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"Why did you storm out like that?" Tris asked walking through the classroom door.

"I wasn't in the mood for this shit," I mumbled pushing myself off the locker.

"Well, next time you're storming out give me a heads up; so I could storm out too. I had to hear not the end of it about bad influencing friends!"

"Jesus Christ, I hate that teacher."

I could hear the venom in my voice, I swear.

He wasn't fond of me for something very stupid, irrelevant to me and unjust. He used to have a son, Garry. At some point of his high school life, he was an A student, perfect jock, great loving kid, by at an alternating point, he did drugs, grades went down, kicked out of the football team, got his parents divorced. He didn't die of an overdose, no, he had been on too much to remember the word sanity as he jumped in front of a speeding truck trying to jump on while it was moving. The whole thing was on tape and somehow the stupid teacher thinks I had a part in it, Which is absurd. The principal threatened to fire him when he heard about the verbal harassment he put me through every now and then but he just didn't care. He plans on tormenting me till his last day as a teacher.

"Alissa, don't zone off like that," Tris instructed pushing me away from an open door.

"Do you wanna skip school?" I asked whining.

"Alexis would stab my dick with a fork."

"You guys are back together?" I asked.

"We never were not together," he said giving my a childish pointed look.

"Oh really?" I asked fighting back a smile.

"Okay fine, we did take a break and right now I don't know where I stand with her, and it's really complicated that I don't get it myself. Whenever I bring the topic up, Alexis drags me into a dark room and fucks the life out of me and then tells me that's where you stand and I'm mean, that's standing at the tip of a pit of moving sand. Do I take a step back or Do I stay in my place? I don't know what to do anymore," he said looking troubled as hell. He looks like Alexis just told him she's pregnant with his baby and she's keeping it.

He is so in love with her that sometimes I envied her. I can't wait for the day for someone to love me like that, unconditionally.

"You know I'm no expert in these sort of things, but I know risk, and I know love. They both hurt, so much, but it's worth it," I said putting my hands on his shoulders.

"I don't know," he said sighing.

"You deserve to be happy, and if Alexis makes you happy then go for it because YOU DESERVE IT, Tris," I said slowly emphasizing my last words.

I don't think Love is worth it. I think that love is meant to be written on pages off an imagination, not real life. Because let's face it, love sucks. Having a weakness such as love sucks. Giving someone such authority to kill you on the inside is a BIG ass mistake that people should stop doing.
Isn't it weird that fairy tales end just when the lovers unite? They don't write about the crap that comes after.

I don't read books because I'm looking for a fairy tale in them, I just like the memories that surface in my mind when I read them. Memories of my beautiful disaster.

If only he wasn't linked to Asher.

"Ali, you keep zoning off, is everything okay?" He asked.

"Yes," I said breathing out a sigh.

"Is it Derek that's consuming your thoughts?" He asked putting a hand on his forehead dramatically.

"We're just friends," I said rolling my eyes.

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