Chapter Twelve | Being a Hostess Sucks - Being a Hostess Rocks!

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  I tripped, falling into the pink floors. The twins held up signs that had a big red X on them. "You did it all wrong!" "We told you delicate like a butterfly! NOT be a clumsy gorilla!" Then, the twins said at the same time, "I give you a ten out of ten for landing though!" I slowly stood back up, "I'm sorry! It's just wearing high heels hurt my feet and- and they're just a pain!" I shouted, "DON'T LOOK AT MY BUTT WHEN I FALL LIKE THAT!" The twins laughed cheekily. I crossed my arms. "Yeah- yeah- whatever. Being a hostess sucks!"

I rubbed my temples. Tamaki ran up to me and held me in a tight embrace, "Oh Hiroko! Are you all right?!" I tried to shove him off of me, but failed. "Yes. Yes. I'm alright Tamaki-Senpai!" Tamaki pointed at the twins, but his other arm still around my shoulders. "How dare you be so rude to my daughter!" Tamaki turned back to me, "How would you like me to punish them?!" I looked behind Tamaki and see the twins chanting silently, "Blog~ Blog~ Blog~" I shook my head, "N-No! N-No! It's quite alright!" Tamaki tilted his, "What has happened to my daughter?!" The blonde was surprised by Hiroko's answer, usually she wouldn't pass up an opportunity to cause pain to the mischievous red heads, but she didn't this time . . . and she shuddered. Something was defiantly wrong with Hiroko!

The young girl was finally able to push Tamaki away from her. "It's okay Tamaki, I'm quite alright." I took off my high heels and slipped on some flats. I would of put on some sneakers, but they didn't allow that, they want me to be more 'feminine'.

I sat down on the comfy red sofa and smiled, "Yay, I could rest! I've been walking around in wearing high heels for too long!" I slouched. Kyoya pointed out, "It's not very lady like to slouch like that, Hiroko." I frowned and sat up straight. "Manners this, manners that!" I sighed, "If I wanted to be lectured about using manners I would have just talked to Mai!"

The twins sniffed me. I twitched my eye. "Okay weirdos, you're in my personal space." They said in unison, "You smell." I blinked and sniffed my self. Oh yeah, I do. "It's probably because of baseball practice." Karou wiped some dirt off of my cheek with his thumb. "We have to freshen you up a bit!" I blinked, "What?" Tamaki snapped his fingers, "For once I actually agree with the twins." My eyes widened. They're up to something . . . Tamaki commanded, "Hikaru! Karou! Go and get a dress and some perfume! Kyoya! Call a make up and hair stylist! Mori! Honey! I want you to guard Hiroko when she gets dressed! Haruhi! You will help Hiroko get dressed," Tamaki whispered, but I could still hear him, "because she probably doesn't know how to put on a dress." I can feel a tick mark appear on my forehead, "Hey!" I say angrily, but then sighed, feeling that there was no use of fighting back.

There was not much to do with my hair because it was so short, so the hair stylist just put a small braid on the side, make up felt heavy on my face, and to be honest, I almost sprayed perfume in my eyes, the dress wasn't that bad, and I don't know anything about fashion. (lmao same. Idk what's in or out of season or trend or something . . . :| ) Haruhi pulled up the zipper of the dress, "There we go." I smiled, "Thank you for helping me Haruhi." Haruhi smiled, "You're welcome, Hiroko." She smiled back. I couldn't help it, but a blush slowly appeared on my face. What? I know that she's a girl and not a boy! Why am I still crushing on her?!

I got out of the changing room, everyone looked at me with a big smile on their faces, "Awww, you look adorable Hiro-Chan!" Honey said, jumping up and down. I smiled, "Thank you Honey-Senpai." I could see blushes on all of the hosts' faces. Tamaki smiled, ran up to me wanting a hug, but I swiftly dodged him. Tamaki cried, "My daughter won't allow me to hug her!" I rolled my eyes and patted the blonde's head. "No hugging, please." I made eye contact with Karou, I saw his blush deepen. I tilted my head to the side, but shook it off. No way. I thought to myself.

Kyoya looked at the time, "It's time for the host club to begin. Everyone in their places!" The two pink doors opened and flower petals from red roses flew out of the door. "Welcome!"

I sat up straight in my seat in my seat and greeted my guests. "Hello ladies!" I smiled at them. "Y-Your name is Hiroko, am I correct?" I nodded with a bright smile. "That is correct miss!" "You're one year younger than Haruhi, right?" I nodded, "That is true. Were you one of her-his!" I quickly corrected myself, "His guests?" She nodded, "I wanted to see what you were like and than after I'll return back to the handsome Haruhi!" I giggled, "How sweet, staying loyal to you're hosts." I smiled. The girls blushed, "Y-Yeah . . ." Another girl asked, "How did you join the host club when you're only in 8th grade?" I giggled and scratched the back of my head, "Heehee, it's kind of a long story," I looked at Kyoya, he was glaring at me, saying, "Shut up and don't tell." I got chills. "It's too long of a story!"I faced the reader. "And if you don't remember than go back and read the prologue!" Author-Chan shakes her head. "Stap with the fourth wall breaking, Hiroko!" The 3 girls nodded. "Okay!"

"I love your dress!" I looked down at my dress. Another girls noticed, "Me too!" Many girls surrounded me. "Oh I- I um- Yeah! It's a dress! With flowers on it! Um yeah!" I said. "Hiroko! You look like a make up guru! Can you help me with my eyeliner!?" "Hiroko! You look like you're great at fashion! Help please!" "Hiroko! Help me with love advice!" I shushed everyone, all of the Ouran female population shut their mouth holes up. I wiped the nervous beads of sweat away from my forehead. I looked at the time. "Almost done." I snaps my fingers and held up a peace sign and smiled with one eye closed, "I guess if you want all of that advice than you have to request a visit with me next time~" I giggled.

Once everyone left, I said to the host club members, "I just stole your girls. How'd you feel about that?" I poked their sides. Kyoya lifted up his glasses, "It seems that under pressure, Hiroko can find out a way to solve it." I laugh, "Doesn't everyone?" Tamaki sulked in a corner, "All of my guests are going to be asking advice from Hiroko!" Tamaki cried. I said, "Hey! It was your idea to make me look like this!" Tamaki cried more. I took some cake from Honey's table and ate some, "Can I have sweets at my table?" Honey smiled with a nod, "You can have as many as you want since you have so much hosting to do!" My eyes sparkled, "I had a dream like this once!" It was me twirling around in circles with a cookie in my mouth and sweets falling from the sky. I giggled, "Being a hostess rocks!"

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