Chapter Two | Argument.

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  I sit on a blue bench and drink my juice as I watched Kenta and Haru play kick the can. My younger sister, sits next to me. "Hey, Hiroko." She ate out of her bento. "Hey." "I heard about what happened at Asagao's school."

She told people! I squeezed my juice box so hard that the bottom of it broke and my skirt is now covered in juice. "Oh, great!" I said sarcastically. Kiyomi handed me some napkins. I thanked her and wiped the juice off of me. I sighed. "Still wet..."

Kenta pointed at me and yelled. "Whoa! Did you pee yourself, Hiroko-Chan?!?" A red tick mark was on my head. I threw the broken juice box at Kenta's face. "Ouch! I've been hit!" I sighed and stretched. "Ahh well. I'll just have to ignore everyone who will point and laugh at me..."

"That's impossible." I slouched at Kiyomi's comment. "Ehh? Why is that?" I put my hands on my hips. Haru picked up the can and threw it in the recycling bin like it was a basket ball. "Last time you 'ignored'," He put hand quotes in the air," You grabbed a broom and hit a random person's head."

I crossed my arms. "Well, that girl was always chanting, "Baka! Baka! Idiot! Stupid Face!", uurrgg! She was getting on my nerves!" Kiyomi threw a skirt at my face. "Here, I have an extra." "You didn't give it to me, like, 10 minutes ago?!?" "I was eating..." I sighed. 'Well, thanks, Kiyomi."

"Oh, just so you know, the skirt maybe a little bit shorter then yours because it's my skirt and we're different sizes." I nodded. "Okay, thanks for the warning." She nodded and finished up her food. "No problem."

Kenta had blood coming out of his nose. Kiyomi and I glared at him. "Pervert..." He jumped back. "I-I'm not th-thinking o-of anyth-anything d-dirty!" Haru hit the back of Kenta's head. "Don't worry, I'll protect you from perverts like Kenta, Hiroko." "Thank you, Haru."

He shrugged with a small smile. "Anything for a friend." Then, the bell rang to go back to class. Kiyomi went to her class while Kenta, Haru, and I went to our own.


School ended and I decided to change into my baseball uniform because I didn't like being in a short skirt for the rest of the day, and also I like wearing pants better than skirts. "So, I'll see you at home?" Kiyomi nodded. "Yeah. Good luck with the host club!" I nodded. "Thanks."

I walked to the academy. Once I was there in the music room, I saw that the whole club and Asagao gathered around something. I raised and eyebrow and with my ninja skills,(like she had any), tip toed quietly and peeked over the twins' shoulders to see them looking at a .

I quietly gasped and stumbled backwards. I shook in terror. I couldn't bealive my eyes. "Wh-What is this-this-!?!" I couldn't even speak. I had no words. Asagao cheered. "Oh! I just knew you would love it!" She clapped. It was like my soul was being taken out of my body, but Asagao shoved it back in. "Th-This must be a dream! It has to be!" I shouted. The twins slide next to me. Hikaru, who was on my right, said with a smirk. "Look how short that skirt is~" Karou, who was on my left, said. "Hopefully you won't be wearing any embarrassing underwear~" He winked.

I blushed. Honey said. "Wait, Hiroko-Chan~? You don't have baseball practice today, so why are you wearing your baseball uniform?" The blonde nommed on some cake. "I want to see you in your school uniform!" The twins nodded with a giggle. "Yeah, Hi-ro-ko-Chan~!" "We want to see you in your uniform~!" I crossed my arms. "Well, I don't have it with me, so, Ha!" The twins sighed. "Okay, then I guess you would have to wear the pink outfit... or nothing at all!" I gasped and grabbed the pink outfit and ran to the dressing room, quickly put it on and looked at my self in the mirror.

"What the heck...?!?" I gasped. This dress was way too short for me! I pulled my skirt down, or at least tried to. Asagao opened the curtain. "Now, presenting... the new Hiroko!"

Just one site of me right now can cause a nosebleed. All the guys' nose bleed. Tamaki with a blush on his face pointed at me and yelled. "Y-Y-You! Get her something else to wear!"

Kyoya nodded and gave me a bag. "Here you go. Here is some clothes that you might like." I nodded and gladly took the bag. "Thank you, Kyoya!" I ran back in the dressing room and wore the . Why didn't they give me this outfit instead of that pink disaster?!?

I sighed. "The cat ears will be a bother, but this outfit is better than the other hideous one, so I can live!" I got out of the dressing room and the first thing that got out of Asagao's mouth was, "Wow, you look sad."

An arrow hit my back. "I wear this color more then any other color!" I cringed. "I need to look at your closet and take some stuff out." I shouted. "You're gonna throw everything away!"

Tamaki calmed down a bit. "Okay, thank you and Asagao, why did you choose that for your sister! That dress was way too short!" She shrugged. Tamaki and I fell on the floor. She just shrugged! Like it was no big deal at all for humiliating me! Asagao crossed her arms and said. "I got her size confused with my sister's. Sorry..." I yelled. "You always do this!" "I didn't mean for the dress to be way too short for you!"

I sighed. "I'm gonna put a lock on my closet door now." Haruhi giggled and I blushed at this. Hikaru poked my cheek. "You okay?" I nodded. "Y-Yeah! Never better!" I stared at me for a while while I awkwardly stood there with an awkward grin waving. "Heehee."

Hikaru ruffled my hair. "Okay, kid. I giggled a bit and fixed my hair. "Okay." Tamaki clapped his hands. "Okay, The Host Club is now open!"


I changed into my baseball uniform and sighed. I cracked my back and said to myself. "That was a hard day or work!" I put my cap on backwards and walked with Asagao home. She was texting someone or lots of people, a group chat?

A few minutes later, Asagao and I made it home, I opened the door and yelled. "I'm home!" And there, Kiyomi stares at me with tears in her eyes. I ran up to her and held her shoulders, worried. "Hey, you okay?"

She nodded and pulled out her phone and covered her mouth and pointed at me, she was laughing. I jumped back a bit. "What the-?!?" She showed me the picture. It was me... wearing that pink monstrosity?!? I snatched her phone from her hand. Group Chat... Group Chat... I heard the front door close and the lock of the door locked by Asagao. I gripped on Kiyomi's purple phone. "Group... Chat..." I tackled Asagao to the ground.

I shoved the phone at her face. "You sent this to: Kiyomi, Kenta, and Haru! You bully! You're so mean, I'm gonna hurt you!"

She covered her face. "Not the face, please!" I screamed. "I wish I had hit you with that baseball!" I gripped on the phone so hard that the screen cracked. Tears streamed down Kiyomi's face, both tears of laughter and sadness because I cracked her phone screen. I tossed it back to her. She grabbed it and just stared at it. "M-My phone...! You have to pay for this!" "Don't you see I'm in a middle of something, Kiyomi?!?" "Kiyomi, argue with her more! "Shut up!" We all argued with each other. This was normal, we argue about random things, once we argued about who should get the last sushi, or about who's the best at ice skating.

Then, we heard a person clear their throat. We all turned to that person, . Quickly and swiftly, stood up, eldest to youngest. We saluted and stood up our straightest. "Hello, Mai!" We all said at the same time.

He scratched that back of his head. "I was awaken up by all of this ruckus, all I need is some sleep, I'm then one who's providing for this family, guys," Our older brother rubbed his eye with the back of his hand, "Now, can you please tell me, one at a time, why you guys are arguing?"

The eldest of the sisters said, "Hiroko wants to hurt me!" I said. "I want to hurt Asagao and Kiyomi is interrupting me!" The youngest said. "Hiroko broke my phone screen and I yelled at her that she has to pay me to fix it!" Mai yawed and crossed his arms.

"Why do you want to hurt Asagao, Hiroko. You must have a reason." I pointed at her. "She took an embarrassing picture of me and sent it to, Kiyomi and my two other friends!" "Kenta and Haru?" I nodded. "Yes!"

"Let me see." I blushed from embarrassment and grabbed Kiyomi's phone and showed him the picture. His eyes widened and he karate chopped Asagao's head. She screamed. "Ouch!" He hit her at the back of the head. "You know that Kenta is a pervert, Asagao. Why did you sent it to them?"

Asagao held her head down. "I wasn't thinking, big brother..." Mai sighed. "Well, think before you do. You're smart, but you don't use your head!" Mai yawned and stretched a bit. "You will have to be the ones who will delete the picture from the two boy's phone, Asagao." She jumped back at bit. "Ehhh?!? Why me?!? I don't want to miss school!" Because of Tamaki.. Mai though about something for a few seconds. "Alright, I'll ask the head masters' at your school's if you two can switch school for a day."

Asagao and I looked at each other. "What?!?" "I don't want to wear that uniform!" "I'm away from my friends!" When she meas by 'friends' she means the host club. She hasn't told Mai about them, but I told him about the host club. Heeheeheehee.

Mai held a hand out. "It's been decided." Then he turned to me. "And you, just wearing that dress isn't enough, you will have to pay for Kiyomi's broken phone case." I sulked and Kiyomi cheered, ran up to Mai and hugged him. "Thank you, Mai!" Mai giggled. "You welcome, little sis."

Asagao sulked in a corner growing mushrooms. "Tama-Chan. Oh, wait for me!" She muttered. Mai looked her direction and raised an eyebrow. "Tama- what?" She got chills and turned around with mushrooms on her head. "Nothing! Everything is alright!" Mai shrugged. "Okay." Asagao let out a sigh, but knew she wasn't out of the clear. I whispered in her ear. "He will find out who you like." Asagao looked down. "I know..." "Why not tell him about the host club, I told him." Mai and Kiyomi were having a conversation with each other. They're really close.

"Yeah, but your position in the host club is different! I go there because I like someone, I don't do any club activities! If he knew I didn't do any, he will freak! I know he wants me to do good in school, but..." "You didn't even join a club, didn't you." She shook her head. "No."

"Did you even look at the music club?" She shook her head. "When I tried looking for it, I accidentally found my way to the host club and I was so enchanted by Tamaki, he.. he.." She was in deep thought. "I really like him..."

I sighed. "Oh, Asagao. I won't tell." She smiled. "Thank you." I giggled. "Good luck at my school!" As I walked up the stairs, Mai asked. "Hey, were did Asagao get this picture from? I know that Hiroko would never ever wear something like that!"

Asagao and I froze. I slowly turned around and lied. "She photo shopped it!" Mai was deep in though. He sneezed like a cute kitten. "Okay." I walked back up the stairs and jumped onto my bed. "He will find out soon."

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