Maniac Robot

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Just the sight of them hunched over their papers, even on the dinner table, made me want to throw a vase at someone. They're like real life robots. They eat whatever is served for them. They drink the same drink All day everyday. They're always working never taking a break. Heck if you call them, they won't answer. They answer only to the maniac robot sitting at the head of the table. 

My dear dad, Wess Kai.

"Robots," I greeted with a nod pulling  a chair out for Derek.

"Thanks," He whispered slumping into the seat with a groan.

I took the seat next to him as I waved for Kristen to serve us.   

"Do you want something specific?" I asked.

"I'm all good," he said averting his wandering eyes from my family to give me a smile.

His voice was a mere whisper but on this table, the sound of your breathing is considered noise. 

"So Derek, how is Ali treating you?" mom asked trying to hide her smile.

We both know conversation isn't appealing to the fuck faces dinning with us.

"Like some sort of king," he said smiling widely. 

"How come we've never seen you before?" Mom asked despite Anthony huffing.

"I moved here just before school started. Guessing you're curious, I don't live with my parents. They're in the UK."

"Where do you live then?"

"A frat house close to the school, but Alissa won't let me stay there."

"Oh please, don't call that a frat house-"

"The feather, yeah," he said chuckling. 

I couldn't help but look at him. Scratch that, gaze at him. No that doesn't begin describe it, I couldn't help but stare at him. He wasn't the sexiest or the hottest, but he's attractive as hell. His lips may be non existent but I can't help but lust after their taste and feel on my lips. 

"Do you have a job?" Dad asked suddenly. Well that was a first; my dad speaking during dinner.

"Dad, if you're going to talk just to pry for answers that don't concern you, then your papers need your attention more than we want it," I said slowly.

"It's alright," he said, that gorgeous smile not leaving his face.


"I do have a job. I'm a music tutor." 

I closed my mouth and stared at him. He's a music tutor? Why hadn't he told me yesterday?

"Really?" Mom asked peaking at William, hoping that would catch his interest. He used to be obsessed with music instruments. He was really good. But of course William just kept scribbling on his sheets.

Derek sure knows how to impress.

"I give private lessons for 23 different instruments and vocals."

"Impressive," I whispered under my breath.

"Thank you," he said turning to me.

His eyes were glinting. I guess someone likes to be impressive.

"You didn't mention that, when you talked about yourself yesterday." 

"If I had you wouldn't be surprised right now."

"..Okay," I said confused.

"If you look this gorgeous surprised, then I'm gonna surprise you hella lot more," he muttered in a rush.

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