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I woke up to the sound of a siren blaring- scratch that, a siren raping my ear. I pried my eyes open even though I'm not keen on the sun blinding me for a few seconds. I was cranked up on top of Derek in the back seat of my mini cooper. Is that enough to describe how uncomfortable the night was?

"Miss," an officer said making me jump a little.

"Hi," I whispered awkwardly sitting up.

He probably thinks we're some sex crazed teens who pulled over to have some quickies.

"What are you doing, Miss?" He asked eyeing us. Yep, those judgmental eyes.

My eyes dashing towards my watch, I hurriedly explained what happened but carefully left out the fact that I was driving for I don't want to get arrested, I couldn't, but that doesn't matter. It was 6:30 and we needed to make it back in time for Derek's calculus test. He couldn't miss it because unlike me, Derek had to take the test to get the grades.

"Who was driving, miss?"


"A guy we met in front of a bar, but he ditched us and walked back home," Derek answered, his chest vibrating beneath me.

p.s. I love this position.

"Well, are you kids alright?" he asked cracking a small smile.

"Yes," Derek answered sitting up.

"But we do need to get back in time for a calculus test," I said shifting slightly on Derek's lap but his hands clasped onto my waist and stopped me from anymore shifting.

"I think a test is the least of your concerns, miss."

"No, you don't get it, he has to take that test!"

If he doesn't take that test, he'd most probably fail Calculus because lets face it- Derek isn't the genius, and he might be held back if our principal was true to his words.

"Alright, I'll call a towing truck. Now, please get out of your vehicle and get in the back seat of mine. What time is your test?" He asked straightening up.

"Exactly 8," Derek said getting out of the car before extending for me a helping hand.

"What town are you kids from?"


"We should make it in time then," he said after murmuring in his radio or walkie talkie or whatever it is he uses to communicate with others.

Derek took a hold of my hand and towed me towards the officer's car. I tried not to dwell over the fact that we're holding hands like a girl in love with the boy next door for I could have any guy I want and have him wrapped around my pinky and Derek Grey Lockwood wasn't going to be the one to have an affect on me.

"What happened last night," I started but paused for a second when he glared at me.

"A mistake?" He asked and I swear I could almost see steam blowing out of his ears.

A mistake? Did he not know how much it means to me? Does he not know just how much I want him? He obviously has no idea, not the slightest, about how much I want him. He's got no idea how much I crave his attention, company, lips and touch just like you crave oxygen when you're diving. He's got no idea and maybe that's because he's too naive.

"It's not a mistake! Don't ever think that! But it shouldn't happen again, alright? From now on, you stay at your place and I'll stay at my place. We're strictly friends.-"

"I don't want to be just friends," he snapped.

"Derek what we have here, I don't want to risk it- ever. I wouldn't even trade it for the world, and that's why we have to be just friends!" I exclaimed with a scoff.

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