Chapter Nineteen | Hiroko's First Love Letter!

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        Chapter Nineteen | The Sun, the Sea, and the Host Club! - Hiroko's First Love Letter!

        I opened the doors to the abandoned music room. "Sorry I was late guys," and entered, "Baseball practice took longer than expected." I closed the door behind me then looked around the room. I see Tamaki with a baseball bat, the twins hiding behind a table (probably from Tamaki) Haruhi seated there, and Kyoya, Mori, and Honey looking at swim suits. I rubbed my eyes. "Why are there swim . . . suits . . . !" Realization hit me like a lighting bolt. "Oh no." The twins smirked. "You're not late at all, Hi-ro-ko~" They stood up from their hiding spot and speed walk towards me. I squealed and quickly turned around, trying to opened the door. "! Why won't it open!" I yelled. Hikaru and Karou stood beside me. Their eyes sparkled. Those pervs! The three of us linked arms and they dragged me to a light blue two-piece swim suit. "Because Hiroko dose have the feminine qualities that Haruhi doesn't have-" The two red heads pointed to my chest, I quickly covered them with my arms and was about to slap them away, but the twins swiftly dodged the attack. Karou said. "We choose a light blue two-piece swim suit for her." Hikaru said. "Her chest isn't that big-" "Or too small-" They said together with a thumbs up, "It's just right!"

It was obvious that I was angry. "So . . . you guys were thinking about my breasts?" I snatched the bat from Tamaki. A dark aura surrounded me. "Idiots." I said in a low voice. I hit both of them with the bat, they went flying. "AND IT'S OUT OF THERE!" I hear with a crowd cheering in my mind. I rested the bat on my shoulder. "Hiro-Chan?" I turn to Honey-Senpai. "Yes?" He showed me a blue one-piece with a collar on it and white ruffles at the end. "I think this will look cute on you! You should wear this!" I smiled and ruffled Honey's hair. "Thanks Honey-Senpai! It's perfect!" The blonde smiled. "You're welcome!" Tamaki yelled. "Let's go to the beach!"

~Time Skip~

The ocean . . . I can't bealive I agreed to do this . . . I slapped my head. "Whatever. I can get through this." I wiped a tear away. "At least it isn't that beach. As long as I don't touch the water, I'll be okay." I looked around and laughed. "The guys have to do work, but I don't!" "I wouldn't be so sure about that." I grunted. "What is it Kyoya?" I turned to the cool type. Kyoya said. "You'll have to work too." My eyes widened in surprised. (Hiroko's shook.) "But whyy?!" I groaned. Kyoya said. "You're a hostess now. You have to work as well." I rolled my eyes. "Fine." Kyoya said. "You'll be sitting under an umbrella. There will be girls there, maybe wanting love advice or might have a crush on you, but there will also be guys as well." I bit my cheek. Kyoya say this and said, "The guys are all one or two years older than you so it won't be creepy. We care about you Hiroko and wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable." I smiled. That was reassuring. "Thank you Kyoya." Kyoya smiled. "Anytime." And walked away while writing in his black book. I walked over to the big beach umbrella and sat under it. I spot a paper with some stuff written on it, so I picked it up and read it.


~ You're Daddy, Tamaki ^-^

I rolled my eyes and laughed. I look to my side and see a line of high school students from Ouran waiting for me! My eyes widened and my mouth opened, my jaw hit the beach blanket. "WHY ARE THERE SO MANY?!" The first one was a girl, 1st year. I took the timer and said. "You have 5 minutes, GO!" And started the time. She panicked. "I like a guy in my grade! What do I do!" She shouted. She said. "Just be yourself!" I shouted back. She shouted with tears at the ends of her eyes. "What if he doesn't like the real me!" This time, I have to be more gentle. She's crying now. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Then sweetie, he doesn't deserve you." She wiped the tears away. I said. "I know that I just meet you today, but you seem like a sweet and kind girl and if he doesn't like that then I don't know what he likes because you're a dream girl!" She giggled and smiled. "Thank you Hiroko." I smiled back. "I'm here to help!" The timer beeped, signaling that the 5 minutes were up.

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