Break up

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"Can you imagine how horrific it was!" Alexis wailed.

"Alex, calm down, alright!"

"Calm down?! He fucking sat me down just so he could tell me that he's freaking happy with his girlfriend, and that I should move on too because he's worried about me still holding onto some kind of hope that this is all a joke! Alissa, I can't believe he did that!" She yelled sobs racking her body.

"I have to admit, that was a shitty thing to do," I said, a million thoughts running through my mind because for the life of me I couldn't fathom how or why Triss would do that.

"That's all I could think about while taking the damn test- I wouldn't be surprised if they found a few curse words in my writing. I'm that mad!"

"I'll deal with it," I said hugging her tightly.

"No! I just want to forget he ever happened! Heck, I'm ready to sleep on the streets just so I don't see his face again! Some kind of hope- can you believe he fucking said that to my face!"

"Come on, we'll go back to my place-"

"No, no, go see Derek first. I'll go home, take a nap, and I'll come when the sun sets down," she said helplessly pulling away.

"Derek can wait-"

"Just go. Whether you come with me or not, I'm still going to nap so just make use of the time."

"Are you sure?"


"Call me before you leave yours," I called as I headed towards my car.

"Sure," I heard her call back before I slipped behind the large Jeep parked next to my Impala.

"You know," a voice started startling me.

"Jesus!" I said tossing my water bottle at the speaker out of reflex.


"You scared the daylights out of me!" I said putting a hand on my chest.

"Sorry," he mumbled chuckling slightly.

I took a moment to look at him but looked away harshly. The bruises and the cuts made me want to puke my guts out.

"I look that terrible?" He asked  humoursly, yet I could detect a sliver of vulnerability in his voice.

"I just wish I could do something about it!" I let out frustrated.

"Let's not talk about this right now," he whispered.

"I'm just glad you're okay," I whispered back before I jumped into his arms.

He only tightened his arms around me in response. I felt safe in his arms; a feeling that, I hadn't realized, all along I haven't been feeling.


"Where's Rebekah?" I asked pulling away slightly.

"I don't care," he said breathlessly before he cupped ny face and slammed his lips onto mine.

"What are you doing!" I yelled pushing him back for some odd reason- pushing him back because someone else popped up in my mind.

"Kissing you-"

"You have a girlfriend!"

And when has that ever stopped you, Alissa?  

"I'll break up with her right this second-"


No because I tasted it on his lips and smelt it on his breath. He was intoxicated, and I wouldn't let him break up with her-

Who was I feeding those lies too? Myself? It's not like my subconscious, and I don't know who popped up in my mind.

Yeah, well he shouldn't have!  


"Why are you drinking?" I asked locking my arms around his neck hesitantly as my thumb traced over the scar on his neck. The scar; a constant reminder that I'm dangerous. This scar along the scars on my arm are enough proof of that.

He is a mystery that makes me run in circles, and this is just another circle that I'd be running around.

"I should probably go home," he said making a move to pull away.

"Derek, talk to me," I whispered looking him in the eyes.

"I'm drinking because I've got shit going on in my life right now-"

"Is it-"

"My life is too complicated past some high school grudge and beat up!"

"What's wrong then?"

"It's my- Nothing. Just go home!"

"If you don't want to tell me, then fine! Just let me take you home."

"Rebekah is waiting for me."

At the mention of her name, cold ice swept into my veins.

"See you later then. You can come by with Marcus if you'd like," I said sweetly, knowing quite well that he's eventually bound to get jealous of Marcus, only to have him narrow his eyes at me.

I kinda hate the drunk Derek.

Letting out a sigh, I slipped into my car not wanting anything more than to be in my bed's embrace right now.

I leaned back about to dump my bag in the back seat, and I wasn't ready for what I found. The orange color of a pillbottle blurred my vision as horrific memories washed into my mind like a tsunami.

"I just need one!"


"I can't do without them!"

"You can!"

"I can't, believe me, I've tried, and I can't!"

"Try harder!"

"If addictions were solved this easily, I would've tried harder and harder- but they don't, so just give me back my pillbottle-"

"You're not addicted!"

"It's been kind of hard coming to terms with it, but I kind of am. Now give me the damn bottle!"

"Aly, you're only addicted if you convince yourself that you are-"

"You don't get it- I'm in a little deeper than that!"   

I snapped out of my daze before those memories got even uglier. That is a chapter of my life I want to forget about. Heck, I want to forget a lot about my 16 years of life.

Having enough of my pitiful memories, I started up the car, and within minutes, I was standing- gazing at the looming hell that I call my 'home'.

"Hey there," Lilak said coming out of the bushes.

I couldn't find the energy in me to get the day lights scared out of me- if that makes any sense.

"What are you up to behind that bush?"

"Will dropped 'a crucial, more important than my life' key, and I'm looking for it before he loses his shit," he said diving into the bush once more.

"Well, good luck with that. Just make sure it's not on his desk- per usual."

"Yes! Why didn't I think of that before now!" He yelled poking his head out.

"Yeah, yeah, you're welcome."



Double update as an apology for such a late update

Love you guyss


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