Chapter Fourteen | 2nd Home

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I jumped up out of bed, full on energy. I threw the blanket off of me and on to my little sister's head. "I feel great! I feel great! I feel great!" I sneezed. I laughed it off. "I'm not sick I'm not sick I'm not sick!" I coughed. "It's just a cold, it's just a cold, it's just a cold!"

Mai walked by the door way and said, "If you really want to go then you can go." Mai knows that I know too much about him and I can blackmail him while he is the only one in my family knows about the blog that I own and many other things, he's a sneaky slick ninja . .

I got Kiyomi sick so she has to stay at home, missing school and I decided to use my illness as an excuse for me to not go to school even though I felt much better than yesterday.

I changed into some . I flattened out my light blue sweater and put on my hair pins to keep the hair out of my eyes because my hair grew longer, Mai pointed it out.

We all ate quietly around the dinner table. Breaking the silence, Mai said to me, "You look weird Hiroko." He ate some rice. I choked on the water that I was drinking because of his comment. Kiyomi patted my back. I looked up at Mai. "Why?" I asked. "Don't you think I always look weird?" Mai shook his head, "No, you're half of mom and dad combined, if I insult your appearance then it's like insulting mom and dad's appearance too." I nodded. "O-okay." It was strange for Mai to talk so calmly about mom and dad. Has he finally accepted and was at peace? I wasn't, how did he do it?

I coughed a bit more. "So um, why do I look weird?" Mai pointed at me. "You're hair, it grew." He continued eating his dinner. Asagao smiled. "EEHHH?!" And took a good look at me and gasped. "Aaaawwww! You're hair is growing! You look so adorable!" I shrugged. Kiyomi moved some hair from out of my eyes. "You're hair is getting longer." I said. "I don't understand how that makes me look weird tho." Asagao crossed her arms. "It's weird because we haven't seen you with long hair in a very long time." Mai nodded, slurping on his noodles. Kiyomi said. "You would always cut it whenever it grew long." Everyone nodded. I shrugged. "What if I let it grow out a little bit longer?" I sipped on my water. My two sisters slammed their hands on the table, causing it to shake. "EEHHH?!" I spit out my water. "Can you not see that I am trying to stay hydrated!?"

I walked up to the pink double doors. "Hopefully they won't tackle me to the ground . . " I sighed and opened the doors. Rose petals flew on my face. "Welcome-" "It's Hiroko!" "She's back!" "My daughter! Daddy missed you!" "Hrio-Chan is back!" They all ran up to me and tackled me into a hug.

I sighed. "I must of jinxed it." But smiled and hugged the Ouran host club members back. We all let go of each other and we sat on the red sofas to talk. "I love your outfit, Hiro-Chan! It looks adorable on you!" I smiled at the shortie. "Thanks Honey-Senpai." The blonde high school student smiled.

Tamaki rubbed his cheek on mine. "Oh darling daughter I missed you so very much!" I pushed the blonde 2nd year off of me. "I get it. I get it. You missed me." I rubbed the back of my neck. I mumbled. "And I kinda missed you guys too . . " Hikaru put a hand behind his ear. "What?" Karou did the same. "Did you say something?" "You missed us?" The twins said in unison. I blushed from embarrassment and crossed my arms and looked away. "No way!" The twins poked my sides. "Come on, you missed us!" I hid my giggle. "Stop it!" I hit them both on the top of their head's and shoved them away. Tamaki held a thumbs up. "Good job Hiroko!" I yelled, "I don't need your encouragement, Tamaki-Senpai!"

The blonde, 'king' sulked in a corner. Haruhi sighed, "That was quick." I waved, "Just leave him there to sulk . . . " I crossed my arms and looked away and closed my eyes for a few seconds, but opened one eye and looked at Tamaki making mushrooms in his corner. I smiled, thinking about all the things that I have missed while I was sick. All the craziness and chaos that I missed. All the yelling. All the cake~ I giggled. They all looked at me. "What are you giggling about?" The twins asked. I ignored them. "Okay, I admit it. I did miss you guys!" Tamaki got out of his emo corner and smiled. I said. "This club is like my 2nd home and you guys are my crazy family!"
So I thought that I could show you that Hiroko cares very much about the host club and thinks of them as family. Also can you please take this
or comment? That would motivate me to write more and thank you. Have a good day/night.

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