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"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that someone so special is nestled in Alissa's heart, and I don't think there's space in her heart for someone else. I also believe that if it ever comes down to that, she'll always choose this person over everyone- god knows she would've chose him over Dylan. My point is, don't break your heart over her for it still wouldn't scratch hers- it's just the wall around her heart are indestructible, Derek."


"Is it Asher?" I asked feeling the words acid on my tongue.

"Asher had intended to break her heart harshly, but he couldn't. Apparently, he wasn't the one-"

"Will you stop talking riddles and tell me his name!" I snapped frustrated.

"It's not my place to call out names, but just know she seeks happiness in the wrong places," he sighed.

"What happened to him? Where is he?"

Maybe something happened to him, and that's why Alissa is ever so dramatic; she lost someone and that made her appreciate and react to the little things.

I found myself wondering about him and not feeling envious of him. I found myself wishing him the best of luck for he makes Alissa happy, and if I envy him then I only envy him for one thing, he secured himself a hammock in her heart.

"I cannot give you details since it's not my story to tell, but, Derek, stay away from Alissa for she is a ticking bomb waiting to explode."

"Can you not hear yourself?"

"Excuse me?"

"You're doing your best trying to push me away when you know damn well how much she cares for me! What is wrong with you? Do you, like, hate her?" I roared.

"Lower your voice-"

"Don't tell me what to do, god damn it!" I snapped slamming my palm down on the desk.


"Do you hate your sister? Answer me!" I roared once more.


"Then, what is wrong with you?" I yelled slightly defeated.

"She seeks happiness with you- or in you, I don't know, but I can see it in your eyes- something, a secret or a lie, that something that has you running. I can see it in your eyes; you'll eventually leave, leaving smaller bits of the bits she already is."

Holly fucking Jesus.

"What you see in my eyes is longing to see my family. I haven't seen them in eons, but you know, you wouldn't recognize it because you don't care about your family," I said lowly.

"I may not recognize longing for family, but I do recognize fear, that's all I can see in your eyes now, Derek. I'm not suggesting you stay away from Alissa, I'm only telling you not to fall in love with her because then I'll have to find out the truth and expose it to her which I really don't want to do for the family business had already suffered enough because of Alissa's choice in boys."

"You are monstrous, all of you," I breathed out.

"We live in a world full of them, Derek."

"I only came here to tell Alissa that I'm back with my girlfriend, however, I'd like for you to not tell her so I could do it myself. I'm sorry to waste your time."


"I'll find my way to the door, thank you very much," I said hurriedly.

Alissa can't know about my secret- no one can. Once it's out, I wouldn't be able to lock it away except by moving some place new. Then-

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