Chapter Five | Weekends

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        The weekend. A wonderful two day break from school, you'll be lucky if you don't have homework on the weekend. Just relax, read, or maybe go outside-



Lurking in the shadows is a creature so wild, so lazy, so tired, so ....


The older brother opened the curtains, the wild Hiroko hissed at the sunlight and ran away into her dark closet with the only light coming from the cracks of the door and a tablet. The browned haired girl's face was really close to the tablet.

The oldest sibling sighed, "You wake up late as usual.,"Mai took the tablet away. Hiroko hissed. Mai dropped the the tablet on the young girl's head. "Ouch!" The young male grabbed the tablet off her head and said. "Don't you have homework to do?" Hiroko was silent. "Do your homework." "Okay."

The animal, with dark circles, messy hair, and nutella on her face, slowly came out of the dark closet and out of her natural habitat, which is also called, her room.

Hiroko grabbed her book bag and took out her math homework. Algebra 1. Hiroko is pretty good at math, getting A's on her exams, quizzes, participation, ect, but in 6th grade and some of elementary she was struggling because she would forget easily about the formulas/ what she had learned, but now it is easy for her because she has made little notes here and there that related to some video game references to math to help her. (Irl tho, for the x and y axis I would think about Pokemon X and Y legendarys to help me, lol)

Mai didn't have to worry about her. Asagao was also good at math, but she did need some help here and there from Mai. Kiyomi was currently failing math, she would need help from Hiroko to help her study or do anything math related ,but she does know her multiplication and division well.

Hiroko finished her math homework and is now helping her younger sister with her math homework. Kiyomi is slowly understanding. "Great!" Hiroko smiled. Kiyomi got a problem right. "I think I'm understanding!" Kiyomi cheered with joy.

Mai called for Hiroko. Hiroko told Kiyomi. "I think you can do this by your self now." Kiyomi nodded and continued doing her work. Hiroko walked up to Mai. "Yeah?" Mai said. "Can you get some things from the store?" He handed her a list. (A L-L-L-LIST! I GAVE YOU A LIST! Spongebob reference.)

Hiroko asked. "Why me?" Mai replied. "Asagao is sleeping over her friend's house. You're finished with your homework and I'm lazy." She took the list. "Okay, Mai." She murmured. "Lazy ass." She went back into her room the get some clothes and then to the bathroom and clean herself and change out of her pajamas. Hiroko looked in the mirror. She liked her outfit. She could hear Asagao's voice in her head right now. "That's so plain! You have to wear something else or else you will never get a boyfriend!" Hiroko roller her eyes.

Out of 3rd Person POV~ + Time Skip

She got everything from the list, even got some nutella, and other extra stuff that Asagao want and lady items. While in the store I bumped into Haruhi. "Haruhi?" I tilted my head to the side a bit. 'Why is he in a dress?' I thought. 'A cross dresser?'

Haruhi jumped and sweat dropped. "Ahhh! Hiroko! Wh-What are you doing here?" I showed him.... her(?) the basket with all the items in it. "Shopping." He scratched the back of his head. "Oh yeah.. why wouldn't you be in a store?"

I asked. "Why are you.. in a dress?" Haruhi sighed. "Well, no more hiding it now." I tilted my head. "Hide what?" "HARUHI! DADDY'S HERE TO GET YOU!" (Haha 'Daddy' *wink wonk* ;) JKJK)

I looked behind Haruhi to see Tamaki?! Tamaki gasped and stopped at his tracks. "Hiroko!? What are you doing here?!" "Shopping." I answered the 2nd time. Tamaki said. "There is nothing to see here!" Haruhi sighed. "Senpai, she was gonna find out sonner or later," Haruhi told me," I'm a girl." I gasped. "WHHAA?!?!" 'I-I liked a girl?!' I giggled. 'This is very interesting now~ Dose that mean I'm gay for Haruhi?' Tamaki pointed at me. "You think this is funny?!" I shook my head. "Nope, this is just some great character development! Isn't that right readers and Author-Chan?"

(*nods* Yes indeed, Hiroko-Chan~) Hauhi shook her head. "The 4th wall breaking again.." No one payed any mind to that. Soon, everyone else from the host club came. They explained why Haruhi is cross dressing and Kyoya threatened me if I ever told anyone. I gotta keep this a secret.

Good thing I'm good at keeping those. I giggled and scratched the back of my head. "Ummm, is the host club here?" Honey said. "We wanted to visit Haru-Chan~!" Everyone nodded. The twins put their arms around me. "Can we see what your house looks like?" They asked. I shook my head. "Heck no!" "Why not?" They wined. Honey played with Usa-Chan. "Yeah! Please, Hiro-Chan?!" I shook my head. "Sorry Honey, I don't want to show you guys." "Why not?" Tamaki jumped up and down. "Yeah! I wan to meet your family!" I sweatdroped. "No thank you." Kyoya said.

"Hiroko has an over protective brother, he will tear you to shreds." I asked with my voice raised. "How do you know my brother?!" "I meet him when Asagao enrolled and a seconded time when you first visited Ouran Academy. I enjoyed talking to him." I sighed.

"Oh well. I'm gonna go now, and don't worry. I won't tell a soul about your secret Haruhi." She sighed in relief. "Thank you." Honey waved. "Bye Hiro-Chan!" I waved back. "Bye bye Honey-Senpai!"

Haruhi's POV~

Hikaru asked. "Are you sure she won't tell anyone?" Kaoru said. "Can she be trusted?" Kyoya pushed up his glasses. "I just simply threatened her and she is a trustworthy person." I sweatdropped. "With what?" Kyoya pulled out some pictures. "Some pictures of her in P.E." The guys ganged up on Kyoya. "How did you get them?!?" Tamaki asked. Kyoya said. "I have my sources." A picture of Asagao pops up. Everyone sighed. "Of coarse it was her." Karou begged. "Can we please see it, Kyoya?!" Kyoya shook his head. "No." "Awwww!"

Hiroko's POV~

I walked home and said. "Hey guys! I have everything from the store!" I heard a gasp. I looked to where the noise came from and it was Asagao. I waved. "Hi sis. How was the sleepover?" She walked up to me, angrily. She tapped her foot on the wooden floors. "What is this?" She pointed at my outfit. I looked at myself. "My clothing." It looked like she was about to faint. "It's so plain! You will never get any guys like that!" I exhaled and smiled. "Haha." I laughed I laughed it off and walked away. Asagao shouted. "Come back here missy! We need to reorganize you closet!"

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