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I wanted to yell at the top of my lungs, punch and scream at someone.

Why had he sat there and let all these guys snicker at me because of a rumor? For Rebekah? He can't just not care because these rumors are about him too! He can't just not care because he fucking said he did!

"I told them off," Marcus said halting to a stop next to me as I stared at Dylan's locker.

They hadn't given this locker to anyone since Dylan disappeared before he officially signed it off, and I guess that's one thing that went right.

"Thank you," I said taking my eyes off that grim locker and settling them on him.


"Let me guess, Rebekah believes that I threw myself over him, and him, being her knight in shinning armor, pushed me away, and that's why I came to school, spread the 'rumor' and pretended to be the victim. Sounds about right?"

"Of course not-"

"Tell me the truth."

"Okay, maybe she does-" I twisted my neck to give him my 'stop bullshitting' look, "- she absolutely does."

"Okay! Somebody's got to slap that bitch out of the chick flick movie she lost herself in and back to reality!"

"Or; or you just talk to her. Since you started sitting at our table, you never had an actual conversation with Rebekah, and she thinks it's because of Derek in some sort of twisted way, because that's how much she's obsessed with him, I think talking to her would clear the air."

"Or I could slap her till she realizes that not everyone's obsessed with Derek's dick," I chimed.

"That's a great idea, but talking would be much better," he cooed as if I was a toddler.


"Alissa, please."

"Okay, fine! But if she starts bitching, I will bring her down," I said narrowing my eyes to slits.

"I have no doubt that you will, just don't punch the boobs unless I'm there to witness it," he said ruffling up my hair.

"What class does she have now?" I asked checking my watch.

"Biology, I guess," he said subconsciously scratching his subtle- something he did when he wasn't sure, and I found it completely adorable.

"Come with me?" I pleaded pulling my puppy eyes.

"I have football practice, and coach is breathing down my neck- no, I'll walk you. Come on-"

"Okay, see you later," I said turning on my heels before I started walking down the hall.

"I can walk with you, little phoenix," he called.

"Go to practice, teddy bear!"

"Teddy bear?" I turned around to see him frown.

"Yep, testing names," I said popping the P as students started piling out of classes and the cafeteria.

"I like it!" I heard him call before I turned into another hallway.

I let out a sigh as I tried to fight a smile. He's something else, and I tend to like unique things.

You see, the person oneself always seeks is the wrong choice, for oneself is selfish and impulsive, and the ones that are good, kind and nice to you are the ones oneself rejects. My point is between Dave and Derek, I chose Derek when all he's done till now is mess things up while Dave has been nothing but nice to me. Between Dave and Marcus, I like Marcus who doesn't have feelings for me while Dave is there. What's annoying about all of this, is that it's not what the heart wants, it's not.

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