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"You should go home too, little phoenix," he said rubbing his palms against his face.

"I think I'm gonna stay a bit more," I said dismissing that suggestion.

"No, you're going home. Go over everything for tomorrow's exam again, and if you need any help just call me," he said patting my head.

"I don't want to go home, so I'm not going home," I said smiling innocently.

"Please don't make me drag you," he said smiling tiredly.

"I don't want to go home!" I whined.

"Why?" He asked frowning slightly.

"I just don't want to," I said twirling around in my place trying to relieve my body of the axniousness that was just seeping through it.

"Is something going on home?"

"Something's always happening at home," I sang.

"What's happening at the moment?"

"I don't know, it's just all my brothers are home, and that means that my parents are probably coming home. I have enough on my plate; I don't want to deal with this shit-"

"I hate this so much," he mumbled with a heavy sigh as he pulled me into a hug.


"I hate how your brothers are. I don't intend to get all sappy on you, but sometimes I wish I could just erase them from your life guessing it would spare you a lot," he said reflexively tightening his arms around me.

I stared at him from under my lashes careful not be caught staring. God, sometimes when he talked like this, all I'd want to do is pull him towards me and kiss him senselessly. Involuntarily, my eyes flickered to his lips and stayed there liking what they see as his lips moved forming words, but I was too lost in my own mind to hear him.

I shouldn't be thinking like this! Marcus and I are JUST friends, for real. He's my best friend, not some guy I can toy with.

"-but you can't let them be in your way. You've got to go home anytime without worrying about encountering them, for it is not a prison."

"I'm not going."

"Yes, you are- whatever it takes."

"Come with me?" I asked smiling sweetly.

"I've got to study-"

"I won't fool around, I promise! We'll study all you want!"

"Little phoenix, are you sure? These are finals; no joke,"

"Yes, I'm sure!"

"Okay, fine, let's go- I'll just check on Rebekah and Derek first."

"You're the best!" I squeaked hugging him tighter.

"I know, I know," he said chuckling.

We then found our way towards Derek's room, all the way my heart pounding frantically. I was worried, honestly, sick about him even though it was just a fight. Getting beat up twice isn't reassuring on so many levels, but once my eyes landed on him when Marcus pushed the door open for me, I calmed down a bit and felt my racing heart freeze over again.

"How many times do you plan on coming to the hospital; I don't think I'll ever get used to the smell," I joked breathing out a sigh of relief.

"You know you like checking my ass while I'm in this dress," he teased, but I could see it in his eyes as they bore in to mine.

He's alright now.

"Well, no one asked you to come in the first place," Rebekah snarled.

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