boy who has a crush on someone and us snooping around to find out who? Yes Haruhi. That is a good cause." I said sarcastically. Honey pointed to a classroom. "This must be his!" The three of us walked inside, looking around. "So this is where the kid's classroom is." I turned around to see the rest of the host club. I raised my eyebrows. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. They ignored me. "Whoa! I wonder if my drawing is still on my old desk!" Hikaru said as he jogged up to one of the wooden desks. Kyoya lifted up his glasses with his pointer finger. "That is very unlikely since they change the desks every year."

I sighed. "They won't answer my question." Haruhi asked, "Why did you guys just walk up here? If we could of done that then us three didn't need to wear these uniforms." Honey and I nodded. The twins and Tamaki looked away. "Oh no reason!" I pouted. "There is always a reason." I murmured. Soon, we heard foot steps. My eyes widened. "Guys! Hide under the desks!" Haruhi and I whispered yelled to them. I blushed. Haruhi didn't notice, good. We all hid under the desks. The guys whispering, "What are we going to do?", "What if a teacher finds us?" Haruhi put a finger to her lips and shushed us. "If you guys don't be quiet then we will get caught!" The guys and I blushed. I lightly slapped my cheek, still keeping one hand on the floor for support so I don't fall. 'Do I really like Haruhi?' I asked myself.

The teacher's foot steps echoed in the hallways as he passed by the classroom. When we no longer could here his foot steps, we all got out of our hiding spots and sighed with relief. "Thank goodness he didn't find us." I said. Honey nodded. "Looks like he was in the music club." Kyoya stated. I looked at him. Kyoya stared at a board with pictures pinned on it, we all walked up to it and looked at the picture. It was a little boy and a little girl playing piano together. They look so happy. I smiled. I think I understand now. What he was trying to make happy was this girl, that's why he wanted to be under Tamaki's wing.

I looked at Tamaki, he smiled. So this blonde understands the situations also, huh? Tamaki walked out of the classroom and we followed behind. I looked up at a sign. "Music room." We stopped and looking into the windows of the room. The girl from the photo asked the little boy if he could play the piano with her, he refused. I bit my lip. Oh, he should of said yes! The door to the music room opened, revealing a girl with pink tails, surprised that high school students, and me, are here. Tamaki walked up to her and pulled out a rose from his vest. I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow. Is he made of roses? "Miss, what can you tell us about that girl playing the piano?" The little girl blushed. I face palmed. What the heck Tamaki? I shivered. I would be totally freaked out if Tamaki did that to me if I was in elementary.

The little girl explained. Ah, so lil' booty shorts' crush is moving soon. And as if on que, lil' booty shorts came out of the classroom and yelled at us. "Why the heck are you guys doing here?! I said I don't need your help anymore!" Tamaki sighed and carried the boy over his shoulder. I didn't question it. No one questioned it. Not even the teachers, which was quite unusual. We just followed behind. As we walked back to Ouran I was informed that lil' booty shorts' name is Shiro.

Tamaki put the elementary student on the red sofa. "Hey! What's your deal?!" Shiro yelled at 'the king'. Tamaki said. "You lied to me." Shiro looked at Tamaki. Tamaki continued. "You said you wanted to make women happy, but you don't. You just want to make one person happy, and you're just going to give up like that?!" Shiro asked. "What am I suppose to do?!" The smol child looked down. "She's going to leave anyways . . ." Tamaki walked away from Shiro, the blonde walked up to something under a large white sheet. He pulled it off revealing a grand piano. My eyes widened. "How did I not notice this before?" First is was a cage, now it's a fricking piano?! What's next?! I shook my head. Never mind, I don't want to find out . . or do I? Kyoya chuckled. "Well, this is a music room after all." I nodded.

"Welcome miss!" All of us greeted the young girl that stood before us. She blushed. "Um is Shiro here?" Tamaki lead her to Shiro, sitting on a piano with a handsome tux on. "Do you wanna play the piano with me?" Shiro asked. The girl nodded with a smile. "Yeah!" And they played the piano beautify together. Tamaki has finally taught Shiro how to make a woman happy. A couple of days later, Shiro has taken Tamaki's place. "Oh Shiro! You're so adorable!" "Ladies! Ladies!" Tamaki sits behind him, angry. I giggled. Hikaru said, "You did teach him the ways of being a host, Tamaki." I nodded. Karou said. "You did a very good job boss!" Tamaki shouted. "I didn't want him taking my place!"

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