Thoughts #1

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I know my brother has a crush on Hiroko Maka.

Kaoru Hitachiin watches the two's interactions.

Sadly, I like her too.

Hiroko rolls her eyes at Kaoru's brother after what he said. "That makes no sense, stupid." Hiroko says. Hikaru's replies, "Hey! Don't call me stupid! I can tell you that it's a very reasonably reason!"

"Then explain it." She says with her arms crossed over her chest and a flat smile on her amused face.

It was me who fell for her first, I know that.

Her laugh fills the air as he looks into her bright, yet cloudy eyes.

~It feels as if I am falling deeper into her spell that she has unknowingly cast.~

It wasn't until that day I noticed that Hikaru started to look at Hiroko the same way I do.

~Surrounded by a white atmosphere, he stays still as the two walk forward.~

I was (and still) unsure if I should let go, but my feelings for her do not seem to be changing.

Kaoru laughs after seeing Hiroko get frightened by Honey-Senpai's shout, "Boo!"

She's cute, loving and caring. Scary sometimes but-

Kaoru watches her slap Hikaru for making fun of her. His twin asks her why she doesn't slap Honey-Senpai and her response is, "He's cute."

I know she shares a secret that she is not ready to share.

~I remember when she looked at the sea; her eyes showed deepest sorrow.~

Whatever past that haunts her, she still managed to move forward and show a happy smile.

Kaoru looks down, he stops in his tracks. Looking down at his palms, asking himself, "Will I be able to cast some light onto her dark sea?"

"Should I just let go?"

Hiroko turns around and grabs onto Kaoru's hands. "You look down in the dumps!" She pouts, making a whining noise. "Come on!" She says, "Let's turn that frown upside down!" Her eyes sparkle at the thought of-- "Let's go get some ice cream!" Hiroko says with a happy grin. She turns to Honey-Senpai, still holding on to Kaoru's hand. With her left she points at the Lolita, "Show us the way to ice cream land!" Hiroko yells. The blonde nods and runs with Mori, Hikaru, Hiroko, and Kaoru running behind him.

Kaoru looks down at their hands.

"Sweaty . . " He says out loud.

Hiroko hears this and glares at him, "If you don't like my hand, then you don't have to hold it!" She yells, letting go but before her hand goes back by her side Kaoru grabs her wrist with this other hand. Hiroko stops and looks up at him.

"I'm sorry Hikaru."

Kaoru stares into Hiroko's eyes.

"But I'm not going to let her go."

*~*~* *~*~*

The alarm clock rings loudly in his ears.

"Good morning."

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