Chapter Twenty Five | Going to a Cafe!

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Chapter Twenty Five | Going to a Cafe - A Day in the Life of the Fujioka Family!

         Asagao smiles at the couple and places their drinks that they ordered on the table. "Enjoy!" The two customers smile back at her and thank her. She goes to the back to get more drinks and cakes for the customers. As she waits, she looks out the big window of the cafe. It's a nice and sunny day. Some leaves and flower petals fly away with the morning breeze. It wasn't too hot and there would be occasional breezes coming by. She smiles to herself. "What a peaceful day." Seconds later, her order came. She places the milk tea and fluffy vanilla cake on her tray.

The brown haired girl walks to the table by the door and places the person's beverage down on the table. "Where's Hiroko?" A co-worker/friend asks Asagao. She huffs, "Sleeping." The man thanks her and Asagao says with a smile, "It's no biggie!"

The two of them walk in front of the double doors. "What really is a biggie is Hiroko." The worker says. Asagao nods and rolls her eyes. The young girl is annoyed now about how her sister is always late to work now a days. "You got that right." The eldest sister of the Maka family rants on about how the third child doesn't do much around the house and how she always sleeps in. She rants about how she's not responsible and doesn't care about anyone but herself. Asagao crosses her arms. A small dust cloud can be seen in the distance, getting bigger and bigger as it comes closer to the cafe. "If she came running through those doors right now, I would hit her on the back of her head and tell her to stop being an idiot."

As if it was right on cue, Hiroko comes running through the double doors and falls onto her older sister. The younger sister quickly got up and wipes off the dirt and dust on her pants and hands. "Sorry Asagao!" She yells, then grabs her apron from the rack. "Thank you for catching my fall!" Asagao rolls her eyes. "Yeah, no problem." She scoffs. Hiroko helps Asagao up and says thank you to her again. "I didn't want to floor to hug me when I fell, our relationship isn't going too well, so I'm grateful that you caught me instead!" Before running to the back to grab her uniform then change into it. Asagao smiles at the sight of her sister clumsily coming out of the bathroom and rush behind the table and cash register. She says under her breath. "Idiot." But then chuckles and says to her friend. "She may be an annoyance, but she still is my sister." Her watch beeps. She looks at it, then stops the beeping. "Looks like my shift is over." Asagao pats her friend's shoulder, "See ya." She says before she goes off the change into her clothes, then she leaves.

Hiroko moves her head fanatically side to side, up and down. She ducks down the desk, then looks up from it. She hears a cough behind her and see that it's her boss. The teen smiles nervously. Her boss rubs her temples in annoyance, then says. "Look, I don't have time for whatever game that you're playing right now, but you need to stop and do your job!" Hiroko stands up tall and straight. "Y-Yes boss!" The boss hands her a note pad and a pen. "Go and take people's orders." Hiroko replies, "Yes, ma'am." then scurries off table to table.

Hiroko walks up to a table in the back corner of the room. Six males covering their heads with the menus are sitting around it. Hiroko puts on a smile and says in a cheery voice. "Hello! My name is Maka Hiroko, I will be your waiter for today, and what can I get for you today?" She hears chucking from behind the paper. It sounds familiar to her, but she pays no mind to it. Hiroko tilts her head to the side, "Ah, okay." She says. "We don't have laughing in our menu, that's free." She taps the pen on her cheek. "If you're are not ready to order yet, then just tell me. Call my name if you're ready." She says with a smile then turns around to walk away to the next table.

"Wait!" Tamaki's voice can be heard. Hiroko turns around to see a man standing, shaking with the menu sign covering his face. He coughs then deepens his voice to make it sound different. "We would like to order a chocolate and strawberry cake please!"

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