No One

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"Alissa, calm down. When his parents show up, call me immediately," dad said firmly into the phone.

"I don't want to face them," my voice echoed in the empty hospital room.I could swear I could hear my tears hit the ground too.

"I will try and get ahold of your brother and if I do, he'll be by your side in no time."

"Can't you catch a flight back now?" I asked, suppressing a sob.

"If you knew anything about business, you'd know that I can't do that." He barked.

"Is mom there?" I asked.

"Your mom's sleeping back at the hotel. I told you not to worry. Now, don't worry your mom please."

Why couldn't he get it that I needed comfort? I needed somene to be here with me.

Maybe I wasn't the one hit by the car, but I fucking hit a boy and the guilt is eating me alive. It could've been worse, for sure, but that doesn't change the facts here.

"Okay dad, I'll see you next week," I said sniffling.

"Have a goodnight," he said hanging up.

"This far, we have 3 things in common," I turned to Derek when his groggy voice broke the silence in the room.

"And what could they be?" I was still waiting on his parents to arrive but I hope my brother would be here before that.

"A, we both were in a car accident putting aside the roles played. B, we go to the same school. C, we both have no one to be by our sides in a time like this," he said stirring slightly.

I bet that hospital bed is very uncomfortable
"Why don't you have someone here with you? I was dreading the moment your parents arrive," I said softly as I took a seat on the arm chair.

"My parents are in the UK, my adopted sister is sick, and if you think I'm heartless for choosing to stay here, then no. Natalie has been sick for so long now. I kept my distance and I already said my goodbyes."

"How old is she?" I asked.

"4 years old. She's been with us for 3 years now."

I searched his eyes for guilt, remorse, or anything, but saw nothing.

"How can you keep your distance from your four years old sister when she's sick?"

And that's when i saw it.

It seemed like memories were being replayed in front of his eyes. His eyes started shinning with fierce emotions, or something, then they went dull again. The replayer stopped and sucked the life out of his eyes.

"It's a long story, but I'm not a bad person. I'm saving my parents a lot of trouble."

I wanted to know more. It seemed like there was a lot more to what I can think of.

"Why isn't anyone here for you?" he asked looking me dead in the eyes.

"Dad said he'd call one of my brothers, but I'm sure none if them have the time," I said chuckling dryly.

"What do you mean don't have the time? You're their sister, shouldn't you be a priority?"

"Not to business men, I'm not." I said sheepishly.

I felt like I owed him this conversation. After all, he's in the hospital because of me.

"How many brothers do you have?"

"Aren't you curious?" I said.

"Yes," he said bluntly.

"I have 6 brothers," probably 5 now.

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