Chapter Eleven | How Hiroko Gains Her Confidence

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  With every follower, ever like, every comment, ever view, even a hate comment I gain from my secret blog, the more of a confidence boost I get. I turned the corner with books in hand. No one knows my true identity in the blog. My eye twitched, I though about the two annoying twins. I don't understand how they figured it out! I knew they were smart, but computer smart? No way. I entered the classroom and sat down on my seat by the window. (Cause all main characters sit by the window, am I right?) I set my books down the wooden desk and started out the window.

I wonder, how did they find out about my blog? I barley post anything about my own life in the internet, and to be honest, I don't have that much of a social life. Yeah I have friends, Haru and Kenta are always asking to hang out, but I always come up with some lame excuse to avoid them and just sit in my room watching anime, reading manga, making edits for my blog, or do chores and maybe even study. Maybe.

Someone tapped my shoulder, I looked behind me and it was Kenta. The blonde haired boy sits behind me in class, he's really a bother. I don't get how he gets the girls falling for him. Kenta sat on his seat purred like a cat, "Hi-ro-ko~" I raised an eyebrow, "What is it?" I asked, annoyed. I continued, "Do you not see that I am trying to stare out of the window like in a cliché anime character?!" Kenta laughed, "You weeaboo." I rubbed my temples. "Whatever." I mumbled.

Soon, Haru appeared in the classroom. Ah, do you hear that? That's right, it's the sound of plain boringness. If Haru was a spice, he would be flour. (COMMENT IF YOU KNOW THE REFERENCE!) Kenta is all fun and games while Haru is serious and boring and so I have been trying to teach him to be loose and ummm be fun?

Haru walked in front of my desk, "Hey Hiroko." I smiled and said, "Hello Haru!" As you readers- (*Author-chan glares at Hiroko* Don't you fricking dare break the fourth wall again-) I MEAN! Haru doesn't sit near me, (*smiles* Thank you.) Haru sits in the front of the class, you see, Haru's dad, mister meany butt, pushes Haru too hard, everyday he always studies, he even asks me to study with him, HA! He was suppose to be put in class 3A, but was put in 3B. When we took the exam, he missed a whole page of work so that's why he was put into this class, his dad, mister meany butt, of coarse got mad at him. Cause he's smart and all he's at the top of our class.

Our homeroom teacher walked in class and coughed to get our attention, we all faced her. "Class has started, please take your seats!" She called out attendance. "I'll let you use this time in homeroom to study for your math exam which is in the next period." Of coarse, Haru being flour, studies, while Kenta and I study, well, I study a bit while Kenta writes random things on a paper then crumple them all up and throws them at my head. "How annoying."
any of chu get de reference?
I though I could write this chapter so I could show you some of Hiroko's life outside of Ouran, ya know? What the others are like and what not. SOON, I will be writing about Hiroko's and her friends past so GET READY FOR THAT! *coughs* don't worry, im writing an ouran chapter rn-

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