Chapter Seventeen | Baseball Game! - Jungle Pool SOS! | Part One!

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        Hiroko hit the ball, sending it flying out the field, dropping the bat, running at full speed through all the bases, dust following behind her. "Come on Hiroko-Chan!" she heard "You can do it!" Her fellow team mates and the rest of the audience shouted out her name and encouraging words. She stepped on the last base, raising her arms up with victory with a huge smile on her face and shouted a victory cry. Hiroko's team mates sourounded her, her two best friends carried her on their shoulder, one leg on one shoulder, chanting, "We won!" Hiroko couldn't help but cry, she was so happy, she worked so hard and beat their rival team. Hiroko lightly tapped Haru and Kenta's shoulders, telling them to put her down and they did so.

The coach said with a smile. "Let's celebrate!" "Yeah!" Hiroko smiled, wiping sweat off of her forehead. Everyone followed the couch out of the field, except for Hiroko who had to calm down a bit before tagging along with the rest of the team. "Hey, princess!" An irk mark formed on Hiroko's head as she heard her person she disliked very much's voice. "Ah-" She turned around and faced the rival team's pitcher. "Akio, what do you want?" Hiroko asked. They were about 10 feet away from each other. "You really surprised me today, Maka." He put a hand through his hair. "I'm still a little shocked." "I'm not sure if that's a compliment or an insult . . ." The rival ignored the girl, walking closer to her. "I guess you're full of surprises. I knew you were an interesting girl when I first saw you." She sighed. "Again, I'm not sure if that's a compliment or an insult." Akio laughed softly and extended his hand out. "You beat us fair an square. You worked hard. We're not an easy team to beat, congratulations." Hiroko stared at his sweaty hand for a few seconds, she looked at her own hand and spit on it. Akio saw this and cringed, "That's not very lady like . . ." Hiroko shook Akio's sweaty hand with her own hand with spit with a tight, strong grip. "Thank you very much!" She released the weirded-out teen from her grip and wiped her spit from her hand onto his uniform. "That was pay back for hurting my sister." Hiroko said with a serious tone, seconds later, she went back into her happy-go-luck self. "Good game!" And she jogged away, picking up her back pack on the way out of the field.

"Hey, Hiroko." She turned to her brother. "Yeah?" "I saw what you did there." Hiroko sighed. "Look, I know it wasn't very lady like, but he hurt our sister! I had to!" She curled her hands into a fist. "Beating them wasn't enough!" Mai smiled, messing Hiroko's hair up a bit. "You should hurry up and catch up with your team." The baseball player nodded. "Yeah!" She ran away from her brother to catch up with her friends. Mai's smile turned into a frown once his little sister left. "But . . . I can't help to wonder . . . what will happen to you if you got hurt . . . will you still stay strong?" He blew some hair out of his eyes.

"I heard that you beat your rival team, Hiro-Chan!" Hiroko nodded with a smile. "I sure did! You should of seen it! I was like, SO COOL!" The twins smiled, "Oh we did!" The teenager raised an eyebrow. "Eh?" Tamaki said. "Tamaki showed us a video!" Tamaki remembered the time at lunch when she yelled, "MY LITTLE SISTER WON A BASEBALL GAME!" And brought a projector and showed us the video in the lunch room. "She's really proud of you!" Tamaki added. The baseball player had a blush from embarrassment on her cheeks. "Haha, thanks." Kyoya said. "Keep up the good work." Hiroko closed on eye and held up a peace sign. "Thanks Kyoya!" "I wasn't talking about baseball." Hiroko slouched, "Then what were you talking about?" Kyoya scrolled through his laptop. "You've been getting more requests, if you keep up the good work, you dept will be payed off." Hiroko smiled. "Ah! I'm so popular!" Tamaki posed dramatically. "Not as popular as me~" Hiroko rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Honey-Senpai said, holding a plate of cake in his hands. "We should celebrate!" Hiroko drooled over the cake. "I wish I could, but . . ." She thought about last night, too much sweets . . and yelling . . and bad singing. "I can't, I ate too much sweets last night and I can't have anymore." Honey hot teary eyed. "How can you be tired of sweets?!" Hiroko looked at Honey, his puppy dog eyes . . Hiroko couldn't help herself. "Okay fine!" She grabbed the plate and shoved the vanilla whole in her mouth. She chewed slowly and swallowed it, and she stretching out her collar. She burped and quickly covered her mouth. "Excuse me."

1st person mode now

I asked. "So, what's the plan for today? Or is it the usual?" Tamaki said. "Oh, so no one told you?" I shook my head. "What was I suppose to be told?" Kyoya said. "We're going on a little vacation today." I nodded with a smile. "Really?!" I stretched. "I do need a break!" Haruhi nodded. "Yeah, we do."


"Wow! Look at this place!" I say as I scan the area, rushing waters, animals, greenery every where! I giggled. "It looks like we're on a tropical island!" Honey nodded. "It sure dose!" Honey smiled, tossing his pink rabbit in the air. The short blonde grabbed my arm. "Come on Hiroko! Let's play in the water!" I scratched the back of my neck. "Ummm sure I guess." Honey smiled. "Yay~" The cutie dragged me to the pool. He let go, grabbing on his pink floaty and jumping into the water. I sat down, putting my feet into the water. Honey swimming around, having the time of his life. Honey noticed that I wasn't in the water. He swam up to me. "How come you're not in the water, Hiro-Chan?" I replied. "I don't want to take off my sweater." Honey tilted his head to the side. "Why not?" The twins appeared out of no where and said. "Yeah, why not?" I slouched, annoyed I said. "Because you guys are gonna start being pervs when I show you guys my swim suit!"

"You're wearing a swim suit?!" The twins yelled. Honey giggled. "I'm sure you would look adorable!" The twins giggled, "Yeah~" "Adorable~" I got chills. Tamaki grabbed me from behind, me now in Tamaki's grip, feet off the ground, him hugging me tight, and me too annoyed to do anything. Tamaki shouted. "Stop harrasing my daughter!" "You're harrasing me Senpai." I tried getting out of his tight grip. Tamaki yelled into my ear, "I WOULD NEVER DO THAT!" Haruhi sighed, shaking her head. "HARUHI!?" Tamaki yelled, can't bealive that Haruhi agrees. Tamaki let go of me, sulking behind a tree.
The twins laughed. "Can we please see you in your swim suit?" They asked. I shook my head, crossing my arms over my chest. "No way!" "It's okay, it's not like we wanted to see your flat chest anyways." I was about to protest, but decided to keep my mouth shut, not even gonna talk back, they aren't going to use reverse psychology on me. I know these tricks, I use them! I turned around and walked away. "I'm not going to fall for it!" I sat behind a tree, staring off into space, thinking about the world, thinking about life, evolution, history, how the brain named it self, many more things like that. I looked back at the water, shaking my head. I can't believe I actually touched the water. I put my hands on my head. My head pounded, I was getting light headed. I exhaled, I forgot how to breath for a moment there. I held my head, getting flash backs about that unfortunate event. I thought I was getting better, I thought therapy was helping, but I still haven't gotten over it. I thought I would be able to handle it, but I can't! I agreed, thinking that it can help me get over it, but I can't!
"Hiroko!" I heard. I looked up. "T-Tamaki-Senpai?" He stared deep into my eyes. "What happened?" I blinked, I felt liquid, I touched under my eyes. Tears. I wiped them away. "It's nothing. I- I just don't like the water." Tamaki nodded, still worried. I stood up, wiping any dirt that may have stuck to my bottom. "I'm okay, Tamaki-Senpai!" I put on a smile. The blonde smiled back a small smile, still not believing that I am okay, which he is correct, but I can get over it, I'll ignore my feelings for the sake of everyone else. "HELP!" We ran to the cry for help, it was Honey-Senpai being carried away by the current. Not again, please . . . not again.

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