Chapter Three | Dresses, High Heels, Falling, Tripping, and a "Heck NO!"

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  I got out of my room, wearing this thing people call a dress. "Too big on me..." I looked at Asagao wearing my school uniform. My eyes widened. "Too short!" I pointed at the whole outfit. Buttons where unbutton, you can see her chest, Asagao had to wear leggings because the skirt was too short, if she didn't wear leggings you could see her underwear.

As our older brother passed by us, Asagao pleaded. "Why! Why do we have to do this!" Mai flattened out his shirt. "Blame your self for this." He said cooly like the cool guy he is. She wined and crossed her arms, covering her chest. I took a few steps towards the stairs and I tripped over the dress and came rolling down the stairs.

Asagao pointed and laughed at me. Mai glared at her and she stopped. I slowly got up and walked up to the dinning table. I see that Kiyomi had an omlet on her plate... so I ate it. She cried. "I was saving that for last!" I gulped it all down. "I can see why, the best for last." She sulked.

I grinned and go my backpack. "Okay, I'm gonna take my leave." As I walked towards the door, Mai stopped me. "Wait!" I slouched. 'What now?!?" I turned around with a tick mark. "Change shoes." "What?!?" My sister and I shirked.

"I don't want to wear high heels! I'll trip more often!" "I don't want to wear her sneakers! They smell and are sweaty!" "Yeah-... Wait!" Mai waved it off. "To bad." We both sighed and switched shoes. With one step, I fell instantly. Everyone laughed at me. I guess they couldn't hold in their laughter any more.

I got up and growled. "Stupid shoes..." "Those cost a fortune!" I opened the door. Mai asked. "How much did the cost, Asagao?" I went through the door. 'Well, Asagao is screwed.'

I successful got to the Ouran High School Academy. I walked through the school doors and saw the long, tall, red carpet stairs. I twitched my right eye. I took of my sister's expensive shoes I my have ruined. "Oh heck naw! I ain't doing this!" I grabbed the shoes and walked into the class room 2-A.

I knocked on the door. "Hello?" She opened the door. She stepped in the class room and sees, "Oh, Hiroko? What are you doing here? Wheres Asagao-Chan?" Kyoya looked up from the book he was reading. "Hmm?"

The teacher said. "Oh, well, I see that you may already know some of the students here, Ms. Maka." I nodded with a tick mark on my head. "Yes, I know them, sadly." Tamaki sulked in a corner and Kyoya said. "Well, that wasn't very nice, Hiroko." I scoffed. "Well, get used to it."

Kyoya sighed and smiled a small smile. "So, this is what she's like when she's angry." "You've seen me what I was angry!" I shouted, waving my hands in the air! The teacher said. "Well, Ms. Maka and her sister are switching schools for today because of family issues."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "So, were do I sit?" The female teacher pointed at the empty seat next to Tamaki. 'No.' "Your sister sat next to Tamaki, so you will sit there!" I sulked and walked, slouched to the empty seat and sighed.

Tamaki nudged my shoulder and grinned. "Hey, I guess we'll be classmates for today, huh?" I hit my face on the desk. Tamaki was as white as a ghost and his hand twitched. "What did I do?"


I groggy got up from my chair. My brain hurts... I may be smart, but I have never learned any of these stuff, but I did understand Algebra and English was easy, I had to write so many notes. I gasped. What if Asagao didn't take any notes from class in my school?!? I sulked. "Why?"

Tamaki put his chin on my head. "It's lunch time now. Let's go meet the others." Tamaki lead the way. My stomach grumbled. "Ehh, I am hungry..." I lowered my head down. "I didn't bring any food." I muttered.

Tamaki, Kyoya, and I all walk to the cafeteria. We all sat at a table with the host club. Haruhi asked. "Hey, Hiroko. What are you doing here?" I looked away with a blush. "I don't want to talk about it." Kyoya said. "The teacher said that Asagao and her switched schools for the day, family issues."

Honey ate some cake. "Ahhh, I see! Yay! I can hang out with Hiroko-Chan more! Yay!" I giggled. "Oh, Honey, you're so cute!" Honey blushed and his grin grew. My stomach grumbled. The twins looked at me and smirked. 'I have a bad feeling about this.'

Hikaru grabbed my chin. "Are you hungry, Hi-ro-ko-Chan~?" I blushed. "Wh-What?" He grabbed a spoon with some pudding on the spoon. "Here, let me." I opened my mouth, the pudding was so good! My eyes sparkled. Some how, some pudding went on my cheek.

Karou said. "Oh, Hiroko~!" I turned to him and he said. "You have a bit of pudding on your cheek." The red head wiped the vanilla pudding off of my cheek with his finger. He licked it off. I blushed and looked away. I ran up and hugged Haruhi.

"Haruhi! Haruhi! They're being dirty! They made me blush, Haruhi! Help me, Haruhi!" I pointed at the twins. I still had a blush on my face. Haruhi sighed. "Guys, you're making her uncomfortable. Please stop it."

The twins said. "Why would we?" "If it made her blush, she should of liked it~" My face was red. "They embarrassed me!"

With Mai

The handsome male's eyes shined. He had a weird feeling. "Why do I have the feeling that something is going terribly wrong?"

With Hiroko

Lunch was over. I grinned. "Okay, after this I can leave.. oh wait.. the host club." I sighed. "Does Asagao have to deal with this?" "No, no she doesn't." I turned to the voice I heard. "Oh, hello Tamaki." Tamaki said. "Your sister usually sits with her friends, not us, and Haruhi usually eats in the classroom."

I nodded. "Okay, then why did he eat in the cafeteria?" I asked. Tamaki replied. "I told him to. We have a guest and I want you to feel great. I don't want you to worry about anything." I nodded. "Okay." We walked to the classroom in silence.

I sat back on Asagao's desk. More things to learn, but I'm TiReD!

With Asagao

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Hmmm." Hiroko sits in the same seat I sat in, in 8th grade, 8A. Guys in this class were to busy looking at me then pay attention to the math lesson they were learning right now. I sighed with a small blush on my cheeks (which she didn't notice).

I though of taking notes, so I did, well, only half way through the lecture. I thought. 'Hiroko's a smart girl. She can do it.' I giggled a bit. 'Knowing her she wrote down my notes in Ouran.'

The bell rang. Now, it's time for lunch. I looked around for Kiyomi. I spotted her on a blue bench eating her bento with some boys I raised an eyebrow. "Hey Kiyomi." I eyed the boys that were with her. They look like the guys that sit near Hiroko in class

"Who are you two?" The two boys laughed. "You don't remember?" The black haired boy said. "I'm ." He pointed to himself. And the blonde,(who was staring at Asagao the whole class time) waved with a smiled. "I'm ."

I couldn't bealive this. "You guys look so different! When I mean different, I mean hot!" The two boys blushed. Kenta smiled. "Why, thank you, Asagao. You look very different too." He said while looking at Asagao up and down.

She rolled her eyes. "Yes, isn't it great?!?" Kenta smiled with a nod. "Yup! Very!" Haru and Kiyomi sighed. "Pervert." They said together. I giggled a bit. 'I can't believe that Kiyomi and Hiroko hang out with these hotties, but Tamaki is hotter!"

Soon, while the boys were in the bathroom, I looked through their phones. Kenta's first. I titled my head. It was already deleted? Surprisingly, there wasn't anything perverted in here. It's just Kiyomi and Hiroko with cat ears on which is just adorable. I looked in Haru's phone. Surprise surprise! Haru had the picture in here! My eyes widened. I deleted the photo. I heard a voice behind me. "Don't tell anyone." I jumped. "Eepp!" I turned around and see Haru. I blushed. "Haru! Don't do that!"

Haru said. "Please don't tell anyone I had that photo!" An idea came up in my head. I smirked. "Okay, but you have to do a favor for me..."

Back to Hiroko

I slowly walked to the Music Room. (She didn't want to trip. Couldn't risk it!) My footsteps echoed in the hallways. I wonder how everyone at school is doing. I shrugged. Knowing Asagao, she is probably smooching everyone one up being a 'Queen'.

I made it to the Music Room and I see Asagao already here. I sighed and anime sweatdropped. She's here. I looked around to see that the other host club members aren't here. Oh well.

Asagao said. "Okay, I want my dress back and you can wear your uniform back." "But Mai said that we had to wear each other's clothing in school." "Ahhh! I am not in school anymore and school has ended!" I nodded. "Okay, you're right."

We exchanged uniforms. "Okay. I'll be in the changing room!" Asagao skipped to the changing room. I looked at my uniform and smiled a small smile. "I'm glad to see you." I pulled up my skirt and started putting on my button up shirt.

I heard the door creak open and head a familiar voice. "Hello everyone~!" I turned around to see Honey. I blushed. He blushed. I screamed. "Get out!" Honey panicked. "Ahhh!" He quickly slammed the door close and ran away. I quickly button up my shirt and put on, my tie, stockings, shoes, and school vest. I sighed and soon, Asagao came out of the changing room. She asked. "So, who peeked?" I rolled my eyes. "Why would you want to know?" "Because I want to know." I sighed. "Honey."

Soon, everyone came in the host club. Hikaru and Karou giggled. "Awww, Hiroko~ You look cute!" I blushed. "Shud de fuq up." I crossed my arms and looked away. Both of them, poked my cheek. "You're blushing~" "I know I am! Stap!"

Tamaki yelled at the twins. "Stop that this instant!" Everyone was talking. Tamaki and the twins arguing. And Honey yelled out with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry I saw you changing, Hiro-Chan!" Honey ran up to me, crying. Honey hugged me.

"Awww, honey. It's okay. It was just an accident." Everything was silent. "Honey." "Saw." "Hiroko." "Changing?!?" Hikaru asked. "Why can't we watch you changing?" Karou nodded. "Yeah!" Tamaki yelled. "Stop harassing Hiroko!"

Honey held me on tightly. So tight that I couldn't breath. "M-Mori! H-Help!" Mori took Honey off of me and I took a huge breath. "Ahh! Thank you, M-Mori-Senpai! You saved me!" Mori patted my head with a small smile and a pinch of blush on his face. "Hmm."  

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