Chapter Twenty Five | The Decision

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Benio shouts. "We will transfer her to Lodelia at once and we'll welcome her into the Zuka Club!"

The room fell silent for a few seconds.

I took a took two steps forward and yell with hands balled into a fist. "You don't get to decided what Haruhi does!" I can't believe that these women think they can stroll into this school and think they own the place! I bite the inside of my cheek. They don't own Haruhi. She's her own person!

Haruhi got away from Benio's grasp and face her. "Hey, wait a second! I think there may be some misunderstandings here! I mean, first off, you call Senapi a halfer!"

The adorable blonde (Honey, cause why would Hiroko ever think Tamaki is adorable?) says with his bunny sitting on his shoulders. "That's because he is a halfer." Haruhi blushes from embarrassment. "He's half French and half Japanese!" I glance at Tamaki. 'Cool, I never knew that.'

"Uh, well, Anyway! I don't think that it's fair for you to pick on the host club just because you think they don't have the same history as you do!" The twins butt in this time. Hikaru starts, "We barley have any history! We were just founded two years ago!" Karou continues. "The boss created it when he started high school here!"

I hit my fist on my palm. "So that's how the host club was founded!" A smile appeared on my face. "Well I just got my mini history lesson about the host club!" I giggle.

Haruhi sighs, she looked like she was about the give up. "Be that as it may, saying that their club activities are only held to satisfy their appetites is just wrong. I mean, it's not like the host club is charging their guest or anything."

That was Kyoya's cue. "Well, I wouldn't call it a charge." He stood in front of a laptop. "We do have a point system. We offer priority services based on the winning bids of auctions held on our website."

One side of Haruhi's jacket fell off of her shoulders and she slouched. A mini Haruhi spirit flew around her. She's trying her best to defend the Host Club, but they keep on proving her wrong!

Kyoya called Haruhi over. "Check this out. Your used mechanical pencil. Just sold with a winning bid of thirty thousand yen. Good for you."

My eyes widen when I heard the price it was sold for. "These girls are crazy!" I yell. Haruhi ran up to the laptop and her eyes widen as well. "What!?" She was shocked. "I thought I lost that pencil!" This irk her. A vein poped out of her head. "Why didn't you tell me about this before Kyoya! I had no idea you were collecting money!"

"So you thought we were just working here as volunteers?" The cool type moved his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Well . . . yeah."

"It's not much because of the expense of organizing events," Haruhi groaned and put a hand on her head. "We happen to make a small profit from the online auction." I roll my eyes. "Small profit." I made air quotations. Haruhi yells. "You can't just sell other people's things without asking permission! That's stealing!"

I rub my forehead and said to myself. "Why is Haruhi freaking out about a pencil?" 'I didn't understand why cutie-pie Haruhi would be so upset about this. It's just a pencil. She can buy another one or get one for free.' I look back at Haruhi and Kyoya. 'But Kyoya did steal from her.'

Soon, the twins came into the argument. "Stealing? You dropped the pencil on the floor." Haruhi put a fist up like she was ready to fight. She glared at the two with anger.

I thought to myself. 'If they did fight. Haruhi would totally win. The twins would probably forfeit!'

Tamaki ran up to his "daughter" with tears streaming down his face and held Haruhi's face in his hands. "I'm sorry Haruhi! It's not like we were hiding it from you!" The blonde pulled out a blue mechanical pencil with a brown bear eraser. "Here! You can have mine! It's got a cute teddy bear on it!" Haruhi avoided eye contact. "Senpai, I don't want your pencil."

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